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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Introduction » avec la valeur « If a machine is set up with an EL6070 Licence Slice, the PLC can be swapped freely and the TwinCAT licence remains on the slice in the machine ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 64 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (200 précédentes | 200 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

    • Upgrading Autoflow TwinCAT2 to Win10 and TwinCAT3  + (<div class="annotatedImageDiv" typeof="
      Beckhoff C6015.jpg
      Autoflows from A2001 to A2015 were initially produced with TwinCAT2 software. This has now been superseded with TwinCAT3 which then has the benefit of compatibility with version 6 front end software.

      The original PC cannot be used because

      *It is not powerful enough to run v6 front end
      *The operating system cannot be upgraded to Windows 10
      *It cannot be upgraded to TwinCAT3

      The Beckhoff C6015 PC has been chosen to be the replacement PC. It is compact, yet powerful enough to run the v6 front end and TwinCAT in the same
      . It has an upgrade to 1.9Ghz 4 core processor.

      Because it has a limited 40Gb SSD memory, a compact 64Gb memory stick is inserted into the USB 3.0 port. This acts as a separate drive for the DDRIVE dynamic storage for all machine setup. The internat drive is for the Operating System only. This mimics the current Autoflow setup of a remote Camera PC, hence the camera PC can be retired after the upgrade
      era PC, hence the camera PC can be retired after the upgrade<br/>)
    • Autoflow Maintenance - Gripper  + (<nowiki>The following preventative mThe following preventative maintenance tasks should be carried out regularly on the machine. The frequency depends on the machine use, but as a guide:

      2-3 Shifts        Weekly
      40 Hrs/Week Bi-Weekly
      20 Hrs/Week Monthly
      i-Weekly<br />20 Hrs/Week Monthly</pre></div></nowiki>)
    • Autoflow Maintenance - Infeed  + (<nowiki>The following preventative mThe following preventative maintenance tasks should be carried out regularly on the machine. The frequency depends on the machine use, but as a guide:

      2-3 Shifts        Weekly
      40 Hrs/Week Bi-Weekly
      20 Hrs/Week Monthly

      kly<br />20 Hrs/Week Monthly</pre></div><br/></nowiki>)
    • R0015095 Bench Assemble Infeed Support Arms  + ('''<u>Tools Required</u>''' '''Tools Required''' Standard hex key set Standard tap sete Setting jigs '''Parts required''' B0001170 Spacer 180 off B0001155 open rail 18 off D0015553 Transfer Support arm R/H (right to left machine ) OR D0015552 Transfer Support Arm L/H ( Left to Right machine) D0015554 x 18 M8 x 20 button hex fastener x 18 M5 x 25 socket cap x 180 M5 A form washer x 180ex fastener x 18 M5 x 25 socket cap x 180 M5 A form washer x 180)
    • R0015250 Bench Assemble Support Arms  + ('''<u>Tools Required</u>''' S'''Tools Required''' Standard hex key set Standard tap sete Setting jigs '''Parts required''' B0001170 Spacer 180 off B0001155 open rail 18 off D0015552 Transfer Support arm R/H (right to left machine ) OR D0015553 Transfer Support Arm L/H ( Left to Right machine) D0015554 x 18 Transfer Support Arm L/H ( Left to Right machine) D0015554 x 18)
    • Stuertz Infeed - Freeing Roller under Gripper Arm  + ('''Applies to: A2026-A2030 Autoflow Mk4 wi'''Applies to: A2026-A2030 Autoflow Mk4 with Jetta Locking motors''' In certain circumstances, the forward clamp roller arm has stuck itself under the gripper arm. Freeing from this situation requires a set process because the GZ axis motor is braked and probably in an overload condition
      ...You need to be confident in using TwinCAT on the VM machine to navigate to settings

      nfident in using TwinCAT on the VM machine to navigate to settings</div> </div><br/>)
    • DM - Updating Resources  + (<div class="icon-instructions caution-i
      ...This procedure is now obsolete - it is kept for historical purposes only
      All information provided to the service engineers on Device Magic can all be linked to a single Excel document. This document provides all customer names, machine numbers, emails and employee information. Linking this document with Device Magic provides fields that make it easier for engineers to fill out the form.
      This document must only be used internally at Stuga and not be sent to engineers or customers in coordination with Data Protection standards.

      used internally at Stuga and not be sent to engineers or customers in coordination with Data Protection standards.</div> </div><br/>)
    • OBSOLETE Installing SourceTree Version Control Software  + (<div class="icon-instructions caution-i
      ...March 2022 - Sourcetree changed the password specification making this process obsolete as the internal source control on Visual Studio can now be used
      Use this [ link] From Jan 2020, Sourcetree will be increasingly used to properly maintain changes to the Stuga source code. Each machine with TwinCAT3 will need the Sourcetree program installed, and a change to where and how the source code is stored This tutorial deals with installing the Sourcetree program from Atlassian
      code is stored This tutorial deals with installing the Sourcetree program from Atlassian)
    • R0015338 Bench Assemble Serial Plate  + (<u>'''Tools Required'''</u> Serial plate stamping jig Large Alphabetic and Numerical stamps Correct machine build data <u>'''Parts Required'''</u> D0000086B Universal Serial Number Plate (UKCA) x 1 <br/>)
    • TB0444 Renewing CF Card on TwinCAT2 Systems  + (<u>Problem</u> These machinesProblem These machines use a CX5020 PC with a 2Gb CF card running TwinCAT2 PLC system. The CF card can fail, which is effectively the windows operating system. The CF card has a very small capacity, so needs to be created from an image. This TB outlines the steps in the process to ensure a successful conclusion. 1.      Create a new CF card at stuga using the beckhoff imaging tool on a CX5020 2.      Boot up with the CX5020 3.      Ensure PLC is set to Enable on start-up (default is config mode) 4.      Rename the PC 5.      Install TeamViewer host v10 or less from a USB stick 6.      If you have a copy of the version of winMulti it was running, copy this in to the c:\ multi folder. If not, a “'''''new version install'''''” will be needed so copy in data from the g:\builds\PC Installs\Autoflow\Multi folder 7.      Set up and customer specific network parameters to ensure TeamViewer will work when it is plugged in on site 8.      Send to customer Once on site, follow procedure A if the winMulti version is preserved, or B if it is a '''''new version install'''''eserved, or B if it is a '''''new version install''''')
    • Monday - Getting Started For Engineers  + (==Why Change?== *mHelpdesk limitations **==Why Change?== *mHelpdesk limitations **Cludgy to use **Slow response **Cannot connect to other apps or emails *Monday advantages **Easier and more elegant to use **More configurable **easy to email into **Better searching **Expandable to whole business **Cheaper ==Similarities to mHELPDESK== *Monday consists of a set of user definable “Boards” that contain a list of “Pulses”. *The “pulses” can be configured however we like. *I have created a “Board” called “Service Jobs” *On the Service Jobs Board, I have designed the “Pulses” to mimic the service jobs, so this will include the machine, the status, the type classification, etc *Any pulse has associated “Updates”. These are just like the “items” on an mHelpDesk job, but is much more flexible than the plain text of mHelpdesk *The service team will assign jobs as before *The job should be updated by yourself during your visit *The database of jobs is searchable so you can find the machine history
      so you can find the machine history <br/>)
    • TB0436 Creating a Backup Through WinMulti  + (A backup zip folder of all necessary files can be created in WinMulti. By pressing the backup button (F11) and navigating to the backup’s folder (C:\multi\backup) a machine backup will be created.)
    • Setting up TwinCAT Drive Manager for AX8000 Drives  + (AX8000 drives require a Measurement projecAX8000 drives require a Measurement project to be added which gives you a specialised drive manager screen for these drives This needs to be installed separately form a file that can be downloaded from Beckhoff or is in g:\design\TwinCAt3 TE5950-TC3-Drive-Manager-2.zipn\TwinCAt3
    • Saje uPVC Unloading Process  + (Access for machinery is limited at the SajAccess for machinery is limited at the Saje factory. The machine will be delivered in the following modules, that should be unloaded from the lorry in this order #Electrical Cabinet #Machining centre base module (1.8 x 2.2m) #Infeed module (2.4 x 9.0m)
      x 2.2m) #Infeed module (2.4 x 9.0m) <br/>)
    • Correcting Linearity with Rack Offset File  + (Accuracy problem on A2001 was traced to a Accuracy problem on A2001 was traced to a non-linear rack. This tutorial demonstrates how to test the linearity of a rack and the systems in place to correct the linearity.
      Modifying the linearity of a rack is a very complex and sensitive issue. You must be absolutely certain that there is a case for linearity with REPEATED tests that produce the same result. It is far more likely that accuracy problems are cause by other mechanical issues. This is the only machine in the 20 year history that has needed these alterations
      machine in the 20 year history that has needed these alterations</div> </div>)
    • ZX5 Production R0015040 Module F to R0015001B Module E alignment  + (Alignment criteria and steps for correct machine installation)
    • VM Upgrade Software  + (As an alternative to having a separate camera PC. Adding a VM (Virtual Machine) to the Front end allows access to the BE and cameras without interrupting the operator.)
    • Placing a TwinCAT3 Machine Under Source Control  + (<div class="icon-instructions caution-i
      ...Note - This dokit is now obsolete - the sourcetree system has been replaced by the internal one in TcXAEShell
      Click [ here] for the latest procedure For many years, the source code for the PLCs has resided on the G:\drive and then a copy on each and every one of the PCs used to edit the code, so at least one on each machine. This is a recipe for disaster because maintaining all the copies and version numbers is incredibly difficult and adds a lot of time overhead to fixes and changes. This has worked because there has been only one developer, but this is set to change in future as more programmers will be trained and tracking versions becomes more difficult From 2020, the PLC code version control has been improved by using an industry standard source control system called "Git" along with "BitBucket" to store the PLC code in the cloud. The program "SourceTree" is used to commit, push and pull the changes [ Click here] for an introduction to version control using Git This tutorial is a step by step guide to setting up an existing machine or diagnostic PC to a standard uses on all Stuga machines to enable quick, easy and stress free version control.
      standard uses on all Stuga machines to enable quick, easy and stress free version control.)
    • Upgrading Project File on TwinCAT2 System  + (How to upgrade the .pro file (project) on How to upgrade the .pro file (project) on a Beckhoff TwinCAT2 system
      ...TwinCAT2 was used on Early Autoflows and ZX3/4 machines before the adoption of TwinCAT3. Instead of a Visual Studio interface, it uses a program called "TwinCAT PLC Control" to download the PLC project

      ram called "TwinCAT PLC Control" to download the PLC project</div> </div><br/>)
    • Full Version Upgrade TwinCAT3 WinMulti  + (If a PC fails on a machine in the field anIf a PC fails on a machine in the field and the hard drive data cannot be recovered, it is necessary to replace the PC. This may create a version conflict, as the new PC will have later versions of twinCAT installed than the original This tutorial outlines the steps required to bring all the machine systems up to the latest level to ensure compatibility
      ...This is a one-way process that cannot be reversed

      ions-text">...This is a one-way process that cannot be reversed</div> </div><br/>)
    • Hotswap Beckhoff PLC with Licence Slice Installed  +
    • Disabling a Tool Home or Tool Out Sensor  + (If there is a failure of a tool out or tooIf there is a failure of a tool out or tool home sensor on the Stuga spindle ring, it is important to be able to quickly disable the input so the machine can continue production until the problem can be properly resolved. The software has an inbuilt functionality to do this - this tutorial takes you through the necessary stepsrial takes you through the necessary steps)
    • Create a TwinCAT Project from Existing Project  + (If you are confident and proficient in usiIf you are confident and proficient in using the Visual Studio editor to create TwinCAT projects, you can shortcut a lot of the data inputting by copying and modifying an existing project. This will keep the naming conventions and links exactly the same
      ...This should only be attempted if the machine has exactly the same EtherCAT box, drive and module setup

      ne has exactly the same EtherCAT box, drive and module setup</div> </div><br/>)
    • Changing Version Control to Visual Studio  + (In March 2022 the password policy of the sIn March 2022 the password policy of the system behind SourceTree / Bitbucket and Atlassian changed - [ link]. This meant all machine would need a complex password login change for the SourceTree program used for version control of the PLC code. This was not straight-forward to resolve, so the decision was made to change the version control system to the one that is packaged with the Visual Studio system by default. This is a better method anyway, but it needs the "TcXaeShell" installed.
      ...The TcXaeShell is simply a newer version of Visual Studio that includes Source control, rebadged for TwinCAT3
      Visual Studio that includes Source control, rebadged for TwinCAT3</div> </div>)
    • TB450 - CMOS Battery replacement  + (Internal CMOS batteries are used in PCs toInternal CMOS batteries are used in PCs to keep a constant power supply to BIOS memory while the main power supply is switched off. These batteries should last up to 5 years when a PC has been left idle. Sometimes these batteries can fall flat before this time either due to being low when sent out or extended use on older machines. The main symptom of a CMOS battery faulting on a Stuga machine is the PC not booting up when mains power is switched on which will be indicated by a “No Signal Detected” message being displayed on the screen. This is due to the BIOS setting “Restore AC Power Loss” going back to its default value of OFF due to the battery faulting. Restoring the BIOS to its original settings is a temporary fix in this situation as it is most likely this will happen again a couple of months down the line (See TB 376 or 213). The battery required is a '''CR2032'''. In the case of the Antec PC, and most commonly, the battery is held in an open housing that can be pushed to release and easily replaced. In PCs such as the Acer Revo the battery needs to be pre-wired with a plug but still easily unclipped and replacedug but still easily unclipped and replaced)
    • Monday - Putting Customer Machines On Stop  + (It is important that everyone does this thIt is important that everyone does this the same way or confusion and frustration will follow. It is also important to understand how the relationship between a Machine and it’s contract works * Each machine on the “Machine” board needs to link to a “Contract” on the “Service Contracts” board * This allows multiple Machines to have the same “Contract” – eg Customade group contract * The “Contract” is the electronic version or equivalent to the bit of paper that the customer has signed, and contains the start and end dates, etc * For machines that have no contract, I have set up some other “General” contract types. These General Types are not machine specific – ** PAYG – General Pay as you go ** OnStop – Customer is on stop and nothing should be supplied ** AskFirst – Ask KG or management first before supplying goods and services ** Proforma – Payment required before supply of goods and services ** PreDelivery – Before warranty startses ** PreDelivery – Before warranty starts)
    • Stuertz Infeed - Check GY Position Parallelism  + (It is important that the parallelism of thIt is important that the parallelism of the GY axis to the backfence is set and maintained along the length of the rack. This tutorial describes how to check this parallelism without the need for measuring equipment Potential Symptoms of a problem *Gripper cannot pick up offcuts *Gripper /profile end forced away from backfence *Accuracy problems *Gripper wobbles after it has released profile Use the laptop to enable you to control the Service screen whilst inside the infeed table
      ...You will be inside the danger area of the machine - ensure operators are aware of your situation
      Ther gripper setting jig is used to give an accurate and reliable zero to locate the gripper jaw to. Any piece of aluminium reinforcing box section will also work Create a spreadsheet or a table to log your results,.
      ng box section will also work Create a spreadsheet or a table to log your results,. <br/>)
    • Autocut Piece Jammed  + (Let's say a small piece has become wedged Let's say a small piece has become wedged between the eject table and the outfeed table frame.
      ...Do not try to reach into the machine until it is safe to do so - Press ESTOP

      ach into the machine until it is safe to do so - Press ESTOP</div> </div><br/>)
    • Updating Teamviewer Host  + (Older versions of Teamviewer are being phaOlder versions of Teamviewer are being phased out by the Teamviewer company from September 15th 2021. The advice on the website suggests you need to upgrade to version 15. However, v15 is not compatible with the older Windows XP machines in the field. The latest XP compatible downloadable version of the Host program is 13.2 and is available [ here] Regrettably, the update process on older versions is not simple, and frustratingly cannot be done remotely. It needs intervention from an operator at the machine with a small amount of technical know-how with a small amount of technical know-how)
    • Move SR Datum Sensor to Higher Level R0019217  + (On a Mk4 Autoflow, The SR axis daum sensorOn a Mk4 Autoflow, The SR axis daum sensor is originally located at the rear and to the base of the SR axis. This area is prone to offcuts, so a new location has been designed at the top, with the following design parameters *Easy to retrofit *Sensor is protected in a case *Short distance to connection box *Uses existing mounting holes *Easy to adjust and maintain *Sensing end location should be vertical onto a plate, not horizontal on to a radiused surface *Can use E0000336 2mm range sensor reliably *Incorporate a front fence to help deflect offcuts down the chute and to protect the sensor The parts are supplied in Kit R0019217B
      ...In November 23, a second iteration of the design was released using metal parts and a side fence to improve robustness (R0019217B)

      ...The pictures and models illustrated here are from a Right to Left feed machine. Parts are unhanded so can be fitted to either hand machine

      illustrated here are from a Right to Left feed machine. Parts are unhanded so can be fitted to either hand machine</div> </div><br/>)
    • CX5120 Replacement  + (Replacement of Beckhoff CX5120 Skill LevReplacement of Beckhoff CX5120 Skill Level: Experience with Twincat & Visual Studio
      ...Don’t Switch CF cards around. Keep them in the CX5120’s they came with.
      n’t Switch CF cards around. Keep them in the CX5120’s they came with.</div> </div>)
    • 500mm Saw Blade Upgrade  + (Step by step guide of how to carry out theStep by step guide of how to carry out the 400mm to 500mm saw blade upgrade including long reach clamps. Time to complete is very dependant on condition of the machine, ie rusted or rounded off bolts which may need to be drilled out and holes re-tapped. Replace all screws with Loctite except grub screws on taper lock pulleys, grub screws for shafts on clamp pads and slit strip retaining screws or where a locking nut is used on cylinder a locking nut is used on cylinder rods.)
    • Guide to Fitting Eject Push Sensors on ZX Machines  + (The Eject Push bar on the Saw Outfeed on tThe Eject Push bar on the Saw Outfeed on the ZX machines does not have sensors fitted to monitor the position of the cylinders. This causes an issue when the bar is obstructed and either does not fully extend or not fully extract. The cycle is not aware of the position of the cylinders and the machine will continue to run, often resulting in a collision. Not having sensors fitted also means that the Eject Push cycle is run via a timer. However, using a timer means that the system does not know the actual position of the cylinders. Having sensors fitted to the cylinders will allow us to have a cycle that monitors the position of the cylinders and we can determine the cycle has finished before allowing another operation to proceed. We can also use the sensors as feedback to stop the machine if the cycle fails. This will result in fewer collisions and damage to parts or products.
      s and damage to parts or products. <br/>)
    • Beckhoff AX8000 Flowline Upgrade  + (The Flowline range (Mk3, ZX3, ZX4) are StuThe Flowline range (Mk3, ZX3, ZX4) are Stuga built and designed machines for prepping and cutting uPVC windows and doors. The Flowline is the first machine of the Stuga 'U' shaped machines which has prepping and cutting working in the same machine package. The Flowline is still a fantastic machine for the industry, however, due to the age of the machines and older control systems becoming obsolescent, we have had to find an upgrade route that does not only keep the machine going, but also provides improvements from the original model and up-to-date technology to future proof the machine. The upgrade that we have developed for the Flowline is supplied from an automation supplier named Beckhoff. We also use Beckhoff on our new build machines. This gives us better lead times, more understanding of the products and better diagnostics/ support for our customers. The drive system that we use is called the AX8000 series. These drives are a compact multi axis servo system that use an EtherCAT interface and STO safety functions. These servo drives, coupled with Beckhoff AM8*** series OCT servo motors provide quicker installations and all round performance increases from any system we have previously used. To drive all of the new system, we are using a Beckhoff IPC controller that runs TwinCAT 3. This links into the system via EtherCAT. All of the machine can now link together via EtherCAT to provide quick and stable communications. This tutorial will give you step by step guides on the physical upgrade requirements needed when upgrading a Flowline Mk3 to a Flowline Mk3 with Beckhoff AX8000 Control. Each step will provide you with written information and pictures to guide you through the upgrade. Each step will contain necessary information which will also provide you with rationale for the design and an idea of the benefits over using different methods. Please always feel free to provide Stuga with any feedback on this document or its on this document or its contents.)
    • ZX5 MH Infeed Basic IO Test and Setup  + (The MH infeed on a ZX5 is a module which cThe MH infeed on a ZX5 is a module which can be tested individually away from the fully installed machine. Once build stage is complete, to be able to test individually, the Infeed Module needs: - To be connected to mains power & be powered on - An air supply to the main blue line - Network connection (Network Cube) - HDMI & Keyboard dongle to be plugged into the Beckhoff PLC inside the cabinet. Input and output activation when testing the sole module is done through the Twincat project rather than through WinMulti The above is only required If the Machine is not fully installed and connected with power air and network already. The below guide is specifically for a fully installed and connected infeed.ically for a fully installed and connected infeed.)
    • Autoflow Maintenance - Outfeed Table  + (The Machine has many moving parts, all which need regular maintenance. Below outlines what items need particular attention)
    • Autoflow Maintenance - Machining Centre  + (The Machine has many moving parts, all which need regular maintenance. Below outlines what items need particular attention:)
    • Autoflow Maintenance - Sawing Centre  + (The Machine has many moving parts, all which need regular maintenance. Below outlines what items need particular attention)
    • Stuga Product Database - Edit Product Data  + (The Stuga website has a parts database, much like a shop front for helping identify Stuga Machine parts. Keeping the data updated and logging nuggets of useful information is invaluable in helping identify parts on machines)
    • Updating Beckhoff TwinCAT3 Backend Version  + (The TwinCAT3 beckhoff systems have a speciThe TwinCAT3 beckhoff systems have a special version of TwinCAT installed - the "Runtime" version XAR (eXtended Automation Runtime). This differs from the full "Engineering version XAE that is installed in the front end and camera PCs in that it is the bare bones of TwinCAT for machine running purposes. '''It does not have the Visual Studio editor in it.''' The runtime version may need updating to 3.4024.xx to allow the latest front end and PLC code to work the latest front end and PLC code to work)
    • Upgrade ZX Machine to Beckhoff Drives and Control  + (The ZX3 and ZX4 machines that have controlThe ZX3 and ZX4 machines that have control systems that pre-date the Beckhoff hardware now have an upgrade available. The upgrade will bring up-to-date hardware to the machines control system and drives. The control system and drives will be changed to Beckhoff. TwinCAT 3 PLC and AX8000 series drives.f. TwinCAT 3 PLC and AX8000 series drives.)
    • TB0447 ZX5 Setup - X Axis Beam Calibration  + (The ZX5 has a moveable Beam on the Z axis.The ZX5 has a moveable Beam on the Z axis. The design reason behind this is to keep the gripper arm short for reliability and stiffness, yet enable it to move out of the way for rear V notching During the calculations for the machining bar recipe, the software has to work out if and when the beam needs to be moved: ·        If there are no v notches on the bar, then machine all the operations without moving the beam. Beam moves at the very end when ejecting ·        If there is a V notch, move the bar during the first X axis position where position > beamStrokeLength Therefore, it is very important for the software to know how far the beam moves physically to offset all the positions to allow for it. The distance is measured and entered into parameter beamStrokeLength. It should be around 700mm. beamStrokeLength. It should be around 700mm.)
    • ZX5 Alignment Check  + (The ZX5 machine can be tricky to align as there are many adjustments designed into the table to offset manufacturing tolerances. This step by step guide follows the correct protocol to ensure the starting point and sequence of alignment is correct)
    • Repairing R axis datum pin  + (The datum pin on the old ZX4 at Sidey was The datum pin on the old ZX4 at Sidey was recommended to be changed at my last service visit. Unfortunately there are quite a few different datum spindle plates and we were having problems tracking down the correct one so it was decided that I would be sent out the new replaceable datum pin carrier as Sidey have a small machine shop I could use to modify the existing plate to make it fit. Unfortunately the mounting holes of the new carrier interfered with the mounting holes of the pneumatic cylinder so it couldn't be used. After taking dimensions of the existing plate for identification I realised there was actually a very small and quick repair that could be carried out until the correct parts were identified. All you need is a cordless drill, a 2.5 and a 3.1mm drill, M3 tap and an M3 x 15mm cap head screw.l, M3 tap and an M3 x 15mm cap head screw.)
    • TM018B Microline and ZX3 V Notch Blade Setup  + (The engineer will need a reasonable mechanThe engineer will need a reasonable mechanical knowledge, and a working knowledge of the operation of the machine. You will need callipers (+/-0.05mm) and an accurate rule The setting of the V notch blades on a ZX3 Ring revolves around the setting of two groups of parameters: *V and W axis positions *Blade offsets for each blade The rough position of V and W axes is set first, then the individual blade offsets are set, and finally a test is run to tweak the accuracy to gain perfection. There are two “tweaking” parameters for each blade. The two parameters are: *Depth offset – how deep into the bar *X axis offset – position of point of blade relative to the spindle centrelinef blade relative to the spindle centreline)
    • TB0422 Commissioning ZX5 Software 2018  + (The first step in commissioning a new machThe first step in commissioning a new machine is to get the basic software setup correctly installed. Because the software is designed to be very flexible across many machine types, the simplest way to do this is to copy from a recently built similar machine.opy from a recently built similar machine.)
    • ZX5 Gripper Energy Chain & Tray Setup  + (<div class="icon-instructions caution-i
      ...August 2023 - The energy chain and method used in this dokit has been superseded by
      The main problems we’ve had during commissioning with these energy chains is that if they are not positioned well enough , the chain will clip the button heads that hold the trays to the L brackets To get over this the brackets sometimes need adjusting on the slots along with possibly bending into a better shape or by adjusting the chain bracket position on the slots in the ‘finger’ bracket Things to look out for: *There should be three links which are reversed at the bracket end of the energy chain. *Servo cable and the pipes and cables from the energy chain are fixed with cable ties to the fingers on the bracket to minimise possible movement and twisting which changes where the energy chain sits in the trays, meaning it could start clipping the button heads. *Tray heights and energy chain length, there should be a consistent gap all the way along between the energy chain and the top tray (viewed from inside the tray) and when at the full travel either end the chain shouldn’t be tight hitting the fence too much at the end. *It is also worth checking if all of the links fitted are the same radius type, as we have had occasions where some have been a smaller radius meaning at certain points down the rack the radius of the bend becomes smaller and falls out from the support of the top tray, especially when the gripper is at either end of the rack. There is a code on the side of each link in the energy chain. *A last thing to be weary of is is the end corners of the trays may require bending out, there have been occasions where one chain tray has been slightly more bent in than the other meaning when the chain moves from one tray to the next it clips the corner of the next tray We normally get the gripper on a reversing cycle movement to test this through the twincat project at different speeds, starting slow and working up to higher speeds.
      gh the twincat project at different speeds, starting slow and working up to higher speeds.)
    • VM Upgrade Hardware  + (The upgrade is to prep the machine ready for adding a Virtual Mahine (VM) to the setup.)
    • Diagnosing EtherCAT Issues - Advanced  + (There are many tools available to help traThere are many tools available to help trace EtherCAT faults. This document describes some more advanced features that can help pinpoint an intermittent or hard to find issue. You will need a good working knowledge of the machine and the basis of EtherCAT networking See Also [[TwinCat Connection Faults]][[TwinCat Connection Faults]])
    • Recovery of Bar Queue following winMulti Crash  + (There have been cases of software crashingThere have been cases of software crashing on the Stuga front end software, but the machine will continue to cut the holes and slots on the bar and eject it to the transfer table. This creates the situation that the bar is physically finished, but the software has not registered it as finished. This can lead to confusion for the operator and put the bar queue out of sync, which can lead to wasted profile of sync, which can lead to wasted profile)
    • Gripper Push Speed on Flowline and ZX  + (There is a cylinder called Grip push, whenThere is a cylinder called Grip push, when bar is moved to its unload position the Gripper Comes OFF then Grip push is activated to push the profile of the gripper to clear ready for the Eject push onto transfer Table. The video shows what happens if the grip push is set too fast. The speed of the cylinder is Far too Fast and is Throwing/punching back down machine. -- This needs to be slowed Down. machine. -- This needs to be slowed Down.)
    • PLC Source Control - Adding a Repository  + (These instructions give details of how to These instructions give details of how to set up a repository so that any changes made to the core project will be tracked. For the git source control to work it is important that GIT has been chosen as the source control program. see Prerequisits. The instructions start from : The project has been created and PLC code has been loaded in to the TwinCAT Xae Shell program.oaded in to the TwinCAT Xae Shell program.)
    • PLC Source Control - Working with GIT and TcXaeShell  + (These steps outline typical actions that make up a development cycle for changing code on a machine, saving changes locally and saving to the cloud repository using Git as the Source control tool.)
    • Ecoline - Setting V Notches on winMulti Software  + (This is the full setup procedure for V notThis is the full setup procedure for V notches on an Ecoline. This should only be needed on initial commissioning or if the shape of the notch has changed due to some physical intervention, for example - - Blade Change - Blade buckled
      ...If there is no direct reason to change the blade shape or position, there is a different root cause to the problem that changing parameters WILL NOT SOLVE
      ...If the results of your tests do not make sense, or the position seems to vary by the wrong amount or wrong direction after making a change, then a serious mechanical problem exists elsewhere. There is no sense carrying on because you cannot complete this setup unless the machine is consistent and reliable

      here is no sense carrying on because you cannot complete this setup unless the machine is consistent and reliable</div> </div> <br/>)
    • Importing Picking List from Sage To Monday  + (This procedure demonstrates how to use theThis procedure demonstrates how to use the "Sage Hooks" MS Access database to grab the data created in Sage and exort to a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is then imported into a new Monday board, then copied across to the correct Picking List for the machine build.
      Picking List for the machine build. <br/>)
    • Setting Up C0000422-KIT - Full Hardware 2023  + (This process takes the components to creatThis process takes the components to create a standard "C000422-KIT". This kit can then be stored and pulled off the shelf when required. It will then need to be set up for the particular customer machine using [[Setting Up Windows PC C0000422-KIT 2023]] =Notes= *There are two PCs running on the same hardware, The Host PC and the Virtual machine. **'''Host PC''' (For support) ***The base Windows install running directly on the hardware installed to Dell NVME drive. ***Has its own OEM Windows license supplied by Dell linked directly to the hardware (no product code – stored in the Dell hardware) ***Imaged by Macrium reflect. **'''Virtual PC – Stuga VM''' ***Used for Stuga software -  the VM can run on any PC without changing drivers, etc. Host OS version / hardware unimportant as long as it runs Hyper-V. ***A second install of Windows running on a virtual machine, hosted by the Host PC above. It has a dedicated SSD (the Kingston Drive) stored on [:Fichier:///D:/VMPC.vhdx D:\VMPC.vhdx], with 8GB RAM. ***Has its own dedicated Windows 11 PRO license present in the kit, product code stored on Monday and on the license. ***Copied to host and setup manually during install. There is a setup program for the specific client after this process has completed: '''P_Stuga_P… '''on the desktop of the host.'P_Stuga_P… '''on the desktop of the host.)
    • Fitting Zx5 Crank Upgrade  + (This upgrade replaces the crank arm assembThis upgrade replaces the crank arm assemblies on Z065, Z066 and Z067 with a direct drive system to improve reliability This procedure involves mechanical fitting, electrical wiring and help from a TwinCAT3 competent engineer at HQ for software changes
      ...The drives must be programmed before parts sent out
      ...Motors must be rewired for Delta and NOT Star

      ></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...Motors must be rewired for Delta and NOT Star</div> </div> <br/>)
    • PLC Source Control - Selecting GIT as the source control Plug-in  + (TwinCAT3 can use different source control programs for source control. These instructions show how to select Git as the source control Plug-in.)
    • Upgrade Autoflow to Windows 10  + (Update 2024 - Upgrades now consist of a neUpdate 2024 - Upgrades now consist of a new Windows 11 PC with VM for the front end and a C6017 PC for the back end. Upgrading an Autoflow to Windows 10 involves upgrading two PCS #The Beckhoff control PC - replaced with a C0001225-KIT #The Camera PC - replaced with a C0000422-KIT with a VM setup. this now becomes the front end PC
      === For Historical reference, these are the pre-2024 notes: === ''Upgrading an Autoflow to Windows 10 on site involves upgrading two PCS'' #''The Beckhoff control PC'' #''The Camera PC'' ''
      The Beckhoff PC is not upgradable so needs to be completely replaced. We use the miniature [ Beckhoff C6017] for this'' ''It is not cost effective to upgrade and old camera PC, so a new one is supplied'' ===''Notes''=== *''The Beckhoff PC is now powerful enough to run the front end and back end.'' *''The camera PC is there to replace the camera PC on site and contains the storage for the machine cameras'' *''Because the Beckhoff PC has limited hard drive space, the DDRIVE will be on the cameraPC''
      hard drive space, the DDRIVE will be on the cameraPC'')
    • TwinCat Connection Faults  + (We are quite often faced with multiple AxiWe are quite often faced with multiple Axis/Door Open/ Estop faults all being reported at the same time. More often than not this is caused by a bad connection on the TwinCat system somewhere. If there is any dropout of connection at any point in the system it will result in this error. You could spend some time crawling about on your hands and knees, opening electrical cabinets and trying to find the fault manualy, but by using TwinCat we can save some time and effort, and pinpoint the cause almost immediately.and pinpoint the cause almost immediately.)
    • Removing TwinCAT3 Interpolation Licence  + (Wen creating a new project on conversion fWen creating a new project on conversion from a TwinCAT2 to TwinCAT3 system, there may be a reference to a an unrequired NCi licence (interpolation)
      ...Interpolation is the term used for the maths required to run two or more axes together and variable speeds to create a shape, like a diagonal line or circle

      variable speeds to create a shape, like a diagonal line or circle</div> </div><br/>)
    • WinDelay for Twincat Startup  + (When Windows Boots up and WinMulti is starWhen Windows Boots up and WinMulti is started the TwinCat PLC is not in Run mode ready for the application. The Run mode of Twin cat normally takes between 70 to 90 seconds. WinStartDelay is a piece of software which delays Winmulti Starting up until the Amount of Time Delay needed has been run.
      of Time Delay needed has been run. <br/>)
    • Ecoline - Datum and MitreOffset Tests  + (When an Ecoline is commissioned, the positWhen an Ecoline is commissioned, the positional accuracy needs to be set up. These are also useful tests to check if the machine is maintaining positional accuracy
      ...ALWAYS make sure you have consistent, repeatable results before making any parameter changes

      tent, repeatable results before making any parameter changes</div> </div><br/>)