The blank document should be created in the first instance by Gareth Green. If unavailable, copy and paste the contents of another document and delete the entries
The important areas are
The name of the document should be "Part ID - " then the area for identification
The reference back to the item on the Monday board for discussion and feedback
The table - it is important to keep the same "look and feel" on every document
However, the most important thing is to get the information written up
Editing A Document
Each line of the table should be an individual part
Click on the table, then the arrow on the far left to give you options on inserting an new line, deleting or moving the line
Photos should exist for all common parts in g:\photos
Drag and drop photos onto the table - it helps to click the cursor onto the table cell that you are dragging onto first
If photo does not exist, bought in parts can be looked up on google images ( if you have the manufacturers' part number), else a photo can be taken of the item
All photos should be sized after importing (Edit Image->Advanced) to 200px wide (this keeps the look and feel the same and works on phones)
Record as much detail as you possibly can - include any observations or anomalies on different machines you know of.
Multiple machines can go on the same document - ie the infeed table document includes all types of infeed - try to mention which one it refers to in the notes
The goal is for this to be a record / snapshot of everyone's experience and knowledge for all the important parts in the Stuga range