ZX5 Adjusting V Notch Depth and Position

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Author avatarGareth Green | Last edit 2/10/2019 by Gareth Green being drafted

How to change the depth and position of the V notch on a ZX5 machine


The ZX5 has a twin blade system for the V notches that is designed to be easier to set up.

The overall process is:

  1. Set the shape of the V notch (Mechanical adjustment)
  2. Set the Depth of the V notch (Software adjustment in Notching Tab)
  3. Set the Position of the V notch (Software adjustment in Notching Tab)

Step 1 - Check the shape of the V notch

If the blades do not meet properly, or form a "W" shape, the mechanical setup is not correct. Please follow procedure:


Step 2 - Adjust the V Notch Depth

...Remember that the width of the V notch is HALF the depth
Open the 'Settings' screen and the 'Notching' tab
  1. For the front V Notches, the depth is adjusted by changing the dOffsetVI variable
  2. For the rear V Notches, the depth is adjusted by changing the dOffsetWI variable

+ will make the V notch deeper, - will make it shallower

Step 3 - Check V notch position compared to Datum hole

Run a manual test with a shallow V notch and datum hole in the same x axis position

The goal is to adjust the 'xOffset' variable to get the datum hole and V notch to line up

Step 4 - Adjust the Position

Open the 'Settings' screen and the 'Notching' tab

  1. For the front V Notches, the position is adjusted by changing the xOffsetVI variable
  2. For the rear V Notches, the position is adjusted by changing the xOffsetWI variable

The direction of change will depend on the handing or feed direction of the machine:-

Feed Direction + Value - Value
Right to Left V Notch moves left V Notch moves right
Left To Right (OH) V Notch moves right V Notch moves left

