ZX5 Transfer Table Crank set up

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 8/08/2024 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction


This tutorial will show you how to mechanically set up the cranks and sensors so that the correct overlaps between the different cranks are achieved.

Étape 1 - Programme Eaton Drives.

Follow the instructions in this tutorial.

...It is vital that the Eaton drives are programmed correctly as the distance the cranks travel and the time they take to stop depend on the acceleration and deceleration of the drive.
...Programming the drives after the mechanical set up may lead to crashes. Ensure this is done first.

Étape 2 - Set idler and tighten clutches

  1. Loosen the two bolts holding the idler
  2. Adjust until the idler sprocket is applying some pressure to the chain
  3. Use a C spanner or a hammer and drift to tighten the clutch.
...Don't lock the clutch in place with the tabs until you're sure the correct tension has been achieved

Étape 3 - Set mechanical end stops

These mechanical end stops should only ever be used as a fail safe in cases of sensors failing. The should be set so that the gears can never come off the racks.

Étape 4 - Roughly set sensor positions

Using a pair of 13mm spanners, nip the proximity sensors in place so that they are roughly in the middle of the slot.

...Ensure that the black part of the sensor is close enough to the rack that it makes the sensor but not so close that it is likely to get damaged by contact

Do this for all 6 sensors (2 on each assembly - 1 'home' and 1 'out')

...The 'Home' position for all cranks is when the pop ups are in the closest position to the machining centre - ready to receive the profile

Étape 5 - Check crank directions

...It is easiest to start with the first crank in the sequence of unloading and transferring the profile across the transfer table. 'Crank C' then move on to 'Crank D' then 'Crank E'
  • Using the outputs (1) run the crank in forward and reversing movements
...If the 'Home' sensor is made, the output for 'Crank reverse' will not work. Likewise, if the 'Out' sensor is made, the output for 'Crank forward' will not work. If they do and the crank attempts to continue a forward or reverse movement despite the switch being made, the direction of the crank needs to be changed by switching two of the phases on the bottom of the Eaton drive.

Étape 6 - Set minimum and maximum positions

Moving the sensor left and right on the slot will change the distance the crank travels. Our aim here is to stop the rack before it hits the mechanical end stops.

