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You will get an error message saying a licence has expired. In the project view under licences, you will see TF5100 (TC NC I) expired  +
Circuit breaker will be labelled 'Servo Drives'  +, Underneath the drive is the connections to the servo motors. The plug is as pictured. Find the red plastic catch and press in towards the metal part of the plug as shown. The movement on this is very minimal so can be deceptive as to whether it is doing anything or not. When pressed in, wiggle the plug until it comes out.  +, <div class="icon-instructions idea-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...When unclipped the black plastic connections need to be pushed all the way up so they are at 90 degrees to the drive</div> </div> Slide the big black plastic connector all the way to the right.  +,
Drill a 2.5mm hole in the datum pin shoulder. Refit to datum plate and use the drilled hole as a guide to drill the aluminium spindle plate. Remove datum pin and tap the hole in the plate using the M3 tap.  +, Drill a 3.1mm clearance hole for M3 cap head screw.  +, Fit datum pin to plate using a low strength threadlock and reinsert roll pin.  +
On a ZX4, the Y6 cable (Drive Reset) is labelled Y34 The Drive Enable (90A) is wire 250 <br/>  +
Take care to ensure all cables are replaced in the same relative positions Power on  +, Teamviewer in to the new beckhoff PLC ("BE") Set * IP Address * Subnet Mask * Default Gateway These addresses should be stored in the DDRIVE of the front end PC in IP.mul  +, This is done using the TwinCAT Visual Studio interface. The location of the Visual Studio project will depend on the setup and age of the machine. Generally this is one of 3 places, to find out, use teamviewer database to list the computers associated with the machine # If the PC has a "VM" virtual machine installed (2023 onwards), a project will be set up on this desktop - use Teamviewer to connect # If the PC has a "C" camera machine (only selected customers and older TwinCAT2 machines) # On the main front end PC (operator desktop)  +,
Press the Planning Tab > Read demand > ok The demand will then read with a load screen. Once this has finished move on to the next step  +, We are looking to make sure any assemblies or builds are linked at this stage. There is a column that can be activated to easily show this. Assemblies ('R' codes) with a sales order reference must be linked. Also when running a new build through ('J' code) this must be linked. To Link, click to highlight the line required then press link button. (Hold Ctrl and click to select multiple lines) When the next screen opens, double check the correct codes have been selected and press ok. These part codes will now be fully linked and ready to run through MRP  +, Click on 'Run MRP' This can take anything between 20-45 mins depending on the amount of parts that will be required . Once finished we click on 'MRP from the 'links' tab on the side menu. Next 'Change view' to 'Recommendations'  +,
'''AX8206 Drive''' or '''AX5003 Drive'''  +, It should be a AM8032-E '''The AM8032-E has torque constant of 0.8 N/A''' <br/><div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...If not seek advice</div> </div><br/>  +, Check Axis.mul and look at the line SR,7,1,1,'''''291833.500''''',1,200,500,500,125.1,90.0,InF_SRHome,3,20,5,0.0,5.0,10.0,0.000, Gear ratio 291833.500   100:1 145602.000   50:1  +,
Including the chop saw table Leaving a clear route for the 2.4m x 7.5m table to roll in  +, Pictures show triangulation distances.  +, The full width of this route will need to be cleared  +,
Ensure all faces being checked are clean and free from dust and swarf . Accuracy of level reading is vital in this operation  +, check level in the 2 indicated areas  +, check level in the indicated area  +,
# Are there any obstructions stopping the centraliser closing up smoothly or to its full extent? # Is the SY datum sensor damaged so the datum point is changing? # Is the SY axis motor and encoder OK?   +, It is very common for the profile to be non-symmetrical See [[TB0395 How To Test T transom Symmetry|]] <br/>Also - checking Z transom arrow head width is difficult - follow [[Z Transom Width Measurement|]]  +
<div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...If the rack is adjusted to "heavily" it will push too hard upwards on the bottom roller</div> </div>  +, The top journals are eccentric. Adjustment is via an 8mm spanner on the bearing stem The tension onto the rail should be adjusted so that: * the Journals are touching top and bottom * Rotation of the journal is still just possible (but tight) between the thumb and forefinger <br/><div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...It is very easy to overtighten this journal and it will still appear to work</div> </div><br/>  +
when it is in this position - Fully bottomed make sure the Grip on comes down but doesn't catch the Grip nose. Notice the Dead stop bolt at bottom is hard up then set grip switch bolt so that the dead stop bolt gap is no more than 1mm when grip switch goes off.  +, See - [ Mk10 Gripper Setup]  +
Use the heaviest profile you can find - a full bar of door T or transom Place it under the wheel so it can be fed into the machine <div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...Ensure the infeed flights are out of the way</div> </div><br/>  +, Move the x axis to 4000mm so there is a clear test runway  +, Ensure there are no height spots or differences in height between the infeed and outfeed table that prevent the smooth transition of the profile into the machine Activate the side and top infeed clamps with the profile inside, check again that it slides easily -the top and side clamps should be on 2 bar  +,
In order to read the motor plate we need to know 3 pieces of information *Whether the motor is wired in star or delta *The frequency at which the motor is running *The voltage at which the motor is running Whether the motor is wired in star or delta depends on the application. Refer to the electrical diagrams to find out which it is. For example, the saw blade motor is wired in star, whereas most extractor motors are wired in delta. The UK standard for a three phase electrical supply is 415v at 50Hz. Unless the supply to a motor runs through an inverter (i.e the spindles) this is also the standard for our machines. Using the picture on the right as an example, we know the motor will be running at 50Hz (1) so we can disregard the information on the right of the plate as this provides figures for a 60Hz supply. Looking at the box numbered (2) we can work out that this motor would be wired in delta if it were running on a single phase 230v supply. However, we know that this is a three phase supply and will be wired in star. So when we move on to the box numbered (3) we will be looking at the number on the right hand side of the slash. Therefore, this particular motor would need an Overload Relay set to 3.00A.  +, Using the example motor from the above step, this Overload Relay would need to be set to 3.00A. <br/> * Lift the plastic cover that covers the dial to the left hand side of the rocker switch. * Using a small screwdriver, turn the dial to the required amperage (or as close as possible!) It is better to set the dial slightly over than slightly under if you cannot get it exact. * Replace cover  +
<div class="icon-instructions caution-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...Incorrect L/D setting will make the sensor read back to front</div> </div> # Turn L/D adjustment clockwise so it is on its maximum "L" # Turn anticlockwise until Yellow light comes on # Turn clockwise until Yellow light goes off  +, Set range to 80-100mm using your hand or a piece of profile. # Place the object to sense at the "just off" position # Adjust sensitivity clockwise until Yellow light goes off # Check by moving the bar into "just on" position  +
The sensor will not work unless there is 30mm clearance to minimum position  +, Usually with profile against backfence  +, Around 3 seconds  +,
This sets the longest range of the sensor. Hold until flashing stops  +, If the sensor is closer than 30mm, it will not work  +, Hold button in until yellow and green lights flash, let go  +,
Remove the PC from the Dell box with power adapter and power cable. Keyboard and mouse (if supplied) can be returned to stores (not needed here)  +, (it slides forward)  +, # Detach the fan cooling housing covering the processor and RAM sockets. ''(catch at rear of housing)'' # Get RAM module from kit and insert in spare memory socket ''(already at least one RAM module present)'' # Reattach the fan cooling housing as before.   +,
Navigate to Settings->Parameters  +, Enter the time you would like the email sending in the parameter ‘productionEmailTime’ Click Ok to update the parameter  +, Enter the email addresses of the recipients in ‘productionRecipients’ Separate multiple email addresses with semicolons. <br/>  +,
Plug in the power cable and ethernet cable to the back of printer, then turn the printer on with the switch at the back.  +, Press and hold the feed button for 1 flash - this will print various printer information labels. The second to last label out of the printer will have an IP address that has been automatically assigned - note this down <br/>  +, In a web browser, type in the IP address of the printer <div class="icon-instructions pin-icon"> <div class="icon-instructions-icon"><i class="fa fa-thumb-tack"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">...Note: The IP address will be different to the one in the picture, it depends on you own setup</div> </div><br/>  +,