Blower system pipework installation
Author Gareth Green | Last edit 5/06/2024 by Gareth Green being drafted ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
Blower system pipework installation
Tools Required
Standard hex key set
Pipe cutters
Pipe identification numbers
Parts Required
P0000046 Fitting: 'Y' Adaptor 6mm x 1
P0000053 6mm T (P16) x 1
P0000160 Fitting: Flow Controller In Line 6mm x 1
Use Loctite 243 on all fasteners
Use Loctite 572 on all threaded pneumatic connection
Pen mark all fasteners to show finalised
Use 6 x 4 mm black air pipe .
Use identifications of 2139
Connect blower elbow to in line flow regulator
Connect flow regulator to 6mm Y connector
Correct photo required please
6x4mm black air pipe .
From 6mm Y connector
1 pipe to run to saw connection . Leave trailing pipe 2 meters long with identification
1 pipe to run along indicated side of conveyor to feed top blowers
Correct photo required please
Split feed pipe with 6mm Tee connector at upper bracket position
fit inline flow regulator before 6mm tee connector
run one feed pipe direct to blower
Connect air feed to trailing 6mm pipe
Check all flow regulators are installed in the correct orientation
When flow regulators are fully closed, air should be stopped .
If air can only be regulated to a small flow, regulator is installed in the wrong orientation
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