Units of Measure modification CIM50

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Auteur avatarStuga Engineer | Dernière modification 1/10/2021 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction


This guide is to show how to amend units of measure of existing stock items.

If a new product is created please ensure the Units of measure is always set up correctly from the beginning .

The CIM50 guide for Units of Measure setup is here

Étape 1 - Make the product 'Inactive'

To make the item status of a product inactive it needs to comply with all of the following conditions :

Item has 0 in stock

Item has 0 in quarantine

Item does not exist on any live sales orders

Item does not exist on any live purchase orders

Item does not exist on any live works orders

Item does not exist on a bill of material

Please make a note of changes that are made stock levels allocations P.Os Works orders or BOM lists are amended to make an item inactive as these will have to all be re-entered after the unit of measure has been amended and saved.

Étape 2 - Amend 'Units of Measure'

In the amend stock record window, click on the 'units of measure' tab.

Amend Stock unit of measure (the unit in which the item is stocked/brought in as) and manufacturing units of measure (the unit to be converted to on BOM / Works Order lists) as required.

If the unit required is not on the list in the dropdown boxes see next step.

'Stock Unit of Measure' is the unit used in Sage Accounts.

Étape 3 - Adding a new Unit of Measure (If required)

If a new unit is needed, go to:

Settings > Stock Control > Units

Then add in the required measurement to the top line and save.

Étape 4 - Make the product 'Active'

Change the product Item Status back to 'Active'

Remember to add the product back to BOM lists, Works orders P.Os etc and amend the stock level, if you had to remove/change any of this in the first step.

