Stuga Zebra Label Batch File Specification

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Author avatarGareth Green | Last edit 25/06/2024 by Gareth Green being drafted

Adding Machine Build Number to Label IMG 1601.jpg

The requirement is for a separate file to directly print labels from the Stuga machinery, driven by the third party software company. To maintain backwards compatibility, a third saw link file will be generated – a Zebra print file written in the zebra printer language. This allows graphic and font information to be transferred to create a more visually appealing label.

Specification for Zebra Printer File Format

Extension Description
449 Stuga Saw link containing piece sawing and prepping information
PRN Stuga Label file to drive standard printers
ZEB Additional file to drive zebra printers directly for third-party software barcode tracking

The file will consist of Zebra print records in the following format:


Field Length Description Example
Z 1A Z signifies a zebra record Z
PieceNo 12A Piece number from 449 file 000000000001
LabelData 256A Data to send to printer ^XA^LH30,30^FO20,10^AD^FDZEBRA^FS^XZ


1.       DO NOT exceed the maximum field lengths

2.       There may be several records / lables for each piece, each record is one label

3.       All piece records must be grouped together. Printing will end when the pieceno group stops.

4.       Records must end with <CR> <LF>.

5.       The file name will be the same as the saw (.449) batch name with a .ZEB extension.

Example (This is not valid Zebra printer language)


Label Size

If using Stuga standard labels, the label should be formatted to 36mm x 98mm. However this can be any size if the printer and labels are specified correctly.

The standard printer head is 200dpi.

Checking Output Data

There is a really useful online tool for checking the output data

The output code for a label can be pasted in to the box and it will render the output on screen instantly

Stuga Controlled Fields

Special field codes are allowed to enable the Stuga machine to replace a given string of characters with live data that is not avalaible when the label file is created, for example the machine build number that produces the part, or the time and date of production. This data is very useful for tracing changes and diagnostics

Field Specification
Field Code Replacement on Printing Example
$BN$ Unique Build number of machine Z087
$Date$ Date of production (dd/mm/yy) 12/08/22
$Time$ Time of Production (hh:mm:ss) 15:32:17

The text is replaced in the zebre string so will be subject to whatever formatting the surrounding characters are.

