RMZX515 Retrofit Beam Movement Guard

Cette page contient des modifications qui ne sont pas marquées pour la traduction.

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 1/02/2022 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

Fitting ZX5 Beam Move finger guard


The beam move cylinder introduces a potential finger trap

RMZX515 Retrofit Beam Movement Guard 2.jpg

A simple guard has been designed to go over this area. D0015948.

  1. Remove the main guard panel covering this area
  2. Fix with two screws through holes provided
  3. Replace the main guard
RMZX515 Retrofit Beam Movement Guard ZX5.15 Solution.jpg


This modification is expected to take no longer than 1/2 hour to complete.

Completion is when:

  • All guards fitted and secured
  • Entry in Monday Retrofit Compliance board
    1. Entry in comments section to log you have completed it and any difficulties encountered
    2. Update the Status
    3. Add time taken
    4. Add phots to evidence work in photos column

