As an alternative to having a separate camera PC. Adding a VM (Virtual Machine) to the Front end allows access to the BE and cameras without interrupting the operator.
Étape 1 - Check that the Hardware has been installed
The AMS Net Id needs to be set to uniquely identify the BE, FE and VM machines. See Cannot set dual TwinCAT route for full explanation and numbering convention
Étape 11 - Change Mac Address Setup
The cloning system forces the same MAC address setup onto the VM machine, which has proven to create a problem when multiple VM installations are on the same network.
To overcome this
Switch the VM instance off
Change the MAC address system to static
Fix the IP address so that the final 2 hex couplets reflect the build number (ie Z104 becomes ......-xx-01-04)
Restart the VM
Étape 12 - Add Cameras
Étape 13 - Add local Backup
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