The winMulti software stores the production data in a SQLite database. This tutorial describes how this data can be accessed for further analysis with tools such as Excel and Access
Étape 1 - Ensure you have a SQLite reader installed
Étape 2 - Copy the diagnostic database from machine
Connect via TeamViewer to the machine and run file transfer
Navigate to c:\DDRIVE\_machine\diagnostic\
Copy diagnostic.db3 to your local PC
...You can also simply cut and paste this from the TeamViewer desktop to your local desktop
Étape 3 - Open the records and copy the data
Open the diagnostic database using DB Browser
Select Tab "Browse Data"
Select Table "runningMHArchive"
Highlight all the records
Copy (Ctrl-c)
...The "runningMHArchive" data is an aggregated version of the "runningMH" table. The winmulti software regularly takes the runningMH data for the last month (which is timesliced in minutes) and aggregates it into 15 minute slots. If you want data from the last month, use the runningMH table instead
NOTE - This has been changed on version software to aggregate the previous 2 days rather than one month
Étape 4 - Paste into your preferred data application