This is the launch page for starting an accuracy journey on any Stuga machine. It contains general principles to follow and signposts further procedures and pages to investigate further
Author Gareth Green | Last edit 10/08/2023 by Gareth Green being drafted ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
This is the launch page for starting an accuracy journey on any Stuga machine. It contains general principles to follow and signposts further procedures and pages to investigate further
Accuracy TM018B_Microline_and_ZX3_V_Notch_Blade_Setup_image7.jpeg
Note, this guide is intended for trained Stuga engineers or experienced maintenance staff only.
For Basic checks (operator level) please click here
For intermediate checks (Advanced Operator / Engineer) please click here
Start by proving what is correct, then you will find out what is wrong ( - Glenn Forde 2019)
Sawing and machining centres are complicated systems. There are many interconnected mechanical components and many software settings. All these systems need to be set up correctly and precisely for the accuracy of the whole system to be correct.
This means that diagnosing a problem is difficult. An engineer will be presented with a symptom - eg "The Y notches are out". This symptom will (most probably) have more than one root cause. To cure the symptom, all of the root causes need to be found and fixed individually. This must be done systematically - there are no short cuts.
To sort out an accuracy problem, the first question an inexperienced engineer will ask is
"What setting do I change to make it right"
This is always the wrong approach. The correct question to ask is
"What is the root cause?"
There is generally something that has changed / broken / worn / loosened / tripped or out of tolerance that has led to the problem. This document guides an engineer through a process to check and put right all potential root causes following this Flow Chart:
Click here for a list of external factors that can affect machines
Click here for guides to aligning fences and bases on Stuga Machines
Click here for a list of Mechanical Issues that can affect machines
Click here for a guide to the factory settings of machine types
Click here for a list of Software Settings that can (sometimes unwillingly) affect machine accuracy
Click here for Accuracy diagnostics and tests
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