Alignment and mounting procedure for main x axis drive rail
Auteur Gareth Green | Dernière modification 20/04/2023 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
Alignment and mounting procedure for main x axis drive rail
Alignment and check procedure for mounting of hepco rail To main frame
Parts required
B0001102 hepco rail
D0015492 5 off vertical adjustment plate
D0015493 5 off Lateral adjustment plate
D0015072 1 off Carriage Plate
B0000184 journal wiper 4 off
B0000185 journal 2 off
B0000186 journal 2off
Hepco Levelling Jig
Hepco rail v block jigs
Hepco rail Drive rack pitching jigLocations of jigs required
mounting method
Levelling jigs
1st level jigs individually
2nd level jigs to each other
Use wire to align jigs to each other
Double checks ensure levels are correct after wire alignment
Measurement from end of frame
Correct joining procedure for hepco. V blocks tooth pitching
Q/c when hepco assembled and sat on jigs
Correct orientation of journals in relation to rack
Correct setting of journals a multiple points on rack (dokit required for journal setting)
Fit journal wipers
Quality check of hepco beam on set up jigs
Use carriage plate to check Y axis and X axis levels
Adjustment of axis if not correct
Use laser to check straightness of hepco beam on the Y and Z axis
Fitment of mounting brackets to secure hepco beam to frame
Correct fasteners
Q/C check
Removal of setup jigs
Quality check once jigs removed
en none 0 Draft
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