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Specification for machine control software  +
List of input references used on Stuga Machines  +
List of output references used on Stuga Machines  +
This section of the manual addresses the environmental considerations relevant to the use of the machine  +
This manual entry serves as a warning regarding the noise level produced by the machine. In accordance with the United Kingdom Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) standards, it is essential to prioritize the safety and well-being of machine operators and other personnel in the vicinity. One crucial aspect of this safety standard is the requirement for ear protection when operating or working near noisy machinery.  +
Responsibilities for the operators and maintenance operatives when using Stuga machinery  +
Safety Signs and Labels Used on Stuga Machinery  +
How to edit the product data on the Stuga website Spares Database  +
The requirement is for a separate file to directly print labels from the Stuga machinery, driven by the third party software company. To maintain backwards compatibility, a third saw link file will be generated – a Zebra print file written in the zebra printer language. This allows graphic and font information to be transferred to create a more visually appealing label.  +
Policy for the part numbering of subassemblies  +
This is a set of tests to determine the most efficient way of clearing swarf from Night Vent slots  +
Tool for Aligning rack on Stuertz tables  +
The expected life of the ring slideway has decreased due to the lack of oil being present in the felt wipers which are in contact with the ring.  +
The TLP-2844 has a pin-identical serial port to the Paxar printer, therefore it will plug straight in. The power supply to it has a different connector, however, a converter should be provided in the upgrade kit.  +
Technical Bulletin for Nextmove Card Obsolescence Originally published 17/07/09  +
The outfeed clear sensor that existed on Mk3 flowlines was not repeated on ZX machines. This leaves the machine vulnerable to crash.  +
If a very narrow section is followed by a very wide section on the Autoflow infeed, there is a collision point resulting in damage to the infeed measuring sensors.  +
How to unlock the Flowops Administrator Area  +
Importance of ensuring the inverter and params.saw accel and decel times are synchronised  +
Faults on the 300Hz spindle circuit have proved to be very difficult to trace. There symptoms are quite straight forward, but failing to find the real root cause has created huge costs in revisits and destroyed components. It is vital that all root causes are examined and eliminated, as there is often more than one root cause and very often they are intermittent.  +