Notes on Upgrading Saw from pre-v6 to v6

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 15/09/2023 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

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Lots of complex problems bringing a pre v6 saw (with beckhoff pre-v6 also) Notes to follow if this is needed again

Start from Scratch

Very difficult to get front and back end to talk if the twinCAT versions are different. Update both to 4024

Update front end software to v6

Add to versionControl

SX / GX Axes

v6 used GX, older versions sometimes used SX

  • Axes.mul (rename to GX and axis is 1)
  • Clamps.mul (GX not SX) - copy clamps.mul from S012
  • Project link to arrAxes[10]
  • Project axis naming

