Instructions for correct assembly and setting of stroke assembly gearboxes Original part numbers R0000728 and R0000729
Author Gareth Green | Last edit 8/07/2024 by Gareth Green being drafted ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
Instructions for correct assembly and setting of stroke assembly gearboxes Original part numbers R0000728 and R0000729
The following instructions should be followed to ensure that correct assembly and setting are performed
Tools / consumables Required
Standard hex key set
Standard spanner set
Large adjustable spanner
Drifts and punches
Ballpein hammer
Soft hammer
FE10 Solvent
Hylomar Gasket
Parts Required
Kit R0000299 containing
B0000043 Double Angular bearing 15 I?D 35 O?D 15.9 long rubber seal 3 x 2
B0000105 Double Angular Bearing 15 I/D 35 O/D 15.9 Long x 1
B0000335 3ph Brake motor 2 pole 3000rpm x 1
B0000380 Double Angular Bearing 25 I/D 52 O/D 20.6 Long + rubber seal x 2
D0000059 Damper Bridge x 1
D0000062 Damper Bridge Boss x 2
D0007730 ZX4 V Notch Mk1 Spindle Shaft x1
D0007867 Bevel Gear (Left) x 1
D0007868 Bevel Gear (Right ) x 1
D0007873 Motor Gear x 1
D0007874 Pinion Gear x 1
D0007875 Pinion Shaft x 1
P0000165 damper x 1R0000728 and R0000729 are mirror images to each other
Please inspect pictures to clarify and confirm correct hand to be built
(Supplied unit to be refurbished will always be rebuilt as the same hand )
Always use Loctite 243 on all fasteners fitted unless stated different
All bearings should be an acceptable fit, with Loctite 641 and FE10 solvent used if required
All fasteners should be marked once finalised
1 Check fit of Motor drive gear D0007873 onto B0000335 motor. Ensure fit is smooth and pinion can be fitted by hand.
2 If gear does not fit onto spindle by hand, remove key from motor shaft and
3 Set motor pinion flush to top of shaft and secure with 2 off M6 x 10 KCP grubscrews and Loctite 243. Ensure these are fully tightened
1 Degrease mounting faces indicated with FE10 solvent
2 Apply bead of Hylomar as shown to drive pinion housing
3 Fit housing to motor, paying attention to orientation and fix with 4 off M6 x 50 socket caps
Fit 2 off B0000043 bearings to housing D0007870
Ensure correct bearing fitment is achieved. Use loctite 641 and thoroughly degrease with FE10 is bearing are loose in bore
Fit B0000105 bearing to shaft D0007875 , ensuring correct orientation
Use loctite 641 and FE10 if bearing fit is loose
Ensure bevel gears are identified correctly
D0007868 has an additional raised face on the rear of the gear
Fit Key B0000383 to Shaft , and fit bevel gear D0007868 , ensuring correctly orientated
Fit assembled shaft to bearing housing as shown
Again, observe fit of bearings and if required, use Loctite 641 bearing fit and FE10 solvent to correct if bearings are loose
Apply Hylomar as shown
Apply Loctite 641 to bearing
Fit assembly to main housing
Use M6 x 20 socket countersunk with D0007876 washer
Use M6 x 20 button head with M6x 20 penny washer
Use Loctite 243 and ensure all threads and tapped holes are thoroughly degreased with FE10 solvent
Fit fasteners as shown and tighten both fasteners at the same time, using opposing threads to enable sufficient tensioning
Degrease indicated faces with FE10 solvent
Apply 1/3 of tube of M0000603 grease as indicated
Apply Hylomar to face as indicated
Combine 2 assemblies as shown.
Use location dowels to position
Fix with 3 off M8 70 socket caps and Loctite 243
Smooth excess Hylomar with clean rag once fasteners have been finalised
1 Fit 1 off B0000380 bearing to D0007797 as shown. Ensure correct bearing fit is observed
2 Fit to D0007750 backplate and secure with 4 off M6 x 16 socket countersunk
3 Fit D0007730 spindle
4 Fit D0007729 spacer
5 Fit 2nd B0000380 bearing
en none 0 Draft
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