Stuga Machine IO Dictionary - Inputs

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 10/10/2024 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

List of input references used on Stuga Machines


For output references see here

  • All Stuga machines share similar inputs to do similar functions (eg the start button is the same on any machine). To keep this modular approach, each function is given a specific reference number from 1 to 500. This reference or IORef is the same on any machine.
  • This number is used as the wire labelling number on newer machines (all Autoflows and ZX5s)
  • To maintain backwards compatibility with older machines (Saws, Flowlines, Ecolines, etc, there is also a cross-reference to the original cable numbering.
  • More information on a particular input can be found by clicking on the code, if external ink is set (blue text)
IO Ref Legacy Wire


Code Description
1 InA_GripOff Gripper in released position
2 InA_Measure1 Moving Offcut measure Sensor 1 - On Autoflow Arm
3 InA_Measure2 Moving Offcut measure Sensor 2 - On Autoflow Arm
4 InA_GZHome Gripper Z axis home sensor
5 InA_GZLimitF Gripper Z axis positive limit [Not Used]
6 InA_GZLimitR Gripper Z axis negative limit [Not Used]
7 X08 InA_GYHome Gripper Y axis home sensor
8 InA_GYLimitF Gripper Y axis positive limit [Not Used]
9 InA_GYLimitR Gripper Y axis negative limit [Not Used]
10 X00 InA_GXHome Gripper X axis home sensor
11 X01 InA_GXLimitF Gripper X axis positive limit [Not Used]
12 InA_GXLimitR Gripper X axis negative limit [Not Used]
13 InA_IPos0On Popup Infeed table - paddle 0 active (closest to backfence)
14 InA_IPos1On Popup Infeed table - paddle 1 active
15 InA_IPos2On Popup Infeed table - paddle 2 active
16 InA_IPos3On Popup Infeed table - paddle 3 active
17 InA_IPos4On Popup Infeed table - paddle 4 active
18 InA_IPos5On Popup Infeed table - paddle 5 active
19 InA_IPos6On Popup Infeed table - paddle 6 active
20 InA_IPos7On Popup Infeed table - paddle 7 active (Closest to operator)
21 InA_CrankFwd Popup infeed table crank motor in forward position
22 InA_IPos0Off Popup Infeed table - paddle 0 inactive (closest to backfence) [Not Used]
23 InA_IPos1Off Popup Infeed table - paddle 1 inactive [Not Used]
24 InA_IPos2Off Popup Infeed table - paddle 2 inactive [Not Used]
25 InA_IPos3Off Popup Infeed table - paddle 3 inactive [Not Used]
26 InA_IPos4Off Popup Infeed table - paddle 4 inactive [Not Used]
27 InA_IPos5Off Popup Infeed table - paddle 5 inactive [Not Used]
28 InA_IPos6Off Popup Infeed table - paddle 6 inactive [Not Used]
29 InA_IPos7Off Popup Infeed table - paddle 7 inactive (Closest to operator) [Not Used]
30 InA_CrankHm Popup infeed table crank motor in home position
31 X35 InA_MatlLoaded1
32 InA_MatlLoaded2
33 InA_Index
34 InA_ClampITHm
35 InA_VCUOk
36 InA_Bus415Ok
37 InA_Bus415SOk
38 InA_InvInfeedOk
39 InA_ServGXOk
40 InA_ServGYOk
41 InA_24vBusOk
42 InA_24vModOk
43 X22 InA_AirOk
44 X33 InA_Grip
44 In_GRIPS  
45 InA_Estop
45 X16 In_ESTOP  
46 InA_StartButton
46 X23 In_START   MH Start Button
47 InA_StopButton
47 In_STOP     MH Stop Button
48 InA_ResetButton
48 X24 In_ESRST   MH ES Reset Button
49 X17 InA_Estop1Pressed
50 X02 InB_YHome
51 X03 InB_YLimitF
52 InB_YLimitR
53 X04 InB_ZHome
54 InB_ZLimitF
55 InB_ZLimitR
56 X06 InB_RHome
57 InB_RLimitF
58 InB_RLimitR
59 InB_ClampOTHm
60 InB_ClampOTPos
61 InB_ClampOSHm
62 InB_ClampOSPos
63 InB_ClampITHm
64 InB_ClampITPos
65 InB_ClampISHm
66 InB_ClampISPos
67 InB_Spin1Hm
68 InB_Spin2Hm
69 InB_Spin3Hm
70 InB_Spin4Hm
71 InB_Spin5Hm
72 InB_Spin6Hm
73 InB_Spin7Hm
74 InB_Spin8Hm
75 InB_Spin1Ou
76 InB_Spin2Ou
77 InB_Spin3Ou
78 InB_Spin4Ou
79 InB_Spin5Ou
80 InB_Spin6Ou
81 InB_Spin7Ou
82 InB_Spin8Ou
83 InB_Spin1DPOu
84 InB_Spin6DPOu
85 InB_Spin1DPHm
86 InB_Spin6DPHm
87 InB_ServYOk
88 InB_ServZOk
89 InB_ServROk
90 X27 InB_InvSpinOk Inverter OK input - High when Inverter is OK
91 InB_24vModOk
92 X20 InB_GuardFront
93 X21 InB_GuardRear
94 InB_Spin1DPOu


95 InB_Spin2DPOu
96 InB_Spin3DPOu
97 InB_Spin4DPOu
98 InB_Spin5DPOu


99 InB_Spin6DPOu
100 InB_Spin7DPOu
101 InB_Spin8DPOu
102 InB_DPHm1
103 InB_DPHm2
104 InB_DPHm3
105 InB_DPHm4
106 InB_DPHm5
107 InB_DPHm6
108 InB_DPHm7
109 InB_DPHm8
110 InB_Lubricator Auto Lubricator on Autoflow Module B
111 InB_ClVTHm Clamp V Notch Top Home
112 InB_ClVSHm Clamp V Notch Side Home
113 InA_FullLen1 Full Length sensor 1 on main infeed
114 InA_FullLen2 Full Length sensor 2  on main infeed
115 InE_FullLen1 Full Length sensor 1 on saw infeed
116 InE_FullLen2 Full Length sensor 2 on saw infeed
117 InA_ESRearMid Estop button on rear of machine (estimated to be halfway down the length)
118 InB_ESCabinet Estop button on cabinet door
119 InF_ESRear Saw Rear Estop Button
120 InF_SYHome
121 InF_SYLimitF
122 InF_SYLimitR
123 InF_SZHome
124 InF_SZLimitF
125 InF_SZLimitR
126 InF_SRHome
127 InF_SRLimitF
128 InF_SRLimitR
129 InC_ESRearMid Estop button on rear of module c (estimated halfway down the length of frame)
130 InC_ESRearEnd Estop button on rear of module c towards extraction end
131 InA_ESRearEnd Estop button on rear of Module A
134 X14 InF_EjPushHm
135 InF_EjPushOu
136 InF_ClampOTHm
137 InF_ClampOSHm
138 InF_ClampITHm
139 InF_ClampISHm
140 InF_RollerITHm
141 InF_EjectHm
142 InF_EjectOu
143 InF_AdvanceBut
144 InF_OutfeedFull
145 InF_OutfeedIndex
148 InF_Tilt1
149 InF_Tilt2
150 InF_InvSawOk
151 InF_InvExtractOk
152 InF_ConvOvlOk
153 InF_MatlOvlOk
154 InF_ConvTempOk
155 InF_ClampITPos
156 InF_TiltHome
157 InF_TiltSawOn
160 InA_AutoCycleButton
160 In_AUTO     MH Auto Button
161 InA_MatlAtFence
165 InA_StopSensor InE_StopSensor on ZX5
166 InA_ButLoad
167 InC_GrippedMax
168 InE_GrippedMax
170 InF_GuardFr
171 InF_GuardTop
172 InF_ServSZOk
173 InF_ServSROk
174 InF_ESRear
175 InA_48vOk
176 InB_24vBusOk
177 InB_VNotchOk
178 InF_48vOk
179 InF_24vBusOk
180 InF_24vModOk
181 InA_GripTurnHm
182 InA_GripTurnOu
183 InA_EDLoaded
184 InA_EDCoverOpen
185 InA_EDPlungeHm
186 InA_EDPlungeOu
187 InA_EDStartBut
188 InA_EDInverterOk
189 InF_GtOpen Outfeed Safety Gate Closed
190 X19 InF_GtClosed Outfeed Safety Gate Open. Ecoline - Slide Door
191 InF_Saw45
192 InF_Saw90
195 InF_ESSawFront Estop button on front of Sawing centre
196 InF_SawGuard
197 InF_Saw135
198 InF_SYHome2
199 InF_SZHome2
201 InA_AutoSaw
203 InF_CentHome
204 InA_StopSaw
205 InA_StartSaw
206 InF_EsRstSaw
207 InF_ExtrButt
208 InF_SawCutHm
209 InF_SawCutOut
210 InF_ZIA Z Turret Infeed A Input
211 InF_ZOA Z Turret Outfeed A Input
212 InF_ZIC Z Turret Infeed C Input
213 InF_ZOC Z Turret Outfed C Input
214 InF_ZIHome Z Turret Infeed Home Input
215 InF_ZOHome Z Turret Outfeed Home Input
220 InF_ZIB Z Turret Infeed B Input
221 InF_ZOB Z Turret Outfeed B Input
223 X18 InA_ButEStop5 Ecoline - Conveyor Button
225 InE_SXHome
225 InA_DatumSaw
226 InE_MatLoaded Profile in Saw Loading Channel
227 InD_ExtGate1 Extraction Gate 1 Open
228 InD_ExtGate2 Extraction Gate 2 Open
230 InE_TrPos1 Nearest Saw side
231 InE_TrPos2
232 InE_TrPos3
233 InE_TrPos4
234 InE_TrPos5
235 InE_TrPos6
236 InE_TrPosEnd Nerest MH side
237 InD_CrankO
237 InE_CrankFwd
238 InD_CrankH
238 InE_CrankHome
239 InE_TrLiftUp
240 InE_TrLiftDown
241 InE_TrLiftIn
242 InE_TrLiftOut
243 InE_TranOvl
244 InE_InfeedGate
244 In_LightGuard
245 InE_XferOn
246 X07 InE_Laser
247 InB_Vsafe Sensor for ZX5 V notch assembly safe position (Y and Z position clear of beam)
248 InE_MatPopup Profile present in Saw side loader
249 InE_ESRearMid Estop button on rear of saw infeed (estimated halfway down the frame)
250 InE_ESRearEnd Estop button on rear of saw infeed (extraction end)
268 InA_NextBarOut
269 InF_SawCutOutMid
270 InA_MatPos1 Module A Material in Position 1
271 InA_MatPos2 Module A Material in Position 2
272 InA_MatPos3 Module A Material in Position 3
273 InA_MatPos4 Module A Material in Position 4
274 InA_MatPos5 Module A Material in Position 5
275 InA_MatPos6 Module A Material in Position 6
276 InA_MatPosE Module A Material in Position 7
277 InA_CrankO Module A Crank Out
278 InA_CrankH Module A Crank Home
279 InA_CrankOvl Module A Crank Overload
280 InA_ModClear Module A Loading Channel Clear
281 InA_LoadBut Module A Material Load button
282 InA_Resume Module A Resume Sequence Button
283 InC_GripHH Datum Drill Overload
285 InC_CrankOvl Module C Crank Overload
286 InC_CrankO Module C Crank Out
287 InC_CrankH Module C Crank Home
288 InE_CrankOvl
289 InC_BeamPosH Sensor used to detect when beam is home and safe
290 InC_BeamPosO Sensor used to detect when beam is closest to ring
291 InE_GripHH Module E Grip Height Home
294 InE_GripSw Module E Grip Switch
297 InE_CrankO Module E Crank Out
298 InE_CrankH Module E Crank Home
299 InE_CrankOvl Module E Crank Overload
300 InF_Resume Module F Resume Sequence Button
302 InA_DDrillH Datum Drill Out
302 InA_WheelH Module A Wheel Height Home
301 InA_DDrillO Datum Drill Home
303 InA_ChanHome Module A Channel Home
304 InA_GripHH Module C Grip Height Home
304 In_GUARD Guard input on Mk3 Flowline
305 In_MCSW2
306 InA_Preload Module A Preload position
307 InE_ChanHm Module E Channel Home
308 InB_InvZero Output from Yaskawa inverter to confirm spindle has decelerated
309 InB_InvTemp Thermistor on Yaskawa dump resistor for thermal overload
310 In_CFEED   Used on Mk3 - similar to CHAIN but needs to be different
311 In_LOADD   Material Loaded Sensor
312 X12 In_Xok Added by BB - not Required on TwinCAT
313 X100 In_Yok Added by BB  - not Required on TwinCAT
314 X101 In_Zok Added by BB  - not Required on TwinCAT
315 X102 In_Rok Added by BB  - not Required on TwinCAT
316 X09 In_Gok Added by BB  - not Required on TwinCAT
317 In_SXok Added by BB
318 X11 In_Vok Added by GG for Ecoline  - not Required on TwinCAT
321 In_ESBUT1   Or saw front Estop button on ZX3/4 Allinone
324 In_TRTA    
326 InA_ConvOvl Infeed conveyor overload
327 X45 In_LLEN Longlength sensor on Mk3
328 In_EJHM    
329 In_TOOLO Tool Out sensor on Flowline Mk3
330 X34 In_OBEAM   Ecoline Outfeed Beam
331 In_OUTFC  
332 In_OCUT1  
333 In_OCUT2  
334 In_OCUT3  
335 In_OCUT4  
336 In_OCUT5  
337 In_OCUT6  
338 In_OCUT7  
339 In_OCUT8  
340 In_EJOU    
341 X26 In_VOVL V Notch overload
342 X342 InB_InvOK Alternative inverter OK input (ZX5)
343 In_IPLLH  
344 X32 In_IPLLO
345 In_CHAIN   Chain Sensor
346 InB_GuardFrI Guard doors on ZX5 (no TwinSAFE)
347 InB_GuardFrO Guard doors on ZX5 (no TwinSAFE)
348 InB_GuardReI Guard doors on ZX5 (no TwinSAFE)
349 InB_GuardReO Guard doors on ZX5 (no TwinSAFE)
350 InD_GuardTT Guard Doors on transfer Table
351 InF_ESConsBut
380 X15 In_CLVSI V Clamp Infeed Side Home Ecoline
381 X13 In_CLVSO V Clamp Outfeed Side Home Ecoline
382 X25 In_SpOVL Spindle overload relay
383 X39 In_VTrnDn Ecoline Front V turn Down
384 X40 In_VTrnUp Ecoline Front V turn up
385 X43 In_WTrnDn Ecoline Rear V turn Down
386 X44 In_WTrnUp Ecoline Rear V turn up
387 X47 In_Length Ecoline Bar end sensor (not used)
405 SPTO1 Tool Out Sensor on ZX
406 SPTO2
407 SPTO3
408 SPTO4
409 SPTO5
410 SPTO6
411 SPTO7
412 SPTO8
413 SPHM1 Tool Home Sensor on ZX
414 SPHM2
415 SPHM3
416 SPHM4
417 SPHM5
418 SPHM6
419 SPHM7
420 SPHM8
421 DPTO3 Double Plunge out Sensor on ZX
422 DPTO7
423 In_VIURH2  
424 In_VOURH2  
425 In_CLOIH
426 In_CLOOH
440 X440 In_GripHIxA Grip Height Index A (Gripper Variable Height Upgrade)
441 X441 In_GripHIxB Grip Height Index B (Gripper Variable Height Upgrade)
442 X442 In_GripHIxC Grip Height Index C (Gripper Variable Height Upgrade)
449 InC_RrSlideGrd Rear Sliding Door on Ecoline
450 In_WOVL
451 X10 In_DATV
452 In_DATW
453 In_WICTH
453 X42 InB_WCutUp Ecoline Rear V Notch Up
454 In_WICTO
454 X41 InB_WCutDn Ecoline Rear V Notch Down
455 In_WOCTH
456 In_WOCTO
457 In_VIURH1  
458 In_VOURH1  
459 X38 InB_VCutUp
460 X37 InB_VCutDn
461 InA_TeethIn ModuleA Teeth Located OK
462 InC_TeethIn ModuleC Teeth Located OK
463 InE_TeethIn ModuleE Teeth Located OK
464 InA_WheelOvl Infeed Wheel Overload
465 InA_Beam1 Infeed Safety Beam 1
466 InA_Beam2 Infeed Safety Beam 2
467 InA_WheelRun Infeed Wheel Running
468 InA_ConvRun Infeed Conveyor Running
469 InF_Beam1 Saw Outfeed Safety Beam 1
470 InF_Beam2 Saw Outfeed Safety Beam 2
471 InC_SlowX Slowdown Input for Drive X (Direct input to drive)
472 InE_SlowSX Slowdown Input for Drive SX (Direct input to drive)
473 InC_EjectFlap Input for Eject Safety Flap on Ecoline
488 In_TLBRK
489 InB_SpTemp


Spindle Thermal Sensor
490 SPTH2
491 SPTH3
492 SPTH4
493 SPTH5
494 SPTH6
495 SPTH7
496 SPTH8

