This page will describe how to generate a Postest (operation position test), and is used to set the distance between the ring and the saw blade so that routed pieces line up correctly back to back.
Auteur Stuga Engineer | Dernière modification 12/02/2025 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
This page will describe how to generate a Postest (operation position test), and is used to set the distance between the ring and the saw blade so that routed pieces line up correctly back to back.
winMulti, Postest, Accuracy, Tests WinMulti_-_Postest_Postest.jpg
To Produce a Postest perform the steps below
This will add 2 450mm pieces with square ends and a datum test in the middle, to the bar queue as below
Above is a depiction of the bar queue, prep and cut these pieces as normal.
Once the postest pieces have been cut they should be put back-to-back as shown to the right
With the holes Lined up the Offset at the ends of the profile should be measured. If prepped on outer frame the bottom piece should have the beadrail toward the tester, and the top piece should have the beadrail away from the tester.
From here click into the Settings menu, on the right there will be 2 possibilities, determine which picture best reflects your pieces (either the top piece is to the left or to the right of the bottom piece) enter the offset into the appropriate box. then click the Save button below.
This will change the appropriate parameter related to your machine. once complete, redo the postest to check that all is now well.
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