Masterdir File

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 26/03/2020 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

The masterdir.saw file is very important. It is located in the startup directory of the winMulti or winSaw control programs.

The file points to the working directory of the front end software which is used for:

  • Initialisation files (*.saw, *.mul)
  • Diagnostic records
  • Archive files

Runtime Setup

Control Software Machines Examples
winSaw Saw only Contains one text line directing the software to the running directory
winMulti All others Two text lines
  1. Directing to the MH side running directory
  2. Directing to the saw side running directory
Autoflow with Beckhoff front end PC and Camera PC

- .mul and .saw data stored in c:\DDRIVE\ on CameraPC

- mapped directory d: from front end

Flowline On Nextmove System with separate MH and Saw PC

- .mul data stored on MH in c:\multi\

- .saw data stored on MH in c:\saw\

- Saw mapped directory d:\ to MH c:\saw

MH side

Saw Side

Ecoline or Autoflow with Beckhoff front end PC and DDRIVE on a memory stick

- .mul and .saw data stored in d:\DDDRIVE

ZX with Front end PC and Beckhoff backend controlling both MH and Saw side

- .mul and .saw data stored in c:\DDDRIVE


...This allows full flexibility to put the running directory on a different PC via a shared drive, which is important if the front end PC has limited hard drive space

Diagnostic / Standalone Setup

Further functions of the file can be unlocked by changing the first line of the file to

ask=[root directory]

where [root directory] is an accessible directory containing actual machine setups. Each machine setup should be in its own directory - the standard is to name each one after the build number of the machine. This initiates the winMulti program to launch a "Choose Setup" form at the start which scans all the subdirectories in [root directory] for params.saw files

Choose Setup Form.png

1 Directory Chooser Lists all the subdirectories in [Root Directory] containing a params.saw file
2 TwinCAT Address If connected to a "demomode" TwinCAT system, this is the TwinCAT AmsId of the target
3 Printer Untick to disable a printer if you do not have one attached
4 Printer IP address IP address of your printer
...this will invariably be different to the one in the backup form the machine, so saves you having to edit params.mul to change it if you are testing a printer

5 Bench Test Checkbox Tick to use a set of .mul files specifically for running hardware that is not physically connected to a machine
..."benchTest" is a specific term used by winMulti when an actual machine is not connected, but the controller hardware (Nextmove card or TwinCAT system) is. Eg no servos or physical IO

6 Benchtest setup directory The benchtest .mul files should be stored in [root directory]\benchtest - a subdirectory for each machine type. The dropdown box queeries the contents of [root directory]\benchtest
7 Single or Multiple Dir Tick when there is only one setup directory. Only untick when using the software on older setups when there is are two distinct PCs running the machine (eg multi and saw)
8 Use Local Batches use a local batch directory [root directory]\batches for batch storage
...this will invariably be different to the one in the backup from the machine, so saves you having to edit params.mul to change it

9 Force Standalone Tick to run the software without any hardware at all. A "standalone" virtual machine will appear in a separate form, but I have not kept this up to date and may be buggy
10 Disable Passwords Disables any passwords in the customer data

