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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Introduction » avec la valeur « Each CNC PC comes with a USB Backup Stick. This is for those machines that have an Extra disk (D:) (normally used for the Virtual PC) ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 26 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (200 précédentes | 200 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

    • Make Backup Image of CNC PC  + (Each CNC PC comes with a USB Backup Stick. This is for those machines that have an Extra disk (D:) (normally used for the Virtual PC))
    • Upgrading Autoflow TwinCAT2 to Win10 and TwinCAT3  + (<div class="annotatedImageDiv" typeof="
      Beckhoff C6015.jpg
      Autoflows from A2001 to A2015 were initially produced with TwinCAT2 software. This has now been superseded with TwinCAT3 which then has the benefit of compatibility with version 6 front end software.

      The original PC cannot be used because

      *It is not powerful enough to run v6 front end
      *The operating system cannot be upgraded to Windows 10
      *It cannot be upgraded to TwinCAT3

      The Beckhoff C6015 PC has been chosen to be the replacement PC. It is compact, yet powerful enough to run the v6 front end and TwinCAT in the same
      . It has an upgrade to 1.9Ghz 4 core processor.

      Because it has a limited 40Gb SSD memory, a compact 64Gb memory stick is inserted into the USB 3.0 port. This acts as a separate drive for the DDRIVE dynamic storage for all machine setup. The internat drive is for the Operating System only. This mimics the current Autoflow setup of a remote Camera PC, hence the camera PC can be retired after the upgrade
      era PC, hence the camera PC can be retired after the upgrade<br/>)
    • TB0444 Renewing CF Card on TwinCAT2 Systems  + (<u>Problem</u> These machinesProblem These machines use a CX5020 PC with a 2Gb CF card running TwinCAT2 PLC system. The CF card can fail, which is effectively the windows operating system. The CF card has a very small capacity, so needs to be created from an image. This TB outlines the steps in the process to ensure a successful conclusion. 1.      Create a new CF card at stuga using the beckhoff imaging tool on a CX5020 2.      Boot up with the CX5020 3.      Ensure PLC is set to Enable on start-up (default is config mode) 4.      Rename the PC 5.      Install TeamViewer host v10 or less from a USB stick 6.      If you have a copy of the version of winMulti it was running, copy this in to the c:\ multi folder. If not, a “'''''new version install'''''” will be needed so copy in data from the g:\builds\PC Installs\Autoflow\Multi folder 7.      Set up and customer specific network parameters to ensure TeamViewer will work when it is plugged in on site 8.      Send to customer Once on site, follow procedure A if the winMulti version is preserved, or B if it is a '''''new version install'''''eserved, or B if it is a '''''new version install''''')
    • TB0428 Connecting To Yaskawa with Silex USB  + (== What is the Silex DS-510? == The Silex == What is the Silex DS-510? == The Silex unit is a USB server, allowing a PC to have a USB port anywhere over an ethernet network. This is useful to connect the PC to a Yaskawa inverter when they are located in different cabinets. The software sets up a virtual USB port which can then be used to run the Yaskawa DriveWorks software.ed to run the Yaskawa DriveWorks software.)
    • TB0436 Creating a Backup Through WinMulti  + (A backup zip folder of all necessary files can be created in WinMulti. By pressing the backup button (F11) and navigating to the backup’s folder (C:\multi\backup) a machine backup will be created.)
    • Monday - Obtaining Customer or Machine Address from a Job  + (All machines in the Monday database have their locations stored to make it easy for an engineer to navigate to site using the map features in Android or Apple phones However, it is not intuitively clear how to get to this information)
    • VM Upgrade Software  + (As an alternative to having a separate camera PC. Adding a VM (Virtual Machine) to the Front end allows access to the BE and cameras without interrupting the operator.)
    • Autocut Taking A Backup  + (Backing up is vital to ensure your data is safe in case there is a failure of the PC or Hard Disk Drive)
    • Placing a TwinCAT3 Machine Under Source Control  + (<div class="icon-instructions caution-i
      ...Note - This dokit is now obsolete - the sourcetree system has been replaced by the internal one in TcXAEShell
      Click [ here] for the latest procedure For many years, the source code for the PLCs has resided on the G:\drive and then a copy on each and every one of the PCs used to edit the code, so at least one on each machine. This is a recipe for disaster because maintaining all the copies and version numbers is incredibly difficult and adds a lot of time overhead to fixes and changes. This has worked because there has been only one developer, but this is set to change in future as more programmers will be trained and tracking versions becomes more difficult From 2020, the PLC code version control has been improved by using an industry standard source control system called "Git" along with "BitBucket" to store the PLC code in the cloud. The program "SourceTree" is used to commit, push and pull the changes [ Click here] for an introduction to version control using Git This tutorial is a step by step guide to setting up an existing machine or diagnostic PC to a standard uses on all Stuga machines to enable quick, easy and stress free version control.
      standard uses on all Stuga machines to enable quick, easy and stress free version control.)
    • Setting Ultrasonic Sensor - Vertical  + (How to set up an ultrasonic sensor when it is mounted vertically. This is normally the case on ZX5 machines on the "Mod_Clear" functions near the rollers. <br/>)
    • Upgrading Project File on TwinCAT2 System  + (How to upgrade the .pro file (project) on How to upgrade the .pro file (project) on a Beckhoff TwinCAT2 system
      ...TwinCAT2 was used on Early Autoflows and ZX3/4 machines before the adoption of TwinCAT3. Instead of a Visual Studio interface, it uses a program called "TwinCAT PLC Control" to download the PLC project

      ram called "TwinCAT PLC Control" to download the PLC project</div> </div><br/>)
    • TB450 - CMOS Battery replacement  + (Internal CMOS batteries are used in PCs toInternal CMOS batteries are used in PCs to keep a constant power supply to BIOS memory while the main power supply is switched off. These batteries should last up to 5 years when a PC has been left idle. Sometimes these batteries can fall flat before this time either due to being low when sent out or extended use on older machines. The main symptom of a CMOS battery faulting on a Stuga machine is the PC not booting up when mains power is switched on which will be indicated by a “No Signal Detected” message being displayed on the screen. This is due to the BIOS setting “Restore AC Power Loss” going back to its default value of OFF due to the battery faulting. Restoring the BIOS to its original settings is a temporary fix in this situation as it is most likely this will happen again a couple of months down the line (See TB 376 or 213). The battery required is a '''CR2032'''. In the case of the Antec PC, and most commonly, the battery is held in an open housing that can be pushed to release and easily replaced. In PCs such as the Acer Revo the battery needs to be pre-wired with a plug but still easily unclipped and replacedug but still easily unclipped and replaced)
    • Monday - Putting Customer Machines On Stop  + (It is important that everyone does this thIt is important that everyone does this the same way or confusion and frustration will follow. It is also important to understand how the relationship between a Machine and it’s contract works * Each machine on the “Machine” board needs to link to a “Contract” on the “Service Contracts” board * This allows multiple Machines to have the same “Contract” – eg Customade group contract * The “Contract” is the electronic version or equivalent to the bit of paper that the customer has signed, and contains the start and end dates, etc * For machines that have no contract, I have set up some other “General” contract types. These General Types are not machine specific – ** PAYG – General Pay as you go ** OnStop – Customer is on stop and nothing should be supplied ** AskFirst – Ask KG or management first before supplying goods and services ** Proforma – Payment required before supply of goods and services ** PreDelivery – Before warranty startses ** PreDelivery – Before warranty starts)
    • Updating Teamviewer Host  + (Older versions of Teamviewer are being phaOlder versions of Teamviewer are being phased out by the Teamviewer company from September 15th 2021. The advice on the website suggests you need to upgrade to version 15. However, v15 is not compatible with the older Windows XP machines in the field. The latest XP compatible downloadable version of the Host program is 13.2 and is available [ here] Regrettably, the update process on older versions is not simple, and frustratingly cannot be done remotely. It needs intervention from an operator at the machine with a small amount of technical know-how with a small amount of technical know-how)
    • ACEpc Changing IP address using netedit  + (The ACEpcs use two different systems for cThe ACEpcs use two different systems for connecting a network #NETBeui - this was used on earlier machines but reliability depends on the customer network setup. Reconfiguration after initial setup is difficult #IP addressing - A setup system was written using IP addresses to connect. This is a little harder to set up, but is easier to change later. A special program called netedit was written which updates all the correct files in the backgroundes all the correct files in the background)
    • Guide to Fitting Eject Push Sensors on ZX Machines  + (The Eject Push bar on the Saw Outfeed on tThe Eject Push bar on the Saw Outfeed on the ZX machines does not have sensors fitted to monitor the position of the cylinders. This causes an issue when the bar is obstructed and either does not fully extend or not fully extract. The cycle is not aware of the position of the cylinders and the machine will continue to run, often resulting in a collision. Not having sensors fitted also means that the Eject Push cycle is run via a timer. However, using a timer means that the system does not know the actual position of the cylinders. Having sensors fitted to the cylinders will allow us to have a cycle that monitors the position of the cylinders and we can determine the cycle has finished before allowing another operation to proceed. We can also use the sensors as feedback to stop the machine if the cycle fails. This will result in fewer collisions and damage to parts or products.
      s and damage to parts or products. <br/>)
    • Beckhoff AX8000 Flowline Upgrade  + (The Flowline range (Mk3, ZX3, ZX4) are StuThe Flowline range (Mk3, ZX3, ZX4) are Stuga built and designed machines for prepping and cutting uPVC windows and doors. The Flowline is the first machine of the Stuga 'U' shaped machines which has prepping and cutting working in the same machine package. The Flowline is still a fantastic machine for the industry, however, due to the age of the machines and older control systems becoming obsolescent, we have had to find an upgrade route that does not only keep the machine going, but also provides improvements from the original model and up-to-date technology to future proof the machine. The upgrade that we have developed for the Flowline is supplied from an automation supplier named Beckhoff. We also use Beckhoff on our new build machines. This gives us better lead times, more understanding of the products and better diagnostics/ support for our customers. The drive system that we use is called the AX8000 series. These drives are a compact multi axis servo system that use an EtherCAT interface and STO safety functions. These servo drives, coupled with Beckhoff AM8*** series OCT servo motors provide quicker installations and all round performance increases from any system we have previously used. To drive all of the new system, we are using a Beckhoff IPC controller that runs TwinCAT 3. This links into the system via EtherCAT. All of the machine can now link together via EtherCAT to provide quick and stable communications. This tutorial will give you step by step guides on the physical upgrade requirements needed when upgrading a Flowline Mk3 to a Flowline Mk3 with Beckhoff AX8000 Control. Each step will provide you with written information and pictures to guide you through the upgrade. Each step will contain necessary information which will also provide you with rationale for the design and an idea of the benefits over using different methods. Please always feel free to provide Stuga with any feedback on this document or its on this document or its contents.)
    • PC Recovery Process  + (The PCs are now shipped with a memory stick that includes a full recovery image. If the system fails in future, this allows a full recovery of the initial setup of the entire drive. Mouse and Keyboard are required for recovery process.)
    • Stuga Product Database - Edit Product Data  + (The Stuga website has a parts database, much like a shop front for helping identify Stuga Machine parts. Keeping the data updated and logging nuggets of useful information is invaluable in helping identify parts on machines)
    • Upgrade ZX Machine to Beckhoff Drives and Control  + (The ZX3 and ZX4 machines that have controlThe ZX3 and ZX4 machines that have control systems that pre-date the Beckhoff hardware now have an upgrade available. The upgrade will bring up-to-date hardware to the machines control system and drives. The control system and drives will be changed to Beckhoff. TwinCAT 3 PLC and AX8000 series drives.f. TwinCAT 3 PLC and AX8000 series drives.)
    • Upgrade - R0000173 Conveyor Motor  + (The original style of conveyor is used on many machines, but the motor that powers it is no longer available. This guide will allow a different motor/gearbox to be used.)
    • VM Upgrade Hardware  + (The upgrade is to prep the machine ready for adding a Virtual Mahine (VM) to the setup.)
    • Hikvision Camera Setup  + (These are the Hikvision DS-2CD2343G0-I Cameras (C0001152) that will replace the obsolete UCAMs that have been used on previous machines. Connected via a multi way PoE injector (C0001238). And with SD card (C0001239).)
    • Setting Up C0000422-KIT - Full Hardware 2023  + (This process takes the components to creatThis process takes the components to create a standard "C000422-KIT". This kit can then be stored and pulled off the shelf when required. It will then need to be set up for the particular customer machine using [[Setting Up Windows PC C0000422-KIT 2023]] =Notes= *There are two PCs running on the same hardware, The Host PC and the Virtual machine. **'''Host PC''' (For support) ***The base Windows install running directly on the hardware installed to Dell NVME drive. ***Has its own OEM Windows license supplied by Dell linked directly to the hardware (no product code – stored in the Dell hardware) ***Imaged by Macrium reflect. **'''Virtual PC – Stuga VM''' ***Used for Stuga software -  the VM can run on any PC without changing drivers, etc. Host OS version / hardware unimportant as long as it runs Hyper-V. ***A second install of Windows running on a virtual machine, hosted by the Host PC above. It has a dedicated SSD (the Kingston Drive) stored on [:Fichier:///D:/VMPC.vhdx D:\VMPC.vhdx], with 8GB RAM. ***Has its own dedicated Windows 11 PRO license present in the kit, product code stored on Monday and on the license. ***Copied to host and setup manually during install. There is a setup program for the specific client after this process has completed: '''P_Stuga_P… '''on the desktop of the host.'P_Stuga_P… '''on the desktop of the host.)
    • B0000082b Motor replacement For Obsolete part B0000082  + (To rectify the obsoletion of B0000082 drivTo rectify the obsoletion of B0000082 drive motor, the following replacement kit has been designed to enable continued support of older assemblies within stuga machines . The kit consists of a new motor and appropriate gearbox, adapter plate and new fasteners . Also details are included here for a small modification to enable the upgrade to function correctly Following parts are required for this upgrade B0000082b load motor and gearbox 1 off D0008225b adapter plate F0000189 M6 x 25 set bolts 4 off F0000058 A form washer 4 off F0000190 M8 x 40 set bolts 2 off F0000007 M5 x 16 cap head bolt 4 off off F0000007 M5 x 16 cap head bolt 4 off)
    • R0010309 Ecoline Ultrasonic Material Loaded Upgrade  + (Upgrade of load sensor For infeed table onUpgrade of load sensor For infeed table on Ecoline machines '''Component list''' A0001046 P Clip 6mm Steel / Rubber Liner x 2 D0010973 Material Loaded Sensor Plate x 1 E0001104 PreMade Cable: M8 Socket 4 Way Cable 5m x 1 E0001120 Sensor: Ultrasonic M8 20-150mm x 1 M0001053 Copper Tube 6mm x 4.4mm 10m Coil x 0.3 P0000046 Fitting: 'Y' Adaptor 6mm x 1 P0000069 Tube to tube fitting 6mm x 1 P0000160 Fitting: Flow Controller In Line 6mm x 1
      000160 Fitting: Flow Controller In Line 6mm x 1 <br/>)