An issue has been found on ZX machines using TwinSAFE for the saftey system where under a certain condition can mean that the MH Doors can be opened whilst the V Notch Blades are spinning. This document provides all the required information to change the wiring on the machines to make the system safe.
Auteur Stuga Engineer | Dernière modification 29/08/2023 par Stuga Engineer en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
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An issue has been found on ZX machines using TwinSAFE for the saftey system where under a certain condition can mean that the MH Doors can be opened whilst the V Notch Blades are spinning. This document provides all the required information to change the wiring on the machines to make the system safe.
TwinSAFE, V Notch, ZX, Safety
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