Z Transom Width Measurement

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Author avatarGareth Green | Last edit 11/08/2020 by Gareth Green being drafted

Z Transom Width Measurement C9CF0BFB-F334-43E9-8E29-F92B5B3B7F4A.jpeg

How to measure the width of a Z section profile


Difficulty can be had when trying to accurately measure the width of a Z transom profile section. This guide will show you how to accurately measure the width of the Z section to within 0.1mm which is required when setting up Y notching accurately

Step 1 - Tools required

You will need a 150mm Vernier caliper, a 150mm set square and a 100mm set square.

Step 2 - Materials required

A straight faced piece of profile the same height as the Z section or taller or a piece of steel straight edge or the like; then lastly a Z section profile for measuring.

Step 3 - Aligning the 100 mm set square with the Z section

Place the long face of the 100 mm set square vertically between the Z section and the straight edge as shown in the picture. Lay the short edge of the 150 mm set square along the top face of the Z section. This will support the 100 mm set square’s short edge and stop it falling over - as shown in the picture.

Step 4 - Measurement of section width

Using the 150 mm vernier caliper, place one end of the internal measurement faces against the 100 mm set square, then wind out the vernier scale until you reach the end of the top rebate leg of the Z section with the other vernier internal measurement face - as shown in the picture. This will give you an accurate measurement to 0.1mm of the section width to allow you to set up Y notching accurately.

