Windows Exception Messages

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 10/08/2023 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction

List of Windows Exception Messages and what they can mean

Windows Exceptions

Exceptions are created by the windows operating system when the Stuga software fails with an internal bug. This bulletin describes some of the potential causes of the bugs and what can be done. Exceptions are classified and given a name in the second line of the window, which is a clue to their origin.

Often, there is a button labelled "details" which can be opened to give more information.

Windows Exception Messages Collection was Modified.png

It is always useful for the software team to know the details.

Exception List
Exception Name Meaning What can you do
Collection was Modified The data set that windows is working on (usually the bar queue) changes during a screen refresh.

This happens due to the difference in the timing of the machine and the windows perating system

Click continue, the software usually sorts itself out

If the problem keeps happening report to Stuga - it may be resolved in a later software update.

Object instance not set Meaningful data expected, but a null or nothing value found

Usual root cause is corruption or badly formed data in the setup text files (.mul) or batch / printer files.

If it happens during or just after startup, check the setup / parameter files

TB0410 Common winMulti Startup Problems

TB0370 winMulti Initialising Lockup

If the probelm is persistent, it may be a bug that has been sorted in a later software update It is always very helpful to get a photo or copy of the "Details" if the problem persists

