Dokit - Editing Work Instructions

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 9/12/2022 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

Editing the content n a Dokit Work Instruction

10 minute(s)


This tutorial shows you how to edit the content of a work instruction, allowing you to

  • Add New Seps
  • Add and crop Photos
  • Annotate photos with arrows, numbers and text
  • Change step sequence and insert steps
  • Add numbering and bullets to the text
  • Add Call-outs and warnings
  • Add Links to other websites or other Dokit pages


...Do not publish personal or secure information
...Do not publish passwords
...Do not publish anything inflammatory, offensive or illegal

Étape 1 - Open the Work Instruction

The dokit references for work instructions are tracked and stored on the monday board

Work Instruction Dokit Tracker

Check to see if the instruction is already there, there should be a link for it in the link column which will take you straight to the page.

If it does not exist, it needs to be created first with this tutorial Dokit - Creating A Work Instruction

