Easily resizable forms for any screen resolution in Visual Studio

Auteur avatarStuga Engineer | Dernière modification 6/04/2020 par Stuga Engineer en cours de rédaction

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This tutorial takes the developer through a way to create resizable forms in Visual Studio with NO CODING Required.


if you have issues with certain screen resolutions cropping off buttons and need to design a form which works at all resolutions, and also allows the user to resize parts of the form, then this tutorial will help.

Étape 1 - Create a new project

On the start screen in Visual Studio, click on the "Create a New Project" button.

Étape 2 - Project Type

From the next screen

  1. 1. Select Visual Basic from the First Drop Down
  2. 2. Select Windows from the Second Drop Down
  3. 3. Select Desktop from the Third Drop Down
  4. 4. Click on the Windows forms app to Highlight it
  5. 5. Click Next

Étape 3 - Project Name

Give your project a name, then click on Next

Étape 4 -

