CX5120 Beckhoff PC Setup
Auteur Gareth Green | Dernière modification 3/12/2024 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
CX5120 Beckhoff PC Setup
Beckhoff, CX5120, Setup TB0451_CX5120_Beckhoff_PC_Setup_image2.jpeg
Plug in the Ethernet, DVI, Keyboard and Mouse to the Beckhoff PLC. This can be done on a machine (as shown) or before installation (without etherCAT or slices).
Go to Control Panel ->System
Computer description Stuga ZX5 Bechoff
Change name to the build number with the suffix BE
Change WORKGROUP to "Stuga"
Change time and date. For this, go to the bottom right date of the PC and right click the time and date. Go to ‘Adjust time and date’ and select internet time. Press ok.
Go to Control Panel then ‘Region and Language’ and select ’English (United Kingdom)’.
Go to ‘Network and Sharing Centre’ then ‘Change Adaptor Settings’. Rename the area connection 1 to ‘EtherCAT’ and local area connection 2 to ‘Ethernet’. This relates back two the two network ports on the Beckhoff machine.
When the Beckhoff machine starts, internet explorer will load. The web page will contain a 'password wizard' use this wizard to change the password from "1" to "Stuga001".
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