Consumables List

Auteur avatarStuga Engineer | Dernière modification 25/09/2024 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

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Consumables List


Photo Part Number Product Description Autoflow ZX5 ZX4 ZX3 Flowline Microline Ecoline Saw Other Information
V0000001 8mm Coated Cutters
V0000002 5mm Coated Cutters
V0000012 10mm Coated Cutters
V0000013 12.7mm Coated Cutters
V0000039 4mm Coated Cutters
V0000035 5mm Carbide Cutters (pointed end)
V0000036 10mm Single Flute Carbide Cutters
V0000037 12.7mm Carbide Cutters
V0000042 5mm Carbide Single Flute Cutters   
V0000045 5mm Twin Flute Carbide Cutters
V0000046 10mm Twin Flute Carbide Cutters
V0000047 12.7mm Twin Flute Carbide Cutters
V0000048 17mm Carbide Cutters
V0000051 16mm Carbide Cutters-Quad
T0000100 3mm Drill bits
V0000004B 150mm ø V Notch Blades
V0000016B 200mm ø V Notch Blades
V0000028B 300mm ø V Notch Blades
V0000028B-ZX5 300mm ø ZX5 V Notch Blades
V0000034B 400mm ø Main Saw Blade - 120 teeth
V0000043B 500mm ø Main Saw Blade - 160 teeth Needs 500mm mechanical upgrade to suit on ZX3/4/5 Flowline & Saw
V0000053B 500mm ø Main Saw Blade - 120 teeth Please not less Teeth on this blade
M0000253 Anti Slip Pads (pack 24)
M0000454 Ring Gear Lube
M0000493 Lubricant with siolube & ptfe-aerosol
M0000494 Lubricant with siolube & ptfe cartridge
M0000510 Duck Oil 5ltr
M0000399 Renolin Oil 5Ltr
M0001047 Grease Cartridge F03
M0000151 Clear Poly bags
M0000178 8ft x 520mm (20.5") ø Cloth Extractor Bags
M0000179 8ft x 19" ø Cloth Extractor Bags
M0000189 4ft x 520mm (20.5") ø Cloth Extractor Bags
M0000190 4ft x 20" ø Cloth Extractor Bags
M0000477 Labels for Baby Zebra Printer -White
M0000481 Labels for Baby Zebra Printer -Blue
M0000482 Labels for Baby Zebra Printer -Orange
M0000483 Labels for Baby Zebra Printer -Green
M0000484 Labels for Baby Zebra Printer -Red
M0000485 Labels for Baby Zebra Printer -Yellow
M0000492 Labels for Baby Zebra Printer -Grey
D0005152 Chip Deflector Probes Only on Autoflows with latest model saw backfences.
D0010679 Autoflow Chip Deflector Probes
D0015447B Zx5 Chip Deflector Probes
D0001376 Universal gripper insert Mk9+
E0000336 Proximity Sensor-8mm threaded
E0000336L Proximity Sensor-8mm threaded (longer 4mm range)
E0000079 Limit Switch - Roller Plunger
E0000161 Limit Switch -Side Rotary Roller Lever
V0000006 Flowline Espag Drill -10mm
V0000007 Flowline Espag Drill -12mm
V0000023 R/H Flute Cutter (Router Aly)
V0000024 Chipbreaker Speed Cutter -8mm
V0000025 Chipbreaker -10mm
V0000026 Chipbreaker -12.7mm
B0000025 Saw blade V-Belts (400mm blade)
B0001175 Saw blade V-Belts (500mm blade)
B0000071 V-notch spindle V-belts (5 rib)
B0000115 Spindle V belts (5 rib)
B0001041 Vee Belt SPZX 0900

