PLC Source Control - Adding a Repository

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 9/05/2022 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction


These instructions give details of how to set up a repository so that any changes made to the core project will be tracked. For the git source control to work it is important that GIT has been chosen as the source control program. see Prerequisits.

The instructions start from : The project has been created and PLC code has been loaded in to the TwinCAT Xae Shell program.

Étape 1 - Open Team Explorer

Select View

From the Drop-down menu select Team Explorer

Étape 2 - Manage Connections

Select Connections Icon

Étape 3 - Add Repository

1 Select the Add Option

2. Enter the path of the source folder for your project

3. Press Add button to add the repository

Étape 4 - Select Repository

The Repository has been added

1. Select Connections Icon by

selecting the red square to show the project.

Étape 5 - Team Explorer Home Screen

This is the main screen for the version control commands

Étape 6 - Branches

Select the Branches option

Étape 7 - Branches Detail

This panel now shows the Branches Available

  1. The master branch this is the main copy of the program in the local folders.
  2. The remote/origin this is the remote repository

Étape 8 - Working with Git and Tc Xae Shell

For more information on Source Control and working with Tc Xae Shell . follow the link.

PLC Source Control - Working with GIT and TcXaeShell#Introduction

