Setting Ultrasonic Sensor - Horizontal

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Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 18/04/2024 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction


This involves setting a "window" for a minimum and maximum range when mounted horizontally

Video d'introduction

Étape 1 - Ensure there is 30mm clearance from sensor to profile

The sensor will not work unless there is 30mm clearance to minimum position

Étape 2 - Place Profile at minimum position

Usually with profile against backfence

Étape 3 - Press and hold button until lights flash

Around 3 seconds

Étape 4 - Place profile at maximum position

On an Ecoline, around 60mm

Étape 5 - Press and hold until lights stop flashing

Étape 6 - Test with profile

Ensure it turns off and on in the set window

