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Remove the two grub screws from the taper lock pulleys and insert one into the hole that was initially empty. Screw in tight to break seal of taperlock and split the two parts. If siezed the outer part can be tapped back with a hammer. These parts are usually very brittle and can shatter with a heavy hammer blow. It can also be useful to have the belts on at this point to stop the pulley from turning.  +, Fit the new pulleys and belts, no need for Loctite on the grub screws Check alignment of belts and tension. Fit old blade. The old blade can be used to cut a little clearance in the new slit strip before the 500mm blade is fitted. If this is not done then the motor overload may trip as the 500mm blade can be stalled by the tight gap in the slit strip.  +, Using the old slit strip you can wedge up the assembly to give easier access. Once wedged up place something underneath the assembly to stop it falling on your hands if the slit strip slides off. Remove the old bracket and replace with the new one.  +,
ctrl alt del  +, #Ethernet cable to the network #VGA cable to a monitor #PS/2 cable to a keyboard   +, Make sure the flash disk is the correct way around when inserting.  +,
This is supplied by customer. IT department <small>''If testing in house it needs to be on the range.''</small> <small>''e.g''</small>  +, If this is for a Flowline - Build Number of Flowline machining center Otherwise this will be the net NETBEUI name of the pc you are connecting to. <small>''For testing at stuga this will be NAS1''</small>  +, If this is for a Flowline - IP Address of Flowline machining center Otherwise this will be the IP address of the pc you are connecting to. <small>''For testing at stuga this will be''</small>  +,
Switching on with the floppy disk in will boot from the floppy drive instead of the hard drive  +, Power off the machine and insert the NetSetGo disk  +, The PC will boot from the floppy disk and you will be prompted <code>Proceed with format</code> Press Y You will then be prompted <code>Volume label [enter]</code> Press Enter This will format the hard drive and then copy all necessary network software as a ZIP file to the hard drive and then inflate it.  +,
Volume label [enter] This will format the hard drive and then copy all necessary network software as a ZIP file to the hard drive and then inflate it.  +, Build number must be unique. If a flowline saw put an "s" on the end. i.e. F073S  +, Supplied by customer. If testing in house it needs to be on the range. e.g <br/>  +,
Find a spare section of DIN rail that the contactor can be placed in. The contactor clips onto the din rail without the need for fixings.  +, On the bottom of the AX8000 servo drives. There is a plug that has all of the supply wiring going to it. The wires that are terminated into L1, L2 L3/N need to be removed and placed into the newly added contactor as follows: The wire that was in L1 goes into 13NO on the contactor. The wire that was in L2 goes into 33NO on the contactor. The wire that was in L3/N goes into 43NO on the contactor.  +, Now we need to add 3 wires to go from the contactor, to the AX8000 drives. You will have received some 1mm black wire for this. The new wiring is as follows: Wire 1 wires into 14NO in the contactor and then L1 on the AX8000 plug. Wire 2 wires into 34NO in the contactor and then L2 on the AX8000 plug. Wire 3 wires into 44NO in the contactor and then l3/N on the AX8000 plug. Once this is done, the mains power to the drive is complete. The next step is wiring the coil of the contactor.  +,
This will depend on what is installed on your phone You should be able to open it into any map application and use satvav facilities  +
Use DB Browser - free download at <br/>  +, # Connect via TeamViewer to the machine and run file transfer # Navigate to c:\DDRIVE\_machine\diagnostic\ # Copy diagnostic.db3 to your local PC <br/><div class="icon-instructions info-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...You can also simply cut and paste this from the TeamViewer desktop to your local desktop</div> </div><br/>   +, # Open the diagnostic database using DB Browser # Select Tab "Browse Data" # Select Table "runningMHArchive" # Highlight all the records # Copy (Ctrl-c) <br/><div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...The "runningMHArchive" data is an aggregated version of the "runningMH" table. The winmulti software regularly takes the runningMH data for the last month (which is timesliced in minutes) and aggregates it into 15 minute slots. If you want data from the last month, use the runningMH table instead NOTE - This has been changed on version software to aggregate the previous 2 days rather than one month</div> </div><br/>   +,
The IP address of the printer is needed to access the web page. This is done by creating a configuration label from the printer. The label is created in different was depending on the printer <br/> # GK420d and earlier printers - Press and hold the button for two flashes, then let go # ZD620- Press and hold the leftmost 2 buttons simultaneously until the label printing starts  +, <div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">If the IP address is not on the same subnet as the PC with the browser, you will not see the printer</div> </div>  +
Name the entry as the other machines in this list - CustomerName then Build No  +, Type to Warranty Date Start and Date end to the warranty dates <br/>  +
This is usually called 'AIR'. From this point you will either need to have somebody watch the input on the screen or have means (eg dialled in on a laptop) to be able to watch the output while carrying out he next step.  +, Use a 4mm Allan Key for this. (Anti-clockwise)  +, At the point the input switches back the dial up slightly for it to switch back.  +,
Firstly, identify the two datums that are required to set the wire line to. A wire line should be pulled tight and then anchored to give a wire line from the first and last component  +, 1 Add additional components that require aligning to datum components. <div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...It is vital that these do not touch the wire line in any place</div> </div>  +, Once the alignment has been completed, all added parts should be double checked on wire line clearance, to ensure all of the above criteria has been achieved  +,
Populate the allocate column for each part in accordance to the pick bins that are available. The general rule is to prioritize allocation to the range of Bins of the Build numnber which is next to in line to be Built according to the production schedule. If there is no bin physically available for the Job car number shown it must be zero'd in the allocation quantity column and put into stock normally.  +, The P.O allocation report generates a printed list of the parts that have been allocated from the booking in process. To run the report, on Sage manufacturing go to: Traceability --> Reports --> Stuga P.O allocation Once loaded input the Purchase order number the parts were booked in under and generate the report. <br/>  +, The report shows the quantity of the part that has been received on the left next to the part code, and below shows the JC number then the amount to go into that JC to the right.  +,
Select "Save [buildNo] As Archive"  +, Name the archive the same way each time [BuildNo] YYY.MM.DD  +
Firstly, we need to make sure that the profile will physically go through the machine, open the top gaurd door. Ideally, you will have a 1 metre offcut of the profile - work out the best way for the profile to go through the machine. Push the profile through the machine by hand to ensure no catching areas etc.  +, Place the offcut in the machine, just under the saw top clamp. Now using the IO menu we are going to determine whether this profile wants to be cut normally or centralised and whether we require Z support blocks or not. Through the winSaw software press '[F6] Service' - we need to make sure we can clamp the profile with no issues. We will clamp the profile like we would when cutting normally. Press '[Y6] Side Clamp' and '[Y32] Saw Clamp'. If the profile clamps ok, goes through without catching anything and does not tip - this profile is ready to be added to the machine. <br/><div class="icon-instructions info-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...If the profile catches the chip deflectors, It may be better located if the profile is "Centralised". Use the Y16 "Centralise" clamp instead of the Y6 "Side Clamp"</div> </div>  +, If the profile did tip over: If tipped over it is most likely a 'Z' shaped profile - this means it will require an additional support, a small support block that comes out from the backfence to prevent the profile tipping. We have a turret system which allows up to 4 different rebate settings. Bring the Y40 Z turret to position number 1. This is done by turning the output (1) on (red) then off again (green) - this will move the Z turret system one position, use this table below to work out what position you are on: <br/> <table class=""wikitable"Index"> <tr> <th>Position </th><th>X34 Z Index A </th><th>X36 Z Index B </th></tr><tr> <td>1 </td><td>Off </td><td>Off </td></tr><tr> <td>2 </td><td>On </td><td>Off </td></tr><tr> <td>3 </td><td>Off </td><td>On </td></tr><tr> <td>4 </td><td>On </td><td>On </td></tr></table> Use the Y30 Z support output (3) to fire the Z support blocks from the rear. Test your profile on each one in turn, find one that is suitable and note the support number (1-4). If none are suitable - you can adjust an unused one <div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...Do not try to turn the turret if the Z Support output is On</div> </div><br/>  +,
Take 'AUTOLOAD' off before coming onto either of these profiles so the saw stops it automatic loading cycle  +, Once the machine has stopped and the next bar in the queue is a tall profile, open the guard door [[Autocut Open Guard Doors|]]  +, Loosen (push in and turn anti-clockwise) the quick release handles for the saw clamp assembly and the eject clamp assembly  +,
Once the machine has stopped production, press an emergency stop button to ensure the machine is safe to work on  +, [[Autocut Open Guard Doors|]]  +, Open the saw access hatch, this is the hatch below the eject table area - there is 4 x M6 bolts to take out.  +,
[[Autocut Open Guard Doors|]]  +, Lubricate the chain every 500mm with a drop of oil - use a wire brush to really give a good clean at the same time.  +, There are 4 grease nipples on the main saw blade assembly - 1 pump of grease is required for each nipple. <div class="icon-instructions info-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...If this is an older machine, the grease nipples may not be fitted. Oil the shafts instead</div> </div>  +,
Once the machine has stopped production, press an emergency stop button to ensure the machine is safe to work on  +, Through the winSaw software press '[F6] Open Door' - there maybe up to a 60 second delay before the door can be opened <div class="icon-instructions info-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...On all machines built or refurbished since 2010, the saw door is interlocked with a Zero Speed detector that will only allow the door to open when it has stopped spinning</div> </div><br/>  +, The catch, located near the front handle, may need a little help to release. Pull the door fully open  +,
This will dump the air to the cylinders and probably free off the jammed piece  +, <div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...It is important to let the saw blade run down to standstill</div> </div>  +, You may need to pull the remaining bar left to cut out of the way  +,