Programming RS Automation Servo Drive Parameters

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Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 19/09/2019 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

Guide to programming the RS Automation Servo dirves via a USB port and the RSWare software using a UDB file


The RS Automation drives are used on refurb Stuga machines to drive axes. They are set up electronically for each axis using a software tool called RSWare and programmed with a USB cable

Video d'introduction

Étape 1 - Run RSWare Software

Étape 2 - Connect USB Cable

Étape 3 - Connect RS Ware to Drive

Select Tools->Serial Port

Select the Latest Serial Port in the list

Click OK

Étape 4 - Open the UDB file for the axis

Machine Location
Ecoline \Ecoline.RSAutomation
Flowline \Flowline.RSAutomation
Standalone Saw \Saw.RSAutomation
...These files are usually copied over to the root directory of the machine during commissioning

Étape 5 - Scan for the drive

This tells RSware to look for a drive on the serial port you have specified

Étape 6 - Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop the loaded drive onto the On-Line Drive.

Click OK to replace the contents

Allow the download to finish

Click OK to reset the drive

