Generate a backup image of the Front End PC to extra Hard disk
Gareth Green | Dernière modification 17/05/2023 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
20 minute(s) minute(s)
Generate a backup image of the Front End PC to extra Hard disk
20 minute(s) minute(s)
Backup, Image, CNC PC
Each CNC PC comes with a USB Backup Stick.
This is for those machines that have an Extra disk (D:) (normally used for the Virtual PC)
Étape 1 - Imaging
- Put USB stick in PC.
- Power on Press F12 while booting to go into boot mode.
- Select boot option UEFI USB SanDisk
- On First Screen Select Backup.
- De- check the 480GB disk
- Check the one with several partitions.
- Select this disk.
- Select Image this Disk.
- Set destination folder to D:\
- Press Finish.
- It will take 15 to 20 mins.
- Close off Windows
- Remove USB stick
- Re-boot
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