PLC Source Control - Adding a Repository : Différence entre versions

[version en cours de rédaction][version en cours de rédaction]
Ligne 43 : Ligne 43 :
3. Press Add button to add the repository</translate>
3. Press Add button to add the repository</translate>
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=<translate>Select Repository</translate>
|Step_Content=<translate>he Repository has been added
1. Select Connections Icon by
selecting the red square to show the project.</translate>
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=<translate>Team Explorer Home Screen</translate>
|Step_Content=<translate>'''This is the main screen for the version control commands'''</translate>

Version du 3 mai 2022 à 13:15

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 9/05/2022 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

Pas encore d'image


Branching is a means of diverging from your main line of development and allows you to continue to do work without affecting the main line of code.

This is used when you want to try out or develop some alternative code but want to have the ability to switch back to the original code if necessary.

These instructions give details of how you create a branch within the Beckhoff TwinCAT Xae Shell program.

These instructions start from a point where the project has been created and PLC code has been loaded in to the TwinCAT Xae Shell program,
  • Tutoriels prérequis

Étape 1 - Open Team Explorer

Select View

From the Drop-down menu select Team Explorer

Étape 2 - Manage Connections

Select Connections Icon

Étape 3 - Add Repository

1 Select the Add Option

2. Enter the path of the source folder for your project

3. Press Add button to add the repository

Étape 4 - Select Repository

he Repository has been added

1. Select Connections Icon by

selecting the red square to show the project.

Étape 5 - Team Explorer Home Screen

This is the main screen for the version control commands

