Importing Picking List from Sage To Monday

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 13/12/2019 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction


This procedure demonstrates how to use the "Sage Hooks" MS Access database to grab the data created in Sage and exort to a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is then imported into a new Monday board, then copied across to the correct Picking List for the machine build.

Étape 1 - Allocate the parts for "Pick Run"

A pick run is a chunk or set of Job Cards that will be picked in a controlled amount. This is normally 10-20 job cards. it is managed in this way to keep the amount of time between the allocation on Sage and the physical pick as short as possible.

Étape 2 - Print off the Bin Labels

Étape 3 - Print off the Bin Sheets

...The bin sheets are not going to be used for the build, but they are handy as pictorial reference for the parts

Étape 4 - Print the First Pick Labels

Étape 5 - Open "Sage Hook" Database

This is located in g:\Sage\Exports

Click "OK" or "Yes" if there is a security question to enable Macros

Étape 6 - Select the Job Cards and Export

...Make sure the Job Cards chosen in this section match the "Pick Run"
  1. Select the Sales order relevant to the build number
  2. Select the Starting Job card
  3. Select the ending Job Card
  4. Click Export
  5. Click Yes to overwrite existing file

Étape 7 - Wait for Message box

The export may take a few minutes

Click OK

Étape 8 - Import the Board on Monday

  1. Click on your profile face and then select Import Data
  2. Select Excel Document
  3. Drag and Drop the file G:\Sage\Exports\JobCardExportForMonday.xlsx from a file explorer window onto the import panel
  4. Message when data imported successfully, click on "Let's customize your new board"

Étape 9 - Import Steps

  1. Click "Next" for the first row
  2. Click "Next" for the first column
  3. Change the "WorksOrderNumber" column to a "Text Column"
  4. Change the "BomReference" column to a "Text Column"
...These steps are important because Monday will miss of the letters from the JC number and BOM reference

Then click "Create Board"

Étape 10 - Ensure a Picking List Board is Created

...It is important that a Picking List board is in existence for the imported data to make sure the correct permissions, automations and Status values are in place

The destination board for a build is labelled:

Bnnn Picking List

Where Bnnn is the build number for the machine. They should be stored under the 'Stores' folder.

To create a new Picking List, simply duplicate one that is already there, and duplicate the "Structure Only"., and click "Keep subscribers"

Then rename it to the correct build number.

Étape 11 - Move the data from the import board to the Picking List

  1. Open the JobCardExportForMonday board
  2. Select as many items as you can (click the top one)
  3. Scroll down to the bottom, hold shift and click the lower one ) - note there is a maximum selection limit of 500. If you can't seem to select items, you have tried to select too many.
  4. Click Move to
  5. Select Move to Board
  6. Find the correct board by typing the Build Number and then selecting it
  7. Click on the 'Parts' group

The picking list will now be populated with the exported parts

Étape 12 - Delete the empty imported data board

Delete JobCardExportForMonday

