Sclick file and error codes- Saw

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Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 25/06/2020 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

A description of the sclick file and error codes


When winSaw is activated from the desktop, there are a lot of initialisation files to load and a lot of potential areas for the software to fail. Reasons could be corrupt files, errors in data, operating system failures,etc

To help identify where these problems are, the software outputs a number to a file called "sclick.txt" which logs what it is attempting to do

Sclick file and error codes- Saw Image.png

Sclick file contents.png

Knowledge of these codes will allow you to trace what a startup / initialisation problem could be, as the final code in the list will be the issue that caused the initialisation to fail


Code Description Notes
1 Check if App already running
2 Open main screen and locate
3 Set interval timer
4 Set front end version
5 initialise main program
51 Load Master Dir text
52 Create internal variables
53 Load Profiles
54 Load colours
5401 Load AH Adjustments
541 Create machine database
333 Load Offcuts
55 Load Gaps
56 Load messages
57 Load IO Definition
575 Load laser correction file
58 Set directory structure
59 Housekeep old "finished" autoqueue batches
591 Housekeep old archive files
592 Start Autoqueue
6 Add Initialise Button
11 Initialise pressed
12 initialise machine

