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#Choose the device network to interrogate and press the Advanced button #Expand to the Diagnostics-Online View and select the CRC checks 0300-0304 and Link Lost 0310-0312. Click ok to exit #On the online view, the system now records more detail about the CRC errors or link lost problems. In the case in the pictures, FB015B has recorded 69 errors on issue 0310 , which is "Link Lost A/B". There are CRC errors on the output of FB016B and the input of FB015B. This tells me that the link between FB016B and FB015B is not reliable. Could be a loose connection on the etherCAT and / or power cable   +, This switches on a graphical view of the EtherCAT network and can help identify problems # Select Topology view for the Device you want to interrogate # This opens the offline view - the view of how the setup expects the network to look # Select Online->Show Topology # Hover around the topology to display any messages In this case, the red dots show problems, the dot shown shows that there are 69 CRC errors on this node - this means the network link has been broken at this point 69 times since you connected to it. (Probably a loose connection)  +, If this is a twinSAFE system uses the yellow slices), and etherCAST issue will lead to an Estop problem. See [ Diagnosing TwinSAFE Issues - Advanced] for help in diagnosing these issues  +
A change has to be made to one of the setup files, so you need to exit to the desktop  +, Navigate to the directory containing tools.mul. Depending on the machine type, this could be c:\multi, c:\ddrive or d:\  +, <nowiki><br/><div class="icon-instructions info-icon"><br /><div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></div><br /><div class="icon-instructions-text">...The ioReferences for the spindle home / out inputs are different for various machine types. This is a historical anomaly left over from when the control programs were merged</div><br /></div><br /><br />See [ Dictionary] for more detail on IO inputs<br /><br />'''For Autoflows:'''<br /><br />The ioRefs are in the range 67-86 and begin InB_Spin....<br /><br /><br />'''For ZX and Flowline:'''<br /><br />The ioRefs are in the range 405-422 and begin SP or DP<br /><br /><br />To disable the input, change the IOReference code to -1<br /><br />The spindle software automatically uses a timer instead of the input to control the spindle<div class="mw-highlight mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr"><pre>Function Timer<br />Plunge Out Parameter 'toolplunge'<br />Plunge Home Fixed 10ms<br />Double Plunge Out Fixed 0.75s<br />Double Plunge Home Fixed 0.75s</pre></div><br/></nowiki>  +,
[[Stowing Stuertz Infeed Table]]  +, 6 off spindles  +, Tie the R axis at the datum assembly point  +,
To create a new Dokit, you need to login as a editor The Username is Gareth Green Password is available from the IT department <br/>  +, Click on the create a Page button  +, This site is a french production, so there will be an occasional French word pop up  +,
The dokit references for work instructions are tracked and stored on the monday board [ Work Instruction Dokit Tracker] Check to see if the instruction is already there using the search, there should be a link for it in the link column which will take you straight to the page. If it does not exist, it needs to be created first with this tutorial [[Dokit - Creating A Work Instruction]]  +, To Edit a Dokit, you need to login as a editor The Username is Gareth Green Password is available from the IT department  +, Click on the Edit Icon (pencil) to enter edit mode  +,
# Click the 3 dots # Select Move   +, # Overwrite the old name with your new name # Click Move   +
On the start screen in Visual Studio, click on the "Create a New Project" button.  +, From the next screen # 1. Select Visual Basic from the First Drop Down # 2. Select Windows from the Second Drop Down # 3. Select Desktop from the Third Drop Down # 4. Click on the Windows forms app to Highlight it # 5. Click Next <br/>  +, Give your project a name, then click on Create  +,
Cut 3 lengths of outerframe around 1000mm long<div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...Make sure the gripper end of the profile has a clean edge - ie no swarf and profile tape is not "flapping" over the end</div> </div><br/>  +, Run 3 tests on the same piece spaced apart by 20mm. Make sure the machine is reinitialised and redatums between each run. This allows you to see if the position of the holes drifts along the bar Aim to place the holes at least 400mm in from the bar end See [[WinMulti - Datum Test]] for full instructions End goal is to produce repeatable datum holes at the correct position from the end of the bar<div class="icon-instructions info-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...The position needs to be consistent and repeatable before you can proceed to next step</div> </div> <br/><div class="icon-instructions idea-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...If the datum position is not consistent, check laser beam cleanliness and laser focus</div> </div> See [[Training Laser on Ecoline]]  +, All gripper positions should be greater than 20 and less than 55  +,
[[Archiving a TwinCAT Project]]  +, Remove the V axis motor cable (in this case cable 1) Move the motor connection from the faulty axis to the V axis (in this case it is the R axis cable 2)  +, Take a copy of the axes.mul file first Edit the second column next to V axis from 1 to 0  +,
<div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...Ensure that the ecoline is producing consistent and reliable datum test results</div> </div>  +, You will need several lengths of large outer frame, around 1m long with square end preps.  +, Use something around 30-40mm depth  +,
This is what the taper on the roller approach is for - to raise the profile onto the rollers  +, <div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...The lifting balance point is not the centre of the machine - the centre of gravity is towards the maching head end</div> </div><div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...The machine weight is 2t, so an appropriate forklift is necessary</div> </div>  +, Services Required * '''Electrical''' - 16A 3ph + Neutral. The machine is supplied with a 32A Quick-Connect Socket * '''Pneumatic''' - 10cfm 6 bar * '''Network''' - Cat5e with internet access <div class="icon-instructions dont-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-hand-paper-o"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...These services are vital for installation</div> </div><br/>  +,
# Go to C:\\Users\Stuga - From here we need to go to 'View' and tick 'hidden items' to show folder 'App Data' # Navigate to C:\\Users\Stuga\App Data\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Start up   +, Test by restarting the machine, wait for the screen shown in the images to appear. Once the countdown expires the mapped drive should be connected.  +, <nowiki>Make a "connect.bat" text file  and give it a 20 second delay before trying to map the drive again.<br /><br /><br /><br />Right Click on the file then choose 'Edit' <div class="mw-highlight mw-content-ltr" dir="ltr"><pre>TIMEOUT /T 20<br />REM NET USE x: "\\\BATCHES" /user:stuga Stuga001<br />rem net use x: \\ddrive\batches /:yes<br />exit</pre></div><br /><br /><br />I have shown 2 example lines , one using IP address and the other PC name. <br /><br /><div class="icon-instructions pin-icon"><br /><div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-thumb-tack"></i></div><br /><div class="icon-instructions-text">...Remove the "REM" command at the beginning for the line that you want to use</div><br /></div></nowiki>  +
You will receive a link via email that will open up your timesheet. Copy the link from the email and paste it into a new shortcut on the desktop of the device you are using. The shortcut should be labelled 'Timesheet' for clarity. To create the shortcut, right-click on a spare area on your desktop and hover over 'New'. This will open a selection panel. Select 'Shortcut'. A text box will appear and this is where you need to paste the link from the email. Once you have pasted the link, select 'Next'. A prompt will will then ask you to name the shortcut. I would suggest that it is named 'Timesheet'. After naming the shortcut, click 'Finish' and the shortcut will appear on your desktop. Double-click on the shortcut to open up your timesheet form.  +, The form that you open up linked to a board. The answers that you place in the form are used as information for lines in the board. This information is then used to calculate data surrounding production hours. It is important that the information used when filling out this board is accurate. Section 1: Task - This is where you add the information about what task you are putting hours against. For example: Piping Saw or Building Multihead or Wiring Infeed. This box has potential to be used for assembly numbers in the future, however, to start off with, a simple task name will is adequate. Section 2: Machine - This field must only be used if the hours you are logging are going against a machine. If the hours you are logging are for other tasks such as 'Tidying' or 'Sales Orders', leave this field empty! When adding a machine number, the full number must be used and a capital letter must be used. For example, Z097 not z097, Z97 or z97. If you are unsure about the full machine number, ask your supervisor. Section 3: Code Designation - This is a drop down box and contains the module codes that are used in production. Select the code that best relates to the overall task. For example, for 'Piping Saw', I selected 'F - Saw'. Section 4: Hours - This is a very important field. It is important to note that the hours that are entered into this box are the '''TOTAL''' amount of hours you spent on the task irregardless if any ''or'' all of that time was downtime! The downtime is logged later. Section 5: Downtime - This field is used for logging how many hours of the overall task were 'Downtime'. This includes re-works and looking for parts etc. This box should NOT be used for Tidying or Misc tasks. They need to be logged as a seperate task, via another entry. In the example, I have stated that during my 4 hours spent 'Piping Saw', 1 hour of that was downtime. Section 6: Date - The date section will automatically be populated with 'Todays' date. However, if you forgot to do or need to re-do a timesheet from another day, the date field can be changed to your need. Just click the calender symbol and select the required date. Section 7: Submit - Once all fields have been checked for accuracy, click on the Submit button at the bottom of the page. This sends your timesheet to your supervisor on data tracking board for approval. You will also be given a pop-up screen that allows you to submit another timesheet (if required). Otherwise, the pop up screen can be closed.  
Inside the packet of the plug will be 5 components: 1- Metal outer shell 2- Numbered insert 3- m8 IDC connector 4- Individual 'white' grommet 5- Additional 3 grommets<div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...The 'white' grommet and numbered insert may be stuck in the metal shell. Please check!</div> </div>Make sure you check that you have all of these parts before disposing of the packaging.  +, Once you have your cable run to its final location and cut to length, you will need to strip 20mm of the insulation back to expose the internal cores (The cable used in the example picture is a 2 core cable with 1 brown core and 1 blue core).  +, Make sure the tapared end of the shell goes over the cable first.  +,
This procedure must be done in conjunction with moving the SR Axis Datum to a position higher and ant the front of the machine to [[Move SR Datum Sensor to Higher Level R0019217]] <br/>  +, Loosen off bolts that hold SR stop block and move stop block as high as possible, to keep out of the way. Remove existing SR end stop assy.  +, New posts are then to be reinstated. These will look similar to the ones removed, apart from a 40mm x 90mm section removed from the lower part of each upright. The cutout also needs to be on the outboard side. For reference, this cut out is to allow the fitment of the 3D printed guard segments.  +,
Take out the 2 bolts holding the energy chain end bracket to the Aluminium bracket.  +, Fit the new plate in between the energy chain end and the aluminium bracket lining up the holes. Fix Bolts back in place  +
B0001166  +, <div class="icon-instructions idea-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...Line up with a straight edge</div> </div>  +, Use idler to create tension  +,
Clean and remove any dirt/grease/imperfections on the box section ready the the new rails. If any of the tapped holes are compromised, re-tap 6mm.  +, Detach both Hepco rails by removing the 6mm caphead bolts (pictured). Once rails are removed, they can be separated into shorter lengths by knocking out the dowel pins towards the centre sections.  +, Offer extension piece (box section) up to existing axis beam and clamp on using large G clamps and fixing angle **(*pic required) ** Mark holes in both pieces then drill/ tap 6mm.  +,
Remove all parts from the existing turret, to leave just the mounting plate and the cylinder and fittings etc, as shown  +, Fit the Somatec mount block (D0015715) with M8 bolts (you will need to remove the mounting plate from the hood to bolt in from behind.  +, Fit Somatec turret with 3 off M6 bolts. <br/>  +,
[[Create a TwinCAT Project from Scratch]] This procedure ensures that the front end PC has the latest TwinCAT version, and that the PLC source control program is correctly integrated, meaning the latest PLC code version will be available  +, Latest version of winMulti software is located at G:\builds\Latest Software Versions\winmultiv6 <br/><div class="icon-instructions idea-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...Copy the entire folder contents</div> </div><br/>  +, [[Updating Beckhoff TwinCAT3 Backend Version]] This ensures the back end PLC is on the latest TwinCAT version  +,