TB0444 Renewing CF Card on TwinCAT2 Systems
Auteur Gareth Green | Dernière modification 17/11/2019 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction ⧼frevu-button-review-label⧽
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TB0444 Renewing CF Card on TwinCAT2 Systems
TwinCAT2, renewing, CF, Card
These machines use a CX5020 PC with a 2Gb CF card running TwinCAT2 PLC system. The CF card can fail, which is effectively the windows operating system. The CF card has a very small capacity, so needs to be created from an image. This TB outlines the steps in the process to ensure a successful conclusion.
1. Create a new CF card at stuga using the beckhoff imaging tool on a CX5020
2. Boot up with the CX5020
3. Ensure PLC is set to Enable on start-up (default is config mode)
4. Rename the PC
5. Install TeamViewer host v10 or less from a USB stick
6. If you have a copy of the version of winMulti it was running, copy this in to the c:\ multi folder. If not, a “new version install” will be needed so copy in data from the g:\builds\PC Installs\Autoflow\Multi folder
7. Set up and customer specific network parameters to ensure TeamViewer will work when it is plugged in on site
8. Send to customer
Once on site, follow procedure A if the winMulti version is preserved, or B if it is a new version install1. From Camera PC, use System Manager to activate original configuration
2. From Camera PC, use PLC Editor to login both original projects – PLC_Reset in Port 811, and the other main PLC control project in Port 801.
Connect to camera PC
Copy the latest tcMulti.pro file from g:\design\twinCAT to camera PC:\twinCAT\
Copy a similar .tsm file to the machine from g:\design\twinCAT\TSMs to camera PC:\twinCAT\. This is the system Manager file, and you will need this for the following reasons:
On Camera PC, open System Manager – this should open the previously used version
Open System manager again and load the recently copied TSM
Save as “[BuildNo] tcMulti.TSM"
Update the EtherCAT Device hardware (the TSM will be set up for the MAC address of the machine that this TSM was copied from)
Display the two system managers side by side
Using the old TSM as a blueprint, carefully check all IO mapping one by one. Make sure the new TSM matches precisely the old TSM
Activate Configuration
Using PLC Editor, login PLC_Reset in Port 811
Using PLC Editor, login latest tcMulti in Port 801
It is likely that the datum direction on some axes will have reversed. You need to enter setup mode and test each axis homes correctly. If an axis needs to be reversed, invert the two Homing parameters in Encoder Parameters->Homing Tab. Use the download button to save
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