Mul File Specification - Tools

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Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 23/05/2022 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

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Specification of the Tools.mul file


The tools file contains the setup information for the tools on the ring assembly. Different machines have different tooling setups, and this file allows the software to determine the correct angle for the ring with the shortest possible movement (if there is more than one tool of the same type on the ring).

The file consists of 2 parts, identified by a name in square brackets

  1. [spindles] The spindle setup on the ring and the tool number associated with the position (Mounting angle on the ring, spindle frequency, etc)
  2. [tools] The tool number specification (Diameter of tool, Cutting speeds, etc)

Field Format - Spindles
No Name Format Notes
1 Spindle Number 1N Spindle number on the ring
2 Tool Angle 5N Physical angle of the tool on the ring. 0 is the datum position at 12 oclock.

The direction of the "clock face" is always anti-clockwise for all right to left feed machines.

There is a difference in how "opposite-hand" or left to right feed machiens are handled.

Flowlines - The angle counts up in a clockwise

ZX3/4/5 & Microlines - The angle counts up anticlockwide

...The difference between flowlines and ZX machines is rooted in how an opposite hand machine is handles. Flowlines have a mirrror image of the ring, ZXs use the same assembly for both hands

3 Output Definition -Spindle Power 8A The output that switches power to the spindle

Referenced to the IODef file

4 Output Definition - Spindle Plunge Output 8A The output that operates the valve that plunges the spindle

Referenced to the IODef file

...On machines with an EtherCAT network to the ring, an IO box is supplied for each spindle head, allowing a seperate output channel for the power relay and for the double and single plunge. This quantity of outputs was not available on previous control systems, so the same output drives the relay and spindle plunge valve

5 Output Definition - Spindle Double Plunge Output 8A The output that operates the valve that double plunges the spindle - a telescopic action that increases the plunge distance

Referenced to the IODef file

...On machines with an EtherCAT network to the ring, an IO box is supplied for each spindle head, allowing a seperate output channel for the double and single plunge. This quantity of outputs was not available on previous control systems, so the same output drives all double plunge cylinders on the ring

Set to -1 if the spindle does not have a double plunge output

6 Input Definition - Spindle Home 8A Input ref associated with home position for the spindle plunge cylinder

Referenced to the IODef file

Set to -1 if the input does not exist or to diasble the input if it is faulty

7 Input Definition - Spindle Out 8A Input ref associated with out position for the spindle plunge cylinder

Referenced to the IODef file

Set to -1 if the input does not exist or to diasble the input if it is faulty

8 Input Definition - Double Plunge Home 8A Input ref associated with home position for the spindle double plunge cylinder

Referenced to the IODef file

Set to -1 if the input does not exist or to diasble the input if it is faulty

9 Input Definition - Double Plunge Out 8A Input ref associated with out position for the spindle double plunge cylinder

Referenced to the IODef file

Set to -1 if the input does not exist or to diasble the input if it is faulty

10 Spindle Frequency 3N Frequency (Hz) of the spindle
...This field is very important, as supplying a 50Hz signel to a 300Hz motor will result in permanent damage

11 Double plunge Compliment Spindle 2N Spindle numer to activate as the opposit double plunge - should compliment the other spindle data (eg if 7 points to 3 then 3 points to 7)
12 Reserved 8N
13 Reserved 1N

Field Format - Tools
No Name Format Notes
1 Tool Number 1N Used in the main programming files (mnd files) to define which tool to use

These are standardised number used on every Stuga ring for 20+years

Spindle Standards
Tool Number Tool Description
1 3 or 4mm Spot Drill
2 10mm Router
3 5mm Router
4 12.7mm Router
5 V notch Blade 45 deg
6 V Notch blade 135 deg
7 16mm Drill
8 Special Tool
2 Tool Description 20A Description of the tool
3 Plunging Speed 4N Speed (in 10th of mm/s) used when plunging the tool into the profile using the axis control.

Selected when using sp=PIERCE command in mnd files

4 Cutting Speed 4N Speed (in 10th of mm/s) used when cutting / routing with the tool.

Selected when using sp=CUT command in mnd files

5 Tool Diameter 4N Tool diameter(in 10th of mm/s) used when cutting / routing with the tool.

Selected as a variable in mnd files programming (cdia) to tie in slot length or width to the cutter diameter

6 Reserved 4N


1,3mm Drill           ,900,500,30,0,0000
2,10mm Router         ,400,300,100,0,0000
3,5mm Router          ,1000,800,50,0,0000
4,12.7mm Router       ,300,300,127,0,0000
7,16mm Drill          ,300,200,160,0,0000

