MRP Buyer code order

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Auteur avatarStuga Engineer | Dernière modification 17/12/2020 par Stuga Engineer en cours de rédaction

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Process order for actioning MRP demand. Works orders and parts using the 'Buyer Code' field.


Below is the order for which the Works orders (W/O) need to be actioned on the MRP Demand page, using the buyer code to filter.

  1. Top level BOMS (will have top level written in buyer code field somewhere)
  2. Any Assemblies to be subcontracted (see BB or DG for a list if subcontractors are being used)
  3. Electrical BOMS
  4. Module A
  5. Module B
  6. Module C
  7. Module E
  8. Module F
  9. Module G
  10. Machine Shop

If Subcontractors are being used, the next step is to go to works order processing list (JC list) on Manufacturing, then change the due date (double click on the JC line to see the dates) on each of the JC's going to subcontractors (DG or BB should have given you a list) to an earlier date than the rest of the builds due date (date to be discussed with BB or DG).

MRP then needs to be run again to pick up on this earlier date for some of the parts,

When all of the Word orders have been actioned, the first step for ordering parts is to filter the buyer code field tpying 'Paint' this will show only the parts that need to be painted. action these parts and change the dates on the P.Os manually to suit (usually 2 or 3 weeks before the rest of the parts are due)

After this the rest of the parts can be ordered as normal.

