Timeout on V Blade Home or Out

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 19/10/2020 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

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Fault codes

001 Timeout on VI Blade Home
002 Timeout on VI Blade Out
003 Timeout on VO Blade Home
004 Timeout on VO Blade Out
005 Timeout on WI Blade Home
006 Timeout on WI Blade Out
007 Timeout on WO Blade Home
008 Timeout on WO Blade Out

This means that the Inputs at the top or bottom stroke of the V notching cylinders are not being made within a set number of seconds of the Output Valve and being operated (timeout).

Input and Output references table
Message V Notch Station Input Reference Valve Reference
Timeout on VI Blade Home Front Infeed Side VICTH Y32 VICUT
Timeout on VI Blade Out Front Infeed Side VICTO Y32 VICUT
Timeout on VO Blade Home Front Outfeed Side VOCTH Y33 VOCUT
Timeout on VO Blade Out Front Outfeed Side VOCTO Y33 VOCUT
Timeout on WI Blade Home Rear Infeed Side WICTH Y36 WICUT
Timeout on WI Blade Out Rear Infeed Side WICTO Y36 WICUT
Timeout on WO Blade Home Rear Outfeed Side WOCTH Y37 WOCUT
Timeout on WO Blade Out Rear Outfeed Side WOCTO Y37 WOCUT


Potential Root Causes

Movement is too slow because:

  • Blades are really blunt
  • Hydrocheck speed damper is not adjusted correctly or faulty.
  • Faulty or sticky air valves (water damage) that are not switching on and have a delay

Movement is correct speed but input is not feeding back

  • Faulty reed switch
  • Faulty connection to reed switch
  • Position of reed switch not correct on cylinder

1 Increase the timeout

In Settings ->Alarms tab

Timeout on V Blade Home or Out Timeout Alarms.png

The diagram shows a timeout of 8 seconds (80). To increase by 2 seconds, make 80 into 100 on the Timeout column.

It is expected that 8 seconds should be ample for the v notch stroke to happen, so this will only mask the real root cause, possibly

2 Disable the alarm

If you are certain that the blade is operating correctly, you can disable the alarm by unticking the "Enbld" tick box for the alarm that keeps triggering.

...This is only going to prevent the alarm from interrupting production, it has not solved the root cause of the problem

