TB0385 Upgrading to winMulti v6

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 5/01/2023 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

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Upgrading to winMulti v6

30 minute(s)


Étape 1 - Ensure Camera PC is the front end (TB…)

Étape 2 - Backup winMulti version – zip up c:\multi folder on front end

Étape 3 - Copy across latest winMulti version to c:\multi folder

Étape 4 - Backup current backend PLC projects and setup

Run VS, download from archive save in folder c:\TwinCAT\[BuildNo] (create folder if not there)

Étape 5 - Update TwinCAT on Backend PC

Update TwinCAT on Backend PC using file g:\Design\TwinCAT3\ TC31-XAR-Setup.3.1.4022.2.exe

Étape 6 - Archive save project to zip file in c:\TwinCAT\[BuildNo]

(create folder if not there)

Étape 7 - Rename tc3Multi*** PLC project file to tc3Multi_6_24

Étape 8 - Rename PLC_Reset *** PLC project file to PLC_Reset_1_1

Étape 9 - Blank out the contents of PLC project folder c:\TwinCAT\[buildNo]\ tc3Multi_6_24

Étape 10 - Blank out the contents of PLC project folder c:\TwinCAT\[buildNo]\ PLC_Reset_1_1

Étape 11 - File transfer

File transfer from g:\design\TwinCAT3\Lab v6\tc3Multi_6_24 to c:\twincat\stuga\[BuildNo]\tcMulti_6_24

Étape 12 - File transfer

File transfer from g:\design\TwinCAT3\Lab v6\PLC_Reset_1_1 to c:\twincat\stuga\[BuildNo]\ PLC_Reset_1_1

Étape 13 - Ensure backend TwinCAT install is complete, which should end in a PC reboot

Étape 14 - Run VS and open the buildNo project

The new versions of tc3Multi should be there – check the POUs->Version Info (PRG) to ensure it is a new version

Étape 15 - Ensure Boot Setting are set to start in Run Mode

 (Defaults to Config mode after the TwinCAT update)

Étape 16 - Change V axis Number to Axis 11 from 7

(axis->Settings tab Link to PLC button)

Étape 17 - Change W axis number to Axis 12 from 8

(axis->Settings tab Link to PLC button)

Étape 18 - Update axes.mul to new V and W numbers

(field at end of line, NOT the id number at start)

Étape 19 - Activate the new configuration from VS

Check the EtherCAT devices - May need a reload devices if the devices cannot see the fieldbus boxes

Étape 20 - Check that the emergency stop InS_Estop

Check that the emergency stop InS_Estop when reset gives a high input into the IO screen

Étape 21 - Update the mHelpdesk Software Versions with the installed versions

Étape 22 - Ensure c:\multi\masterdir.saw is set to two lines of “c:\ddrive\”

Étape 23 - Run winMulti

Étape 24 - Settings-> IO Map stoppable outputs set on correct location (MH / Saw).

Only need to update the ones that are ticked

Étape 25 - Check the inverter program is updated to latest version

Étape 26 - Link the reset input on PLC_Reset to the rest output on tcMulti

Étape 27 - Ps_blowerPulseA=2500

Étape 28 - zTurretSawType set to “Stuga” (value 1)

Étape 29 - Ensure the latest messages.saw is copied into c:\ddrive\

Étape 30 - Ensure Saw Infeed Gate Alarm not enabled

It is not an alarm and will stop transfer table if opened

Étape 31 - ps_InvAccelTime300Hz=250

Étape 32 - ps_InvAccelTime50Hz=500


Étape 34 - Verify the width sensor is correctly wired in VS fieldbus device feedback

The voltage input is displayed in the “Value” column and should read a low value when clamp is open and above 32000 when clamp closed (CLIS output on)

Étape 35 - Map the IO in VS to the correct IO box / channel.

This is iAnalogueInputArray[0].

Étape 36 - Set width measure parameters

a.      widthMeasureOffset=132.8

b.      widthMeasureScale=-0.0030469 <- Note the minus at the beginning

c.      widthMeasuringMode=1

Étape 37 - Calibrate the widthMeasureOffset

Calibrate the widthMeasureOffset by using CLIS to measure some known profile widths. The measure result can be seen on frmService->Clear Blockages Tab

Étape 38 - Ensure all profiles with a rebate

Ensure all profiles with a rebate where CLIS will go underneath have the rebate distance correctly set up in the profile settings. This is all Z profiles. These can be set from the Settings->Profiles Tab

Étape 39 - Ensure all profile without a rebate have the rebate measurement set at Zero

Étape 40 - Ps_sideClamp is used now as the delay

 Ps_sideClamp is used now as the delay for the side clamp before checking the width – this may need to be increased to allow side clamp to close on narrow profiles

Étape 41 - Width measuring can be switched off

If all fails, width measuring can be switched off with widthMeasuringMode=0

