Definition of the parameters for setting the loading arm to the correct position
Author Gareth Green | Last edit 1/11/2022 by Gareth Green being drafted ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
Definition of the parameters for setting the loading arm to the correct position
loadOffsetX, stopCylinderToZeroX, infeedToZeroX Autoflow_Loading_Offset_Parameters_Screenshot_2022-10-30_083551.jpg
On Autoflow machines, the following parameters are used to correctly set the infeed table position, arm length and stop positions. In all calcualtions, the zero datum point is the centreline of the spindles.
Common Values | ||||
Parameter | Description | Mk1 | Mk2/3 | Mk4 |
loadOffsetX | Distance the gripper has to move after measuring finished to clear the grip finger.
This is nominally the dstance from the point of the gripper to the measuring sensor On Mk4 (Sturtz Infeed), if the value is too big, the forward roller clamp may miss end of profile |
1680 | 1680 | 1580 |
stopCylinderToZeroX | Distance from zero to the stop cylinder | 670 | 630 | 580 |
infeedToZeroX | Distance from Zero to the material side of the loading fence | 305 | 305 | 590 |
measureStartPosX | Position to start measuring from
This position must place the measuring sensors on the arm to a sensible location On Mk1-3 machines, the start position begins on the material itself |
-945 | -895 | -862 |
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