General Accuracy Guidelines for Engineers - Start Here

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 10/08/2023 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

This is the launch page for starting an accuracy journey on any Stuga machine. It contains general principles to follow and signposts further procedures and pages to investigate further

Guiding Principle

Start by proving what is correct, then you will find out what is wrong ( - Glenn Forde 2019)

Sawing and machining centres are complicated systems. There are many interconnected mechanical components and many software settings. All these systems need to be set up correctly and precisely for the accuracy of the whole system to be correct.

This means that diagnosing a problem is difficult. An engineer will be presented with a symptom - eg "The Y notches are out". This symptom will (most probably) have more than one root cause. To cure the symptom, all of the root causes need to be found and fixed individually. This must be done systematically - there are no short cuts.

