Training Laser on Ecoline

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 11/09/2019 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

Item-Laser Focusing Spanner IMG 1269.jpg

The laser on an Ecoline needs to be specially set up to measure the profile accurately


The laser needs to be focused on the work area and not the receiver

The smaller the dot for the profile to break/make the more accurate the laser

Étape 1 - Remove the lower guard access plate

Étape 2 - Remove the laser dust cover

Étape 3 - Focus

Place a clean, white profile in the clamps and adjust the Y axis position so the laser dot can be seen below it

Focus the laser to make the dot as small as possible on the base of the profile

Étape 4 - Sensitivity

Sensitivity also needs settings 5 full turns after turning anticlockwise until it goes Sensitivity then turn clockwise until on then the 5 turns.

Étape 5 - Replace Dust cover

Étape 6 - Replace lower guard

