Procedure on how to install Sage50 and Cim50 to a client device
Gareth Green | Dernière modification 23/10/2024 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
60 minute(s) minute(s)
Procedure on how to install Sage50 and Cim50 to a client device
60 minute(s) minute(s)
This is a step by step guide on how to install Sage50 and Cim50 to a client device
Sage must be installed first in order for the link to Cim50 to work as intended
Étape 1 - Get signed in
Sign in to the machine with any domain account
Étape 2 - Access the share on the server
Navigate to \\mainserver\Cim50\Updates
Étape 3 - Locate and run the correct version of Sage
Right-click and "Run as administrator" the current version of Sage (Currently SageAccounts_28.0.226.0)
Étape 4 - Installation Process (Sage)
- Accept Licence -> Next
- Select Standard, Yes begin installation.
- May be ask to Update to 28.1 – say yes then begin installation.
- Close installation
- Open Sage
- Add company
- Connect \\mainserver\sage\company.001 next
- Next on the activation screen.
- Get confirmation then select connect
- Login with credentials to confirm all works
Étape 5 - Access Cim50 Installer Folder on the server
Navigate to \\mainserver\Cim50\Updates
- Select Current version folder "Cim50 v2022 Installer"
Étape 6 - Locate and run the correct version of Cim50
Right-click and "Run as administrator" the current version of Cim50
- This needs to be a local administrator and not the Domain Admin
Étape 7 - Installation Process (Cim50)
- Next on the first screen
- This may ask to install prerequisites (SAP Crystal Reports)
- Click next through all of this, accept any license agreements.
- Once the prerequisites have been installed, Accept the agreement -> Next
- Leave file path -> Next
- Select Client Install -> Next -> Install
- You may get some "Publish verification" requests, Allow each one.
- Finish (do not Launch Cim50 from this screen)
Étape 8 - Cim50 Configuration Setup
- Open Cim50 Control Panel
- Select Client Setup
- Add the system drive as \\mainserver\cim50 -> continue
- You will need to press TAB to get to the button
- Complete any updates.
- If the user is going to use SHOPFLOOR data you will need to launch and put the same path in \\mainserver\cim50
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