ZX5 Installation Procedure 2023

Auteur avatarGareth Green | Dernière modification 13/12/2023 par Gareth Green en cours de rédaction


Key data for installation of ZX5

Dokit to generate consistency of installation

Étape 1 - Module Positioning

Identify if either saw infeed or multi head outfeed is the logical frame to place first .

Consider access to machine when installing 1st frame

Consider handing of machine

Étape 2 - Module order of positioning levelling

  1. Saw infeed or Multi head outfeed
  2. multihead outfeed or saw infeed
  3. transfer table
  4. Machining centre
  5. Machining centre infeed
  6. Saw module
  7. Saw outfeed table
  8. Conveyor
  9. Extraction
  10. Guarding

Étape 3 - Levelling of multi outfeed or saw infeed Y axis

Both frames will be initially levelled in the same way, and then fine tuned once multi head or saw is installed

Y axis levelling

  1. Only level the arms at the positions indicated, as these are the only arms that sit directly above adjustment feet
  2. Level support arms from the indicated face

Étape 4 - Levelling of multi outfeed or saw infeed X axis

X axis is initially set up using the hepco rail as a register. Once additional units are installed and levelled , this x axis setting will be re checked and adjusted if required

Étape 5 - Position 2nd frame Saw infeed or Multi head outfeed

  • Position second frame opposing first one which has been levelled
  • Use measurement shown to set the frames roughly the correct distance apart
  • Move the frame on the x axis to visually line up the support arms on both frame
  • Level second frame using steps for levelling first frame above

Étape 6 - Adjust height of 2nd levelled frame to match first

Points A and B should be level with each other.

Adjust 2nd frame up or down on all frame bolts to achieve this

Étape 7 - Add 2 Transfer beams and Parallel set between hepco Rails

  • Attach transfer beams 3 and 9 in there locations
  • Add fasteners to beams to secure but leave loose enough for adjustment
  • Measure the distance between the 2 hepco rails at the points shown on diagram 2 . Both indicated measurements should be the same . If not the slot in the transfer beam can be used to allow adjustment of this measurement to correct
  • Tighten transfer beam fixings to hold frames in correct position

Étape 8 - Add remaining transfer beams

Add remaining 7 transfer beams to two installed frames and fix in position on support arms

Étape 9 - Check and Set squareness of transfer table

It is crucial to set the squareness of the transfer table by adjusting the infeed/ outfeed tables.

1 The squareness can be checked by using a tape rule to make corner measurements at the points indicated

2 Second frame can be moved in the directions shown to adjust the corner measurements to make them both the same

Étape 10 - Multi head levelling points

  1. x axis machine levelling. use a 2 meter straight edge between the indicated points and an engineers level on top to level this axis
  2. Y axis levelling. Use an engineers level to straddle the 2 indicated points to level the y axis of the machine

Étape 11 - Machining centre Infeed levelling

  1. Levelling Y axis of machining centre infeed . This is done on the indicated face of the arms using a level . Only level the indicated arms as these are the only ones controllable by the jacking feet positions
  2. Use a laser level placed on the levelled machining centre infeed rollers, and cast a laser line along the length of the infeed table. Ensure the beam is positioned so a reading can be taken from each circled point on the frame. Take a measurement from the first circled point with a steel rule of the indicated area. Replicate this measurement at all points indicated along the frame by Adjusting the legs in pairs to raise or lower the appropriate arm
  3. When height setting to the machining centre, the whole frame can simply be jacked up or down to achieve the correct height in relationship to the machining centre

Étape 12 - Saw Machining centre Leveling

Saw machining module is levelled from the indicated point

Étape 13 - Saw outfeed table levelling points

  1. X axis of module is levelled from the two indicated points . Use a 2 meter straight edge between these points and an engineers level on top
  2. y axis is levelled from these two indicated points . an engineers level rested on this face is sufficient for levelling

Étape 14 -

