Cannot connect to TwinCAT PLC on switch on
Auteur Gareth Green | Dernière modification 2/01/2025 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
Cannot connect to TwinCAT PLC on switch on
TwinCAT, connection, plc, data Common_Issue_-_Initialising_-_Cannot_Connect_to_PLC_Annotation_2020-02-24_102253.jpg
Click here for potential Nextmove connection issues
On initialisation, the blue Stuga screen is trying to connect and the tries number keeps counting up.
Generally, this indicates a problem with the route between the front end and back end PC
If connected network on either front and back end PCs is not "Work" or "Private", this can block communication
If the back-end PC is not on a fixed IP address, and the route is set to connect to a specific IP address, then any change will lose the route connection
Then set up the route again from the front end PC
Log in to back end PC and clear all AMS routes out. This cleans out the system and then you can attempt to create the route again
Step | Pic | |
1 | Teamviewer to back end PC and clear out existing routes
2 | Remove all existing Routes
Click on each one in turn and click remove |
3 | Restart TwinCAT on back end PC | |
4 | Log in to the front end PC and set up the route again |
5 | Untick Secure ADS if it exists |
6 | Enter Password
This will either be "1" or the standard Stuga admin password |
7 | An "X" under the connected column will indicate the connection has worked |
en none 0
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