How to add the machine build number to a label created by 3rd Party Software company
Auteur Gareth Green | Dernière modification 24/10/2019 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
How to add the machine build number to a label created by 3rd Party Software company
Zebra, BuildNo Adding_Machine_Build_Number_to_Label_IMG_1601.jpg
With labels generated by third party companies, the zebra data is pre-formatted for all machines in the factory. This is a problem if the customer wants to identify which machine the piece was produced by.
From software v, the software has the ability to add in the data for the Build Number of the machine by replacing a specific piece of test in the label code.
To enable this to happen
This allows the software company the same freedom to format and place this data anywhere on the label
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