WinMulti Master Directory Files : Différence entre versions

[version en cours de rédaction][version en cours de rédaction]
(9 révisions intermédiaires par le même utilisateur non affichées)
Ligne 4 : Ligne 4 :
<translate>=Main Page - List of Mul Files=
The master directory contains all the information required to run the winMulti software. This folder is referenced in the [[Masterdir File]] and could be located anywhere, but is generally found in the following locations
{| class="wikitable"
|+Common Locations
|Machines with centralised control
(All TwinCAT3 Machines - ZX5s , Beckhoff upgraded machines, software upgrades to v6)
|Machines with front end winMulti on a beckhoff PC<br />
(Memory Stick or network drive)
|A USB stick was originally used to minimise the use of hard drive space, and to provide a simple method of PC replacement. However a memory stick will corrupt after a couple of years of use, and the general change to use a shared directory on another PC was adopted.
|Machines with a seperate machine and saw hardware configuration
(original flowlines and ZX3/4)
|DOS Machines
<br />
<br />
=Files - .Mul and .Saw Files=
.mul and .saw files are text files, normally csv that hold the setup data for the winMulti software
{{Info|...These files are standard ASCII text files becasue they were originally conceived pre-1995 for DOS based systems and have maintained compatiblity}}<br />
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
===.Mul Files===
!File Name
!File Name
|Software generated log of operator adjustments to parameters
|[[Mul File Specification - Alarms|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Alarms|]]
|Configuration file for Input and output triggered alarms
|[[Mul File Specification - Alarms|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Alarms|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Alarms|]]<nowiki/>full
| rowspan="2" |Configuration file forMotion Controlled axes on machine
|[[Mul File Specification - Axes|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Axes|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - AxesLR|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - AxesLR|]]
|Configuration file for backed up locations
|[[Mul File Specification Backup|]]
|[[Mul File Specification Backup|]]
|Configuration file for clamp positioners
|[[Mul File Specification - Clamppos|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Clamppos|]]
|Configuration file for clamps directly controlled by location of profile and gripper
|[[Mul File Specification - Clamps|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Clamps|]]
|Configuration file for profile colour descriptions
|[[Mul File Specification - Colours|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Colours|]]
|Configuration file for "Flowline Ops" editor
|[[Mul File Specification - Draw|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Draw|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - DualColours|]]
|Configuration file for ejector
|[[Mul File Specification - Ejpos|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Ejpos|]]
|Configuration file for etherCAT diagnostics System
|[[Mul File Specification - EtherCatDevices|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - EtherCatDevices|]]
|Configuration file for Window Hardware setup in "flowops" software
|[[Mul File Specification - Hardware|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Hardware|]]
|Configuration file for complex multiple Inverter setup
|[[Mul File Specification - Inverters|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Inverters|]]
|Configuration file for Input and Output channel specification
|[[Mul File Specification - ioDef|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - ioDef|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - IoDefTS|]]
|Log file for network setup notes, IP addresses, etc
|[[Mul File Specification - IP|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - IP|]]
|Configuration file for optimiser tolerances
|[[Mul File Specification - Opttol|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Opttol|]]
|Configuration file for operation types in "flowops" software
|[[Mul File Specification - Optypes|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Optypes|]]
|Configuration file for offcut position sensors
|[[Mul File Specification Osensor|]]
|[[Mul File Specification Osensor|]]
|Configuration file for Profile Extra Parameters (in addition to profile/mul)
|[[Mul File Specification - Peps|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Peps|]]
|Configuration file for Hardware Preps in "flowops" software
|[[Mul File Specification - Preps|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Preps|]]
|Configuration file for main profile parameters
|[[Mul File Specification - Profile|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Profile|]]
|Log file of next number to use in the transfer table queue system
|[[Mul File Specification - Queueno|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Queueno|]]
|Configuration file for reminder table - sets user reminders to appear
|[[Mul File Specification - Reminders|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Reminders|]]
|Configuration file for Settings in "flowops" software
|[[Mul File Specification - Settings|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Settings|]]
|Configuration file for Customer shift pattern
|[[Mul File Specification - Shifts|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Shifts|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - StdColours|]]
|Configuration file for tooling operations
|[[Mul File Specification - Stdops|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Stdops|]]
|Database file of profile systems
|[[Mul File Specification - Systems|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Systems|]]
|Configuration file for toolong setup on ring
|[[Mul File Specification - Tools|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Tools|]]
|Configuration file for profile trimming
|[[Mul File Specification - Trim|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Trim|]]
|Parameters file for user-defined parameters used in macro mnd-files
|[[Mul File Specification - userVariables|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - userVariables|]]
|Configuration file for "holding" outputs off if an axis is in a certain position range
|[[Mul File Specification - Xposhold|]]
|[[Mul File Specification - Xposhold|]]
|Database of mnd file types and variables used
|[[Mul File Specification - Zstdopdef|]]
{| class="wikitable"
===.Saw Files===
!File Name
|[[Mul File Specification - Zstdopdef|]]
|[[Saw File Specification Colours|]]
|[[Saw File Specification Loadpos|]]
|[[Saw File Specification - Messages|]]
|[[Saw File Specification - NextSamRead|]]
|Params &
|[[Saw File Specification - Params and Sparams|]]
|[[Saw File Specification - Offcuts|]]
<br />
=Files - .ZFT=
Zebra Format Files (.zft) are the configuration files for the label generation when
*The labels are created by the winMulti software (ie not generated in a ZEB file by the office software - See [[Stuga Zebra Label Batch File Specification]])
*Remake Labels
*Offcut and Waste Labels
See [[ZFT File Format]] and [[Second Barcode Label For Saws]] for more information
=Files  - .DAT=
Thes files are produced by the optimiser system to help diagnose the optimisation process. A set of .dat files is created for each optimisation group (all pieces of the same profile and colour combination). The optimiser is a seperate file which crunches this data and outputs its own .dat file with the results of the optimisation
{| class="wikitable"
Otimiser Dat Files
!Created By
|Gap amount between all prep combinations
|List of offcuts of the current profile / colour being optimised
|List of useable offcuts of the current profile / colour being optimised
|Results of the optimisation
|optimiser.exe / optim32.exe
|Output log of the optimisation process
|optimiser.exe / optim32.exe
=File - [BuildNo].db3=
This is a SQLite database file to hold the offcuts created by the machine
{{Info|...Using the db3 database for offcuts was implemented in version 5.2. Prior to this, the offcuts were stored in offcuts.saw, however this was slow and buggy when the offcuts data grew too large.}}<br />
=Directory - _machine=
The _machine directory stores log files of the diagnostic information on the machine. The software continually outputs data toi help diagnostics "after the event"
==Subdirectory - _machine\diagnostic==
Contains a folder generated for each month and year the machine is running. Within this folder are sets of daily log files
{| class="wikitable"
|+Daily Log Files [dd] = day of month
|Main Log file for diagnostics<br />
|On systems with more than one "machine side" , ie machine side and saw side, this log is for the machining centre side
The saw side has its own diagnostic log (see ddsaw.csv)
{{Info|...There are two seperate diagnostic logs for a 2-side machine because the processes happen in parallel}}<br />
|Number of complete frames cut on this day.
|The software increments this number what all the pieces of a frame are complete. The software uses the "Slot" field from the 449 file to determine a frame
|Number of pieces cut on this day
|Log file for saw side diagnostics
==Subdirectory - _machine\optimise==
Logs a copy of the information sent to the optimiser process. Used to diagnose and track down historical optimisation issues
==Subdirectory - _machine\running==
Log of the efficiency and performace values of the machine. A csv file is created for each day the machine runs. The file contains a line for each minute of running detailing how many seconds in that minute the machine was running, idle or waiting for an operator.
From this data, and the number of pieces cut,  the performance of the machine can be calculated
{{Info|...In v6 software, this data was placed in a SQlite database diagnostic.db3 to allow greater compatibility and performance with SQL data standards}}<br />
=File - _Machine\diagnostic\diagnostic.db3=
See [[Advanced Database Information]]
=File - _machine\useage.db3=
See [[Advanced Database Information]]
=Directory - Archive=
=Directory - Backup=
=Directory - Batches=
=Directory - DXF=
=Directory - Flowline Ops=
=Directory - OPBIN=
=Directory - Opdesign=
=Directory - samout=
=Directory - Saw=
<br /></translate>

Version actuelle datée du 1 juillet 2022 à 11:22

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 1/07/2022 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction


The master directory contains all the information required to run the winMulti software. This folder is referenced in the Masterdir File and could be located anywhere, but is generally found in the following locations

Common Locations
Configuration Location Notes
Latest Machines with centralised control

(All TwinCAT3 Machines - ZX5s , Beckhoff upgraded machines, software upgrades to v6)

Machines with front end winMulti on a beckhoff PC

(Memory Stick or network drive)

A USB stick was originally used to minimise the use of hard drive space, and to provide a simple method of PC replacement. However a memory stick will corrupt after a couple of years of use, and the general change to use a shared directory on another PC was adopted.
Machines with a seperate machine and saw hardware configuration

(original flowlines and ZX3/4)

Oldest DOS Machines c:\

Files - .Mul and .Saw Files

.mul and .saw files are text files, normally csv that hold the setup data for the winMulti software

...These files are standard ASCII text files becasue they were originally conceived pre-1995 for DOS based systems and have maintained compatiblity

.Mul Files

No File Name Description Location
1 Adjust Software generated log of operator adjustments to parameters
2 Alarms Configuration file for Input and output triggered alarms
4 Axes Configuration file forMotion Controlled axes on machine
5 AxesLR
6 Backup Configuration file for backed up locations
7 Clamppos Configuration file for clamp positioners
8 Clamps Configuration file for clamps directly controlled by location of profile and gripper
9 Colours Configuration file for profile colour descriptions
10 Draw Configuration file for "Flowline Ops" editor
12 Ejpos Configuration file for ejector
13 etherCatDevices Configuration file for etherCAT diagnostics System
14 Hardware Configuration file for Window Hardware setup in "flowops" software
15 Inverters Configuration file for complex multiple Inverter setup
16 IODef Configuration file for Input and Output channel specification
18 IP Log file for network setup notes, IP addresses, etc
19 Opttol Configuration file for optimiser tolerances
20 Optypes Configuration file for operation types in "flowops" software
21 Osensor.mul Configuration file for offcut position sensors
22 Peps Configuration file for Profile Extra Parameters (in addition to profile/mul)
23 Preps Configuration file for Hardware Preps in "flowops" software
24 Profile Configuration file for main profile parameters
25 Queueno Log file of next number to use in the transfer table queue system
26 Reminders Configuration file for reminder table - sets user reminders to appear
27 Settings Configuration file for Settings in "flowops" software
28 Shifts Configuration file for Customer shift pattern
30 StdOps Configuration file for tooling operations
31 Systems Database file of profile systems
32 Tools Configuration file for toolong setup on ring
33 Trim Configuration file for profile trimming
34 userVariables Parameters file for user-defined parameters used in macro mnd-files
35 Xposhold Configuration file for "holding" outputs off if an axis is in a certain position range
36 Zstdopdef Database of mnd file types and variables used

.Saw Files

No File Name Description Location
1 Colours
2 Loadpos
3 Messages
4 NextSamRead
5 Params &

6 Offcuts

Files - .ZFT

Zebra Format Files (.zft) are the configuration files for the label generation when

See ZFT File Format and Second Barcode Label For Saws for more information

Files - .DAT

Thes files are produced by the optimiser system to help diagnose the optimisation process. A set of .dat files is created for each optimisation group (all pieces of the same profile and colour combination). The optimiser is a seperate file which crunches this data and outputs its own .dat file with the results of the optimisation

Otimiser Dat Files
File Function Created By
gaps.dat Gap amount between all prep combinations winMulti
pieces.dat List of offcuts of the current profile / colour being optimised winMulti
offcuts.dat List of useable offcuts of the current profile / colour being optimised winMulti
results.dat Results of the optimisation optimiser.exe / optim32.exe
oplog.dat Output log of the optimisation process optimiser.exe / optim32.exe

File - [BuildNo].db3

This is a SQLite database file to hold the offcuts created by the machine

...Using the db3 database for offcuts was implemented in version 5.2. Prior to this, the offcuts were stored in offcuts.saw, however this was slow and buggy when the offcuts data grew too large.

Directory - _machine

The _machine directory stores log files of the diagnostic information on the machine. The software continually outputs data toi help diagnostics "after the event"

Subdirectory - _machine\diagnostic

Contains a folder generated for each month and year the machine is running. Within this folder are sets of daily log files

Daily Log Files [dd] = day of month
Name Function Notes
dd.csv Main Log file for diagnostics
On systems with more than one "machine side" , ie machine side and saw side, this log is for the machining centre side

The saw side has its own diagnostic log (see ddsaw.csv)

...There are two seperate diagnostic logs for a 2-side machine because the processes happen in parallel

dd.frm Number of complete frames cut on this day. The software increments this number what all the pieces of a frame are complete. The software uses the "Slot" field from the 449 file to determine a frame
dd.pcs Number of pieces cut on this day
ddsaw.csv Log file for saw side diagnostics

Subdirectory - _machine\optimise

Logs a copy of the information sent to the optimiser process. Used to diagnose and track down historical optimisation issues

Subdirectory - _machine\running

Log of the efficiency and performace values of the machine. A csv file is created for each day the machine runs. The file contains a line for each minute of running detailing how many seconds in that minute the machine was running, idle or waiting for an operator.

From this data, and the number of pieces cut, the performance of the machine can be calculated

...In v6 software, this data was placed in a SQlite database diagnostic.db3 to allow greater compatibility and performance with SQL data standards

File - _Machine\diagnostic\diagnostic.db3

See Advanced Database Information

File - _machine\useage.db3

See Advanced Database Information

Directory - Archive

Directory - Backup

Directory - Batches

Directory - DXF

Directory - Flowline Ops

Directory - OPBIN

Directory - Opdesign

Directory - samout

Directory - Saw

