Stuga Machine IO Dictionary - Inputs

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 10/10/2024 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

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List of input references used on Stuga Machines


For output references see link

  • All Stuga machines share similar inputs to do similar functions (eg the start button is the same on any machine). To keep this modular approach, each function is given a specific reference number from 1 to 500. This reference or IORef is the same on any machine.
  • This number is used as the wire labelling number on newer machines (all Autoflows and ZX5s)
  • To maintain backwards compatibility with older machines (Saws, Flowlines, Ecolines, etc, there is also a cross-reference to the original cable numbering.
  • More information on a particular input can be found by clicking on the code, if external ink is set (blue text)
Legacy Wire Label IO Ref Code Description
1 InA_GripOff Gripper in released position
2 InA_Measure1
3 InA_Measure2
4 InA_GZHome
5 InA_GZLimitF
6 InA_GZLimitR
X08 7 InA_GYHome
8 InA_GYLimitF
9 InA_GYLimitR
X00 10 InA_GXHome
X01 11 InA_GXLimitF
12 InA_GXLimitR
13 InA_IPos0On
14 InA_IPos1On
15 InA_IPos2On
16 InA_IPos3On
17 InA_IPos4On
18 InA_IPos5On
19 InA_IPos6On
20 InA_IPos7On
21 InA_CrankFwd
22 InA_IPos0Off
23 InA_IPos1Off
24 InA_IPos2Off
25 InA_IPos3Off
26 InA_IPos4Off
27 InA_IPos5Off
28 InA_IPos6Off
29 InA_IPos7Off
30 InA_CrankHm
X35 31 InA_MatlLoaded1
32 InA_MatlLoaded2
33 InA_Index
34 InA_ClampITHm
35 InA_VCUOk
36 InA_Bus415Ok
37 InA_Bus415SOk
38 InA_InvInfeedOk
39 InA_ServGXOk
40 InA_ServGYOk
41 InA_24vBusOk
42 InA_24vModOk
X22 43 InA_AirOk
X33 44 InA_Grip
44 In_GRIPS  
45 InA_Estop
X16 45 In_ESTOP  
46 InA_StartButton
X23 46 In_START   MH Start Button
47 InA_StopButton
47 In_STOP     MH Stop Button
48 InA_ResetButton
X24 48 In_ESRST   MH ES Reset Button
X17 49 InA_Estop1Pressed
X02 50 InB_YHome
X03 51 InB_YLimitF
52 InB_YLimitR
X04 53 InB_ZHome
54 InB_ZLimitF
55 InB_ZLimitR
X06 56 InB_RHome
57 InB_RLimitF
58 InB_RLimitR
59 InB_ClampOTHm
60 InB_ClampOTPos
61 InB_ClampOSHm
62 InB_ClampOSPos
63 InB_ClampITHm
64 InB_ClampITPos
65 InB_ClampISHm
66 InB_ClampISPos
67 InB_Spin1Hm
68 InB_Spin2Hm
69 InB_Spin3Hm
70 InB_Spin4Hm
71 InB_Spin5Hm
72 InB_Spin6Hm
73 InB_Spin7Hm
74 InB_Spin8Hm
75 InB_Spin1Ou
76 InB_Spin2Ou
77 InB_Spin3Ou
78 InB_Spin4Ou
79 InB_Spin5Ou
80 InB_Spin6Ou
81 InB_Spin7Ou
82 InB_Spin8Ou
83 InB_Spin1DPOu
84 InB_Spin6DPOu
85 InB_Spin1DPHm
86 InB_Spin6DPHm
87 InB_ServYOk
88 InB_ServZOk
89 InB_ServROk
X27 90 InB_InvSpinOk Inverter OK input - High when Inverter is OK
91 InB_24vModOk
X20 92 InB_GuardFront
X21 93 InB_GuardRear
94 InB_Spin1DPOu
95 InB_Spin2DPOu
96 InB_Spin3DPOu
97 InB_Spin4DPOu
98 InB_Spin5DPOu
99 InB_Spin6DPOu
100 InB_Spin7DPOu
101 InB_Spin8DPOu
102 InB_DPHm1
103 InB_DPHm2
104 InB_DPHm3
105 InB_DPHm4
106 InB_DPHm5
107 InB_DPHm6
108 InB_DPHm7
109 InB_DPHm8
111 InB_ClVTHm Clamp V Notch Top Home
112 InB_ClVSHm Clamp V Notch Side Home
113 InA_FullLen1 Full Length sensor 1 on main infeed
114 InA_FullLen2 Full Length sensor 2  on main infeed
115 InE_FullLen1 Full Length sensor 1 on saw infeed
116 InE_FullLen2 Full Length sensor 2 on saw infeed
120 InF_SYHome
121 InF_SYLimitF
122 InF_SYLimitR
123 InF_SZHome
124 InF_SZLimitF
125 InF_SZLimitR
126 InF_SRHome
127 InF_SRLimitF
128 InF_SRLimitR
X14 134 InF_EjPushHm
135 InF_EjPushOu
136 InF_ClampOTHm
137 InF_ClampOSHm
138 InF_ClampITHm
139 InF_ClampISHm
140 InF_RollerITHm
141 InF_EjectHm
142 InF_EjectOu
143 InF_AdvanceBut
144 InF_OutfeedFull
145 InF_OutfeedIndex
148 InF_Tilt1
149 InF_Tilt2
150 InF_InvSawOk
151 InF_InvExtractOk
152 InF_ConvOvlOk
153 InF_MatlOvlOk
154 InF_ConvTempOk
155 InF_ClampITPos
156 InF_TiltHome
157 InF_TiltSawOn
160 InA_AutoCycleButton
160 In_AUTO     MH Auto Button
161 InA_MatlAtFence
165 InA_StopSensor InE_StopSensor on ZX5
166 InA_ButLoad
181 InA_GripTurnHm
182 InA_GripTurnOu
183 InA_EDLoaded
184 InA_EDCoverOpen
185 InA_EDPlungeHm
186 InA_EDPlungeOu
187 InA_EDStartBut
188 InA_EDInverterOk
189 InF_GtOpen Outfeed Safety Gate Closed
X19 190 InF_GtClosed Outfeed Safety Gate Open. Ecoline - Slide Door
191 InF_Saw45
192 InF_Saw90
196 InF_SawGuard
197 InF_Saw135
198 InF_SYHome2
199 InF_SZHome2
201 InA_AutoSaw
203 InF_CentHome
204 InA_StopSaw
205 InA_StartSaw
206 InF_EsRstSaw
207 InF_ExtrButt
208 InF_SawCutHm
209 InF_SawCutOut
210 InF_ZIA Z Turret Infeed A Input
211 InF_ZOA Z Turret Outfeed A Input
212 InF_ZIC Z Turret Infeed C Input
213 InF_ZOC Z Turret Outfed C Input
214 InF_ZIHome Z Turret Infeed Home Input
215 InF_ZOHome Z Turret Outfeed Home Input
220 InF_ZIB Z Turret Infeed B Input
221 InF_ZOB Z Turret Outfeed B Input
X18 223 InA_ButEStop5 Ecoline - Conveyor Button
225 InE_SXHome
225 InA_DatumSaw
226 InE_MatLoaded Profile in Saw Loading Channel
230 InE_TrPos1 Nearest Saw side
231 InE_TrPos2
232 InE_TrPos3
233 InE_TrPos4
234 InE_TrPos5
235 InE_TrPos6
236 InE_TrPosEnd Nerest MH side
237 InD_CrankO
237 InE_CrankFwd
238 InD_CrankH
238 InE_CrankHome
239 InE_TrLiftUp
240 InE_TrLiftDown
241 InE_TrLiftIn
242 InE_TrLiftOut
243 InE_TranOvl
244 InE_InfeedGate
244 In_LightGuard
245 InE_XferOn
X07 246 InE_Laser
247 InB_Vsafe Sensor for ZX5 V notch assembly safe position (Y and Z position clear of beam)
248 InE_MatPopup Profile present in Saw side loader
268 InA_NextBarOut
269 InF_SawCutOutMid
270 InA_MatPos1 Module A Material in Position 1
271 InA_MatPos2 Module A Material in Position 2
272 InA_MatPos3 Module A Material in Position 3
273 InA_MatPos4 Module A Material in Position 4
274 InA_MatPos5 Module A Material in Position 5
275 InA_MatPos6 Module A Material in Position 6
276 InA_MatPosE Module A Material in Position 7
277 InA_CrankO Module A Crank Out
278 InA_CrankH Module A Crank Home
279 InA_CrankOvl Module A Crank Overload
280 InA_ModClear Module A Loading Channel Clear
281 InA_LoadBut Module A Material Load button
282 InA_Resume Module A Resume Sequence Button
283 InC_GripHH Datum Drill Overload
285 InC_CrankOvl Module C Crank Overload
286 InC_CrankO Module C Crank Out
287 InC_CrankH Module C Crank Home
288 InE_CrankOvl
289 InC_BeamPosH Sensor used to detect when beam is home and safe
290 InC_BeamPosO Sensor used to detect when beam is closest to ring
291 InE_GripHH Module E Grip Height Home
294 InE_GripSw Module E Grip Switch
297 InE_CrankO Module E Crank Out
298 InE_CrankH Module E Crank Home
299 InE_CrankOvl Module E Crank Overload
300 InF_Resume Module F Resume Sequence Button
302 InA_DDrillH Datum Drill Out
302 InA_WheelH Module A Wheel Height Home
301 InA_DDrillO Datum Drill Home
303 InA_ChanHome Module A Channel Home
304 InA_GripHH Module C Grip Height Home
304 In_GUARD Guard input on Mk3 Flowline
305 In_MCSW2
306 InA_Preload Module A Preload position
307 InE_ChanHm Module E Channel Home
308 InB_InvZero Output from Yaskawa inverter to confirm spindle has decelerated
309 InB_InvTemp Thermistor on Yaskawa dump resistor for thermal overload
310 In_CFEED   Used on Mk3 - similar to CHAIN but needs to be different
311 In_LOADD   Material Loaded Sensor
X12 312 In_Xok Added by BB - not Required on TwinCAT
X100 313 In_Yok Added by BB  - not Required on TwinCAT
X101 314 In_Zok Added by BB  - not Required on TwinCAT
X102 315 In_Rok Added by BB  - not Required on TwinCAT
X09 316 In_Gok Added by BB  - not Required on TwinCAT
317 In_SXok Added by BB
X11 318 In_Vok Added by GG for Ecoline  - not Required on TwinCAT
321 In_ESBUT1  
324 In_TRTA    
326 InA_ConvOvl Infeed conveyor overload
X45 327 In_LLEN Longlength sensor on Mk3
328 In_EJHM    
329 In_TOOLO Tool Out sensor on Flowline Mk3
X34 330 In_OBEAM   Ecoline Outfeed Beam
331 In_OUTFC  
332 In_OCUT1  
333 In_OCUT2  
334 In_OCUT3  
335 In_OCUT4  
336 In_OCUT5  
337 In_OCUT6  
338 In_OCUT7  
339 In_OCUT8  
340 In_EJOU    
X26 341 In_VOVL V Notch overload
343 In_IPLLH  
X32 344 In_IPLLO
345 In_CHAIN   Chain Sensor
346 InB_GuardFrI Guard doors on ZX5 (no TwinSAFE)
347 InB_GuardFrO Guard doors on ZX5 (no TwinSAFE)
348 InB_GuardReI Guard doors on ZX5 (no TwinSAFE)
349 InB_GuardReO Guard doors on ZX5 (no TwinSAFE)
350 InD_GuardTT Guard Doors on transfer Table
X15 380 In_CLVSI V Clamp Infeed Side Home Ecoline
X13 381 In_CLVSO V Clamp Outfeed Side Home Ecoline
X25 382 In_SpOVL Spindle overload relay
X39 383 In_VTrnDn Ecoline Front V turn Down
X40 384 In_VTrnUp Ecoline Front V turn up
X43 385 In_WTrnDn Ecoline Rear V turn Down
X44 386 In_WTrnUp Ecoline Rear V turn up
X47 387 In_Length Ecoline Bar end sensor (not used)
423 In_VIURH2  
424 In_VOURH2  
425 In_CLOIH
426 In_CLOOH
450 In_WOVL
X10 451 In_DATV
452 In_DATW
453 In_WICTH
X42 453 InB_WCutUp Ecoline Rear V Notch Up
454 In_WICTO
X41 454 InB_WCutDn Ecoline Rear V Notch Down
455 In_WOCTH
456 In_WOCTO
457 In_VIURH1  
458 In_VOURH1  
X38 459 InB_VCutUp
X37 460 InB_VCutDn
461 InA_TeethIn ModuleA Teeth Located OK
462 InC_TeethIn ModuleC Teeth Located OK
463 InE_TeethIn ModuleE Teeth Located OK
464 InA_WheelOvl Infeed Wheel Overload
488 In_TLBRK
489 InB_SpTemp
Legacy Wire Label IO Ref Code Description
1 InA_GripperOff
2 InA_Measure1
3 InA_Measure2
4 InA_GZHome
5 InA_GZLimitF
6 InA_GZLimitR
X08 7 InA_GYHome
8 InA_GYLimitF
9 InA_GYLimitR
X00 10 InA_GXHome
X01 11 InA_GXLimitF
12 InA_GXLimitR
13 InA_IPos0On
14 InA_IPos1On
15 InA_IPos2On
16 InA_IPos3On
17 InA_IPos4On
18 InA_IPos5On
19 InA_IPos6On
20 InA_IPos7On
21 InA_CrankFwd
22 InA_IPos0Off
23 InA_IPos1Off
24 InA_IPos2Off
25 InA_IPos3Off
26 InA_IPos4Off
27 InA_IPos5Off
28 InA_IPos6Off
29 InA_IPos7Off
30 InA_CrankHm
X35 31 InA_MatlLoaded1
32 InA_MatlLoaded2
33 InA_Index
34 InA_ClampITHm
35 InA_VCUOk
36 InA_Bus415Ok
37 InA_Bus415SOk
38 InA_InvInfeedOk
39 InA_ServGXOk
40 InA_ServGYOk
41 InA_24vBusOk
42 InA_24vModOk
X22 43 InA_AirOk
X33 44 InA_Grip
44 In_GRIPS  
45 InA_Estop
X16 45 In_ESTOP  
46 InA_StartButton
X23 46 In_START   MH Start Button
47 InA_StopButton
47 In_STOP     MH Stop Button
48 InA_ResetButton
X24 48 In_ESRST   MH ES Reset Button
X17 49 InA_Estop1Pressed
X02 50 InB_YHome
X03 51 InB_YLimitF
52 InB_YLimitR
X04 53 InB_ZHome
54 InB_ZLimitF
55 InB_ZLimitR
X06 56 InB_RHome
57 InB_RLimitF
58 InB_RLimitR
59 InB_ClampOTHm
60 InB_ClampOTPos
61 InB_ClampOSHm
62 InB_ClampOSPos
63 InB_ClampITHm
64 InB_ClampITPos
65 InB_ClampISHm
66 InB_ClampISPos
67 InB_Spin1Hm
68 InB_Spin2Hm
69 InB_Spin3Hm
70 InB_Spin4Hm
71 InB_Spin5Hm
72 InB_Spin6Hm
73 InB_Spin7Hm
74 InB_Spin8Hm
75 InB_Spin1Ou
76 InB_Spin2Ou
77 InB_Spin3Ou
78 InB_Spin4Ou
79 InB_Spin5Ou
80 InB_Spin6Ou
81 InB_Spin7Ou
82 InB_Spin8Ou
83 InB_Spin1DPOu
84 InB_Spin6DPOu
85 InB_Spin1DPHm
86 InB_Spin6DPHm
87 InB_ServYOk
88 InB_ServZOk
89 InB_ServROk
X27 90 InB_InvSpinOk Inverter OK input - High when Inverter is OK
91 InB_24vModOk
X20 92 InB_GuardFront
X21 93 InB_GuardRear
94 InB_Spin1DPOu
95 InB_Spin2DPOu
96 InB_Spin3DPOu
97 InB_Spin4DPOu
98 InB_Spin5DPOu
99 InB_Spin6DPOu
100 InB_Spin7DPOu
101 InB_Spin8DPOu
102 InB_DPHm1
103 InB_DPHm2
104 InB_DPHm3
105 InB_DPHm4
106 InB_DPHm5
107 InB_DPHm6
108 InB_DPHm7
109 InB_DPHm8
111 InB_ClVTHm Clamp V Notch Top Home
112 InB_ClVSHm Clamp V Notch Side Home
113 InA_FullLen1 Full Length sensor 1 on main infeed
114 InA_FullLen2 Full Length sensor 2  on main infeed
115 InE_FullLen1 Full Length sensor 1 on saw infeed
116 InE_FullLen2 Full Length sensor 2 on saw infeed
120 InF_SYHome
121 InF_SYLimitF
122 InF_SYLimitR
123 InF_SZHome
124 InF_SZLimitF
125 InF_SZLimitR
126 InF_SRHome
127 InF_SRLimitF
128 InF_SRLimitR
X14 134 InF_EjPushHm
135 InF_EjPushOu
136 InF_ClampOTHm
137 InF_ClampOSHm
138 InF_ClampITHm
139 InF_ClampISHm
140 InF_RollerITHm
141 InF_EjectHm
142 InF_EjectOu
143 InF_AdvanceBut
144 InF_OutfeedFull
145 InF_OutfeedIndex
148 InF_Tilt1
149 InF_Tilt2
150 InF_InvSawOk
151 InF_InvExtractOk
152 InF_ConvOvlOk
153 InF_MatlOvlOk
154 InF_ConvTempOk
155 InF_ClampITPos
156 InF_TiltHome
157 InF_TiltSawOn
160 InA_AutoCycleButton
160 In_AUTO     MH Auto Button
161 InA_MatlAtFence
165 InA_StopSensor InE_StopSensor on ZX5
166 InA_ButLoad
181 InA_GripTurnHm
182 InA_GripTurnOu
183 InA_EDLoaded
184 InA_EDCoverOpen
185 InA_EDPlungeHm
186 InA_EDPlungeOu
187 InA_EDStartBut
188 InA_EDInverterOk
189 InF_GtOpen Outfeed Safety Gate Closed
X19 190 InF_GtClosed Outfeed Safety Gate Open. Ecoline - Slide Door
191 InF_Saw45
192 InF_Saw90
196 InF_SawGuard
197 InF_Saw135
198 InF_SYHome2
199 InF_SZHome2
201 InA_AutoSaw
203 InF_CentHome
204 InA_StopSaw
205 InA_StartSaw
206 InF_EsRstSaw
207 InF_ExtrButt
208 InF_SawCutHm
209 InF_SawCutOut
210 InF_ZIA Z Turret Infeed A Input
211 InF_ZOA Z Turret Outfeed A Input
212 InF_ZIC Z Turret Infeed C Input
213 InF_ZOC Z Turret Outfed C Input
214 InF_ZIHome Z Turret Infeed Home Input
215 InF_ZOHome Z Turret Outfeed Home Input
220 InF_ZIB Z Turret Infeed B Input
221 InF_ZOB Z Turret Outfeed B Input
X18 223 InA_ButEStop5 Ecoline - Conveyor Button
225 InE_SXHome
225 InA_DatumSaw
226 InE_MatLoaded Profile in Saw Loading Channel
230 InE_TrPos1 Nearest Saw side
231 InE_TrPos2
232 InE_TrPos3
233 InE_TrPos4
234 InE_TrPos5
235 InE_TrPos6
236 InE_TrPosEnd Nerest MH side
237 InD_CrankO
237 InE_CrankFwd
238 InD_CrankH
238 InE_CrankHome
239 InE_TrLiftUp
240 InE_TrLiftDown
241 InE_TrLiftIn
242 InE_TrLiftOut
243 InE_TranOvl
244 InE_InfeedGate
244 In_LightGuard
245 InE_XferOn
X07 246 InE_Laser
247 InB_Vsafe Sensor for ZX5 V notch assembly safe position (Y and Z position clear of beam)
248 InE_MatPopup Profile present in Saw side loader
268 InA_NextBarOut
269 InF_SawCutOutMid
270 InA_MatPos1 Module A Material in Position 1
271 InA_MatPos2 Module A Material in Position 2
272 InA_MatPos3 Module A Material in Position 3
273 InA_MatPos4 Module A Material in Position 4
274 InA_MatPos5 Module A Material in Position 5
275 InA_MatPos6 Module A Material in Position 6
276 InA_MatPosE Module A Material in Position 7
277 InA_CrankO Module A Crank Out
278 InA_CrankH Module A Crank Home
279 InA_CrankOvl Module A Crank Overload
280 InA_ModClear Module A Loading Channel Clear
281 InA_LoadBut Module A Material Load button
282 InA_Resume Module A Resume Sequence Button
283 InC_GripHH Datum Drill Overload
285 InC_CrankOvl Module C Crank Overload
286 InC_CrankO Module C Crank Out
287 InC_CrankH Module C Crank Home
288 InE_CrankOvl
289 InC_BeamPosH Sensor used to detect when beam is home and safe
290 InC_BeamPosO Sensor used to detect when beam is closest to ring
291 InE_GripHH Module E Grip Height Home
294 InE_GripSw Module E Grip Switch
297 InE_CrankO Module E Crank Out
298 InE_CrankH Module E Crank Home
299 InE_CrankOvl Module E Crank Overload
300 InF_Resume Module F Resume Sequence Button
302 InA_DDrillH Datum Drill Out
302 InA_WheelH Module A Wheel Height Home
301 InA_DDrillO Datum Drill Home
303 InA_ChanHome Module A Channel Home
304 InA_GripHH Module C Grip Height Home
304 In_GUARD Guard input on Mk3 Flowline
305 In_MCSW2
306 InA_Preload Module A Preload position
307 InE_ChanHm Module E Channel Home
308 InB_InvZero Output from Yaskawa inverter to confirm spindle has decelerated
309 InB_InvTemp Thermistor on Yaskawa dump resistor for thermal overload
310 In_CFEED   Used on Mk3 - similar to CHAIN but needs to be different
311 In_LOADD   Material Loaded Sensor
X12 312 In_Xok Added by BB - not Required on TwinCAT
X100 313 In_Yok Added by BB  - not Required on TwinCAT
X101 314 In_Zok Added by BB  - not Required on TwinCAT
X102 315 In_Rok Added by BB  - not Required on TwinCAT
X09 316 In_Gok Added by BB  - not Required on TwinCAT
317 In_SXok Added by BB
X11 318 In_Vok Added by GG for Ecoline  - not Required on TwinCAT
321 In_ESBUT1  
324 In_TRTA    
326 InA_ConvOvl Infeed conveyor overload
X45 327 In_LLEN Longlength sensor on Mk3
328 In_EJHM    
329 In_TOOLO Tool Out sensor on Flowline Mk3
X34 330 In_OBEAM   Ecoline Outfeed Beam
331 In_OUTFC  
332 In_OCUT1  
333 In_OCUT2  
334 In_OCUT3  
335 In_OCUT4  
336 In_OCUT5  
337 In_OCUT6  
338 In_OCUT7  
339 In_OCUT8  
340 In_EJOU    
X26 341 In_VOVL V Notch overload
343 In_IPLLH  
X32 344 In_IPLLO
345 In_CHAIN   Chain Sensor
346 InB_GuardFrI Guard doors on ZX5 (no TwinSAFE)
347 InB_GuardFrO Guard doors on ZX5 (no TwinSAFE)
348 InB_GuardReI Guard doors on ZX5 (no TwinSAFE)
349 InB_GuardReO Guard doors on ZX5 (no TwinSAFE)
350 InD_GuardTT Guard Doors on transfer Table
X15 380 In_CLVSI V Clamp Infeed Side Home Ecoline
X13 381 In_CLVSO V Clamp Outfeed Side Home Ecoline
X25 382 In_SpOVL Spindle overload relay
X39 383 In_VTrnDn Ecoline Front V turn Down
X40 384 In_VTrnUp Ecoline Front V turn up
X43 385 In_WTrnDn Ecoline Rear V turn Down
X44 386 In_WTrnUp Ecoline Rear V turn up
X47 387 In_Length Ecoline Bar end sensor (not used)
423 In_VIURH2  
424 In_VOURH2  
425 In_CLOIH
426 In_CLOOH
450 In_WOVL
X10 451 In_DATV
452 In_DATW
453 In_WICTH
X42 453 InB_WCutUp Ecoline Rear V Notch Up
454 In_WICTO
X41 454 InB_WCutDn Ecoline Rear V Notch Down
455 In_WOCTH
456 In_WOCTO
457 In_VIURH1  
458 In_VOURH1  
X38 459 InB_VCutUp
X37 460 InB_VCutDn
461 InA_TeethIn ModuleA Teeth Located OK
462 InC_TeethIn ModuleC Teeth Located OK
463 InE_TeethIn ModuleE Teeth Located OK
464 InA_WheelOvl Infeed Wheel Overload
488 In_TLBRK
489 InB_SpTemp

