ZX5 - ZX3 Hepco alignment Module E Saw Infeed

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Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 20/04/2023 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction


Alignment and check procedure for mounting of hepco rail To main frame

Parts required

B0001102 hepco rail

D0015492 5 off vertical adjustment plate

D0015493 5 off Lateral adjustment plate

D0015072 1 off Carriage Plate

B0000184 journal wiper 4 off

B0000185 journal 2 off

B0000186 journal 2off

Hepco Levelling Jig

Hepco rail v block jigs

Hepco rail Drive rack pitching jig

Étape 1 - Mount Levelling jigs to blue section

Locations of jigs required

mounting method

Étape 2 - Level jigs

Levelling jigs

1st level jigs individually

2nd level jigs to each other

...Lowest datum point must be held when levelling jigs explain

Étape 3 - Align Jigs

Use wire to align jigs to each other

Double checks ensure levels are correct after wire alignment


Étape 4 - Position Hepco rail


Measurement from end of frame

Correct joining procedure for hepco. V blocks tooth pitching

Q/c when hepco assembled and sat on jigs

Étape 5 - Assemble carriage plate and fit to hepco rail

Correct orientation of journals in relation to rack

Correct setting of journals a multiple points on rack (dokit required for journal setting)

Fit journal wipers

Étape 6 - Checking Levels and adjusting

Quality check of hepco beam on set up jigs

Use carriage plate to check Y axis and X axis levels

Adjustment of axis if not correct

Étape 7 - Laser checks on straightness

Use laser to check straightness of hepco beam on the Y and Z axis

Étape 8 - Mounting brackets

Fitment of mounting brackets to secure hepco beam to frame

Correct fasteners

Q/C check


Étape 9 - Remove set up jigs

Removal of setup jigs

Quality check once jigs removed

